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  • Contains 6 Product(s)

    SAF Members: $150 // Non-Members: $175 // No CFEs available // A package of presentations containing each "Best of" convention bundle

    This package contains all of the 'Best of' bundles showcasing the most popular presentations from past SAF National Conventions.


    1. Click REGISTER and log in with your SAF account username and password.

    2. After checking out, the recordings will be available on your MY DASHBOARD page here on ForestEd.


    Registration is $150 for SAF members. SAF Non-member price is $175. 

    Join SAF today to save and access other growing member benefits.

    Bundles in this Package

    Best of 2016-2018 SAF National Convention Bundle

    Best of 2019 SAF National Convention Bundle

    Best of 2020 SAF National Convention Bundle

    Best of 2021 SAF National Convention Bundle

    Best of 2022 SAF National Convention Bundle

    Best of 2023 SAF National Convention Bundle


    CFEs are not available for viewing this collection of recorded presentations. Be sure to register for the current year’s convention to earn CFEs, build your skills, and expand your professional network connections.

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    For ForestEd questions, visit FAQs, or email For technical assistance, go to for self troubleshooting and/or live chat, or you can email


    This is a non-refundable item. Please view FAQs for additional information.

  • Contains 32 Component(s)

    SAF Members: $25 // Non-Members: $40 // No CFEs available

    Enjoy this curated set of Science Flash presentations from the 2019 SAF National Convention in Louisville, Kentucky.


    1. Click REGISTER and log in with your SAF account username and password.

    2. After checking out, the recordings will be available on your MY DASHBOARD page here on ForestEd.


    Registration is $25 for SAF members. SAF Non-member price is $40. 

    Join SAF today to save and access other growing member benefits.


    Education, Extension, & Communication

    Does Association Membership Differentiate Forest Landowners in the Southern United States? - Puskar Khanal, Clemson University

    Engaging Citizen Scientists in Forest Health Research: Minnesota's Assessing Vegetation Impacts from Deer Program - Matthew Russell, University of Minnesota

    Public Attitudes towards Longleaf Pine Ecosystem Restoration Using Prescribed Fire - Jason Gordon, University of Georgia

    Public Attitudes towards Private Forest Management in the Southeastern United States - Damian Adams, University of Florida

    Training Green Industry Professionals as Service Providers for Small Acreage Woodland Properties - Jonathan Kays, University of Maryland Extension

    Fire & Fuels Management

    Effects of Prescribed Burning and Thinning on Oak Regeneration in Northeast Kansas - Charles Barden, Kansas State University

    How Prescribed Fire Heat Selects against Understory Hardwoods in Longleaf Pine Woodland - Seth Bigelow, The Jones Center at Ichauway

    Short-Term Effects of Prescribed Fire on Sub-Surface Water Quality in a Managed Loblolly Pine Forest - Kipling Klimas, Clemson University

    Harvesting & Utilization

    Assessing Soil Compaction Following a Winter Timber Harvest in the Western Upper Peninsula of Michigan - Rafia Rahman, Michigan Technological University

    Economic Contribution of Forest Products Industry in 20 Northeastern States - Jagdish Poudel, Michigan Department of Natural Resources

    Typology of Forest Landowners: Implications for Their Understanding and Interest in Woody Biomass for Bioenergy - Binod Chapagain, Oklahoma State University

    Human Dimensions & History of Forestry

    An Exploration of Vegetation Ordinances across the Southern US - Kripa Neupane, Mississippi State University

    Comparing State Forest Industry Economic Contributions - Matthew Pelkki, University of Arkansas at Monticello

    Influence of Place Attachment and Motivation on Bass Fishing Demand in Oklahoma Streams - Binod Chapagain, Oklahoma State University

    Inventory & Biometrics

    Accuracy Assessment of Forested Wetland Maps from Aerial Photography - Stephen Prisley, NCASI

    Optimizing Loblolly Pine Plantations under Reduced Throughfall with Single Tree Models and Data Envelopment Analysis - Noah Shephard, Oklahoma State University

    Northern & Eastern Silviculture and Forest Ecology

    Commercial Thinning in Lodgepole Pine Stands: 15 Year Results from Alberta, Canada - Brad Pinno, University of Alberta

    Delimitation and Comparative Pathogenicity of Diplodia spp. on Quercus spp. throughout the Mid-Atlantic Region - Savannah Haines, West Virginia University

    Productivity-Diversity Relationships in Mixed-Hardwood Plantations - Madeline Montague, Purdue University

    Pests, Pathogens & Invasive Plants

    Impacts of Asian Longhorned Beetle and Associated Eradication Efforts on the Current Composition of Forests - Olivia Box, University of Vermont

    Nonnative Plant Invasion Severity and Risk in the Southern Timberlands - Sunil Nepal, Auburn University

    Surface Mining and Harvest Disturbances Interact with Landform to Shape Spatial Distribution of Invasive Exotic Plant Species in a Central Appalachian Forest Landscape - Jian Yang, University of Kentucky

    Private & Family Forestry

    Financial Effects of the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act on Non-Industrial Private Forest Landowners - Srijana Baral, University of Georgia

    The Smallholder Access Program: A Certification Model for Small Woodland Owners in Appalachia - Andrew Goldberg, Rainforest Alliance

    Remote Sensing & Geospatial Applications

    Assessing Influence of US Data Acquisition Parameters for Forest Photogrammetry and Assessing Influences of UAS Flight Parameters for Forest Structure Characterization - Matthew Creasy and Neal Swayze, Colorado State University

    Documentation of the Impact of a Tornado on Caddo Mounds Historical Site Using an Unmanned Drone - David Kulhavy, Arthur Temple College of Forestry and Agriculture

    Southern Silviculture and Forest Ecology

    Autumn Flooding of Nuttall Oak Seedlings Reduces Nitrogen Reserves and Subsequent Spring Growth - Richard Sample, Purdue University

    Evaluating a New Taper Equation for Planted Longleaf Pine: Applying Penalized Spline Regression - Thomas B. Harris; Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources, University of Georgia

    Productivity and Growth Comparison of Loblolly Pine Grown under Forest Water Reuse Irrigation Management - Kyle Goeke Dee, North Carolina State University

    Urban & Community Forestry

    The Value of Canopy Cover: A Hedonic Pricing Study in West Tennessee - Lee Bridges, Mississippi State University

    Urban Forest Research for Collaborative Urban Forest Management - Lee Bridges, Mississippi State University

    Western & Northwestern Silviculture and Forest Ecology

    Restoring Ponderosa Pine Age/Size Structure across Productivity Classes using Multi-Aged Group Selection Approaches - John Bailey, Oregon State University


    CFEs are not available for viewing this collection of recorded presentations. Be sure to register for the current year’s convention to earn CFEs, build your skills, and expand your professional network connections.

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    For ForestEd questions, visit FAQs, or email For technical assistance, go to for self troubleshooting and/or live chat, or you can email


    This is a non-refundable item. Please view FAQs for additional information.

  • Contains 19 Component(s)

    SAF Members: $25 // Non-Members: $40 // No CFEs available

    Enjoy these curated Science Flash presentations from the virtual 2020 SAF National Convention.


    1. Click REGISTER and log in with your SAF account username and password.

    2. After checking out, the recordings will be available on your MY DASHBOARD page here on ForestEd.


    Registration is $25 for SAF members. SAF Non-member price is $40. 

    Join SAF today to save and access other growing member benefits.



    Nitrogen Mitigation by Short Rotation Woody Crops in Marginal Land of Lower Mississippi Alluvial Valley - Thu Ya Kyaw, Mississippi State University

    Climate Change & Forest Carbon

    Effects of Biochar on Survival and Photosynthetic Rates of Jack Pine Seedlings under Drought Conditions - Matthew Lochner, University of Minnesota

    Education, Extension & Communication

    Forestry of the Future: Improving Workforce Participation of Underrepresented Minority Populations in Forest Resources - Zakia Leggett, North Carolina State University

    Germplasm Conservation for Species Restoration: Examples from Efforts to Restore the American Chestnut - Kendra Collins, The American Chestnut Foundation

    Inventory & Biometrics

    Overstory and Understory Woody Plant Characteristics of Reforested Sites in Lexington, Kentucky - Kiernan Comer, University of Kentucky

    Quantifying Photosynthesis, Stomatal Conductance and Transpiration of Crepe Myrtle (Lagerstroemia indica) in Response to Flooding - Zhu Ning, Southern University

    Northern & Eastern Silviculture and Forest Ecology

    Adaptive Silviculture for Climate Change: Initial Structural and Compositional Outcomes in Northern Hardwood Forests - Jessica Wikle, University of Vermont

    Structural and Compositional Outcomes of Adaptive Silvicultural Systems on Northern New England Forests - Jennifer Santoro, University of Vermont

    Pests, Pathogens & Invasive Plants

    Managing Cogongrass (Imperata cylindrica L), an Invasive Species on Forest Ecosystems in the Gulf Coast - Oghenekome Onokpise; Ovoland Associates, LLC

    Southern Silviculture and Forest Ecology

    Multi-faceted Interactions between Prescribed Fire and Bark Beetles in Loblolly and Longleaf Pine Ecosystems - Kamal Gandhi, University of Georgia

    Post-Wind Disturbance Salvage Logging and Prescribed Fire Effects on Pinus palustris Stand Development - Jonathan Kleinman, University of Alabama

    Urban & Community Forestry

    Community Actions towards Reducing Urban Tree Risk - Abbie Judice, University of Georgia

    Crafting SMART Goals in Urban and Community Forestry - Lee Mueller; Davey Resource Group, Inc.

    Current Status of Designed Soils for the Integration of Pavement and Urban Tree Longevity - Jason Grabosky, Rutgers SEBS DEENR

    Growth Rates of Street Trees in Urban Areas of Central New Jersey - Richard Leopold, Rutgers

    Innovative Approaches in Urban Forestry to Enhance the Environmental and Community Health Around the World - Kamran Abdollahi, Southern University

    Species and Nursery Production Method Affect Street Tree Growth and Economic Return - Tierney Bocsi, University of Wisconsin-Madison

    Thirty-two Years of Change in an Old-growth Urban Forest - Lee Bridges, Mississippi State University

    Urban Street Palms - A Story of Lack of Diversity and Risks from Introduced Pests - Mark Ambrose, NC State University


    CFEs are not available for viewing this collection of recorded presentations. Be sure to register for the current year’s convention to earn CFEs, build your skills, and expand your professional network connections.

    Need Help?

    For ForestEd questions, visit FAQs, or email For technical assistance, go to for self troubleshooting and/or live chat, or you can email


    This is a non-refundable item. Please view FAQs for additional information.

  • Contains 21 Component(s)

    SAF Members: $25 // Non-Members: $40 // No CFEs available

    Enjoy these curated Science Flash presentations from the virtual 2021 SAF National Convention.


    1. Click REGISTER and log in with your SAF account username and password.

    2. After checking out, the recordings will be available on your MY DASHBOARD page here on ForestEd.


    Registration is $25 for SAF members. SAF Non-member price is $40. 

    Join SAF today to save and access growing member benefits.


    Climate Change & Forest Carbon

    Meeting Community Forestry Challenges from Climate Change, Tree Care, and Professional Capacity - Anne Fege, San Diego Regional Urban Forests Council

    Urban and Rural Foresters' Perceptions of Global Change and Adaptive Management in the Northeastern US - Tessa McGann, University of Vermont

    Education, Extension & Communication

    Community Perceptions of Tree Risk and Management - Jason Gordon, University of Georgia

    Community Perceptions of Wood-Based Energy Technology and Facilities in Michigan - Emily Huff, Michigan State University Department of Forestry

    Comparing Three Protocols and Two Certification Schemes for Ascertaining the Trajectories of Global Forest Governance - Parag Kadam, Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources, University of Georgia

    Quantifying Paradigm Shifts in Forest Management through Trending Topics in Forest Science - Adam Polinko, Mississippi State University

    Visitors’ Characteristics and Economic Contribution for Wildlife Management Areas in Oklahoma - Madison Gore, Oklahoma State University

    Harvesting & Utilization

    Strategic Buffering of Streams to Minimize Effects from Timber Harvest Activities on Listed Species - Melissa Klungle, ICF

    Tracking Logging Profitability for Contractors Working in the New York City Watershed - Kristopher Brown, Watershed Agricultural Council

    Human Dimensions & History of Forestry

    Human Health Effects of Particulate Matter Exposure from Wildfires on Vulnerable Populations - Peter Johnson, University of Alberta

    Inventory & Biometrics

    Impact of Biochar as Soil Amendment on Physiology of Live Oak ( Quercus virginiana ) - Zhu Ning, Southern University

    Projecting Timber Supply in the U.S. South: Investigating Model Assumptions and Outcomes - Bruno Kanieski da Silva, Mississippi State University

    Northern & Eastern Silviculture and Forest Ecology

    Sustainable Timber Harvest and Wildlife Habitat: Case Study on State Lands in Minnesota - John Zobel, University of Minnesota

    Private & Family Forestry

    Comparison between First-generation and Multi-generation Maple Syrup Producers - Anusha Shrestha, Stephen F. Austin State University

    Family Forest Owners’ Participation in Carbon Programs - Emma Sass, Family Forest Research Center

    Remote Sensing & Geospatial Applications

    Astrape: An Automated System to Map Severe Abiotic Forest Disturbances - Sarah Wegmueller, University of Wisconsin - Madison

    Pioneering Operational Uses of a New Individual Tree Lidar Product on the University of Idaho Experimental Forest  - Robert Keefe, University of Idaho Experimental Forest

    Southern Silviculture and Forest Ecology

    Ecological Forestry in a Longleaf Pine Woodland: Spatial Patterns and Dynamics - Jeffery Cannon, The Jones Center at Ichauway

    Urban & Community Forestry

    Developing a Certification System for Urban Forests in the United States - Parag Kadam, Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources, University of Georgia

    Forests and Urban Green Spaces: Promoting Connections to Human Wellbeing in the United States - Kelechi Eleanya, Yale University

    Western & Northwestern Silviculture and Forest Ecology

    The Stand Development Legacies of Competing Vegetation Control and Planting Density in California Ponderosa Pine - Christopher Looney, USDA Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Research Station


    CFEs are not available for viewing this collection of recorded presentations. Be sure to register for the current year’s convention to earn CFEs, build your skills, and expand your professional network connections.

    Need Help?

    For ForestEd questions, visit FAQs, or email For technical assistance, go to for self troubleshooting and/or live chat, or you can email


    This is a non-refundable item. Please view FAQs for additional information.

  • Contains 13 Component(s)

    SAF Members: $25 // Non-Members: $40 // No CFEs available

    Enjoy these curated Science Flash presentations from the 2022 SAF National Convention held in Baltimore, MD.


    1. Click REGISTER and log in with your SAF account username and password.

    2. After checking out, the recordings will be available on your MY DASHBOARD page here on ForestEd.


    Registration is $25 for SAF members. SAF Non-member price is $40. 

    Join SAF today to save and access growing member benefits.


    Fire & Fuels Management

    Predicting Burn Severity: Modeling Fire Effects in Intermountain West Forests, Utah, USA - Kipling Klimas, Utah State University

    Regeneration Dynamics after Prescribed Fire and Femelschlag Harvests in Oak-Hickory Forests of Southern Indiana - Molly Barrett, Purdue University

    Spatial Patterns of Stand Structure and Canopy Disturbance in a Fire-maintained Pinus palustris Woodland - David Phillips, University of Alabama

    Inventory & Biometrics

    How Shady is Too Shady? Relating Understory Light Availability, SDI, and Thresholds for Target Taxa - Bernard Isaacson, New Jersey Forest Service

    Northern & Eastern Silviculture and Forest Ecology

    Long-term Assessment of Sugar Maple Dieback in the Upper Great Lakes - Mattison Brady, Michigan Technological University

    Pests, Pathogens & Invasive Plants

    Adventures in Beetle Busting: Alternative Methods for the Control of Asian Longhorned Beetle in South Carolina - Abigail Ratcliff, North Carolina State University

    Health Trends and Propagation of Green Ash in Emerald Ash Borer-Infested Stands in the North Carolina Piedmont - Jonathan Kressuk, North Carolina State University

    Remote Sensing & Geospatial Applications

    Gap Characteristics and Individual Tree Impacts Following Intermediate-Severity Disturbance in Mixed Oak-Pine Stands - J. Davis Goode, University of Alabama

    Top Tips for Migrating from Esri's ArcMap to ArcGIS Pro - Mark Books, LandMark Spatial Solutions, LLC

    Southern Silviculture and Forest Ecology

    Assessing Riparian Buffer Data Availability and Application in East Tennessee Communities - Maddy Johnson, University of Tennessee

    Black Cherry and Black Birch Population Dynamics Change over 30 years: the Alleghenies and Beyond - Lance Vickers, University of Missouri

    Do Forest Health Issues in Oak Forests Accelerate Compositional Shifts to Non-oaks? - Lance Vickers, University of Missouri

    Urban & Community Forestry

    Urban Forests as Sources for Invasive Tree Species - Mark Ambrose, North Carolina State University


    CFEs are not available for viewing this collection of recorded presentations. Be sure to register for the current year’s convention to earn CFEs, build your skills, and expand your professional network connections.

    Need Help?

    For ForestEd questions, visit FAQs, or email For technical assistance, go to for self troubleshooting and/or live chat, or you can email


    This is a non-refundable item. Please view FAQs for additional information.

  • Contains 51 Component(s)

    SAF Members: $25 // Non-Members: $40 // No CFEs available

    Enjoy these curated Science Flash presentations from the 2023 SAF National Convention held in Sacramento, CA.


    1. Click REGISTER and log in with your SAF account username and password.

    2. After checking out, the recordings will be available on your MY DASHBOARD page here on ForestEd.


    Registration is $25 for SAF members. SAF Non-member price is $40. 

    Join SAF today to save and access growing member benefits.



    Northwest Tribal Agroforestry and TEK Collaboration Uncomplicated - Donald Motanic, Self Employed

    Boots on the Ground

    Decision-Making Tool Combining the Science of Forest Management and the Methodology of Lean Six Sigma - Joseph Roush, Forest & Habitat Professionals LLC

    Silvicultural Strategies to Meet Department of Defense Installation Land Management Objectives - Kevin Porteck, Forester - Tehama

    Climate Change & Carbon

    A Case For How Carbon Markets Are Failing Southern Tree Farmers - Matthew Pelkki, University of Arkansas at Monticello

    Assessing the Impact of Hurricane Ivan on Aboveground Carbon in Trees in the Gulf Coast - Syed Asiful Alam, University of Georgia

    Economic and Environmental Effects of Improved Forest Management and Improved Loblolly Pine Genotypes on Carbon Sequestration in the Southeast U.S. - Jacek Siry, University of Georgia

    Forest Stewards Perceptions of Climate Adaptation Across Tribal Nations and State Agencies in Present-Day Maine - Rachel Swanwick, University of Vermont

    How Do We Know the Carbon in Our Forest Soils? Measurement, Theory, and Management - Michael Culbertson, Yale Forest School, Yale School of the Environment

    Managing Forest for Carbon in California - Current Trends, Risks and Opportunities - Lilli Kaarakka, California Polytechnic State University

    Modeling Wood Product Carbon Flows in Southern US Pine Plantations: Implications for Carbon Storage - Sarah Puls, NC State University

    Quantification and Allocation of Carbon Debts Based on Forests Harvest in the Southeastern United States - Laura Sims, Louisiana Tech University

    Education, Extension & Communication

    CR Nature Park: A Hub For Innovative Learning - Valerie Elder, College of the Redwoods

    Creating A Successful Certification Prep Course - Rebecca Johnson, Arborholic, LLC

    Mentoring our Natural Resource Leaders of Tomorrow - Allyson Henson, SUNY - ESF and Ryan Clarke, SUNY - ESF

    Fire & Fuels Management

    Conjuring the Phoenix: A Forester's Ride on the Pendulum of Destruction - William Keye, Communications Chair, Cal SAF

    Modeling Seasonality in Wildfire Suppression Expenditures - Bruno Kanieski Da Silva, Mississippi State University

    The Role of Fuels Treatments in Transforming Fire Management - John Bailey, Oregon State University

    Harvesting & Utilization

    Assessing Timber Procurement Practices and the Relationship Between Mills and Logging Businesses in the Southern US Wood Supply Chain - Joe Conrad, University of Georgia

    Assessment of Soil Erosion Rate, Ground Cover Status, and Best Management Practices Implementation Rate in the Conventional and Integrated Biomass Harvest Sites in the Southeastern USA - Manisha Parajuli, Auburn University

    Developing Flexible Systems of Taper, Volume, and Biomass Equations to Meet Diverse Management Objectives - Dehai Zhao, University of Georgia

    Ecosystem Services Beyond Carbon - Thomas Kain, Forest Stewardship Council US

    Evaluating the Economic Feasibility of Hybrid Poplar for Veneer Wood in North Carolina - Samuel Blumenfeld, NC State University

    Improving Lumber Grade Recovery for the Tree that Built America - Eastern White Pine - Sara Dreibelbis, SUNY - ESF

    Managing Appalachian Forests for Both Timber and Carbon Sequestration: Economic Concerns on Rotation Length and Products Output - Jareth Beeler, University of Tennessee Knoxville

    Reviewing a Sustainable Biomass Value-added Product System in the Mid-Atlantic Region of the U.S. - Robert Burns, West Virginia University

    Stakeholders' Attitudes and Perceptions Regarding the Viability of Hardwood CLT in Tennessee - Alexander Bremner, The University of Tennessee

    User-Friendly Direct-Response Analysis: Coupling TPO Data with Public Databases to Estimate Forest Products Employment Ratios - Samuel Scott, BBER FIRP - UM

    Human Dimensions & History of Forestry

    Be an Upstander Not a Bystander - Cindy Schwab, The Davey Tree Expert Company and Natalie McNeill, The Davey Tree Expert Company

    Considerations for Outplanting Practices in the Western U.S.: Accounting its Past, Present, and Future - Gabriel Altieri, Mast Reforestation and Tiffani Manteuffel-Ross

    Neurodiversity in Forestry: The Missing Conversation - Candra Burns, Appalachian SAF

    Polyploidization and Other Future Directions of Silviculture - Conrad Young, Ouachita Getaways LLC

    Inventory & Biometrics

    Tree Species Identification from UAV RGB Images using Deep Learning Techniques - Yunmei Huang, Purdue University

    Tree Species Shift and Climate Change Across Conus in the Past 20 Years - Jianmin Wang, Purdue University

    Northern & Eastern Silviculture and Forest Ecology

    Aboveground Carbon Comparisons Between Old-Growth and Second-Growth Maple-Basswood Stands in Southern Minnesota - Nick Partington, University of Minnesota

    Habitat Suitability Modeling: A Tool for Restoring Butternut, Juglans cinerea L., in the Eastern US. - Segun Adeyemo, Mississippi State University

    Hunting for Hemlocks: Locating and Restoring Eastern Hemlock in Minnesota - Kira Pollack, University of Minnesota

    Pests, Pathogens & Invasive Plants

    Impacts of Flooding Treatments on Potential Black Ash Replacement Species Along a Climate Gradient - Holly Francart, University of Minnesota Twin Cities

    Invasive Plants of the Southern US: Use of FIA Data Forestry Attributes - Trisha Markus, Clemson University

    Monitoring Planting Trials and Nucleated Seed Orchards For Restoration of Beech Bark Disease Impacted Forests - Tom Panella, Michigan Tech University

    Private & Family Forestry

    Family Forest Owner Behavior, in Theory - Emily Huff, Michigan State University

    Remote Sensing & Geospatial Applications

    Explaining AI and Remote Sensing to Non-Scientists Through Online Learning in Applied Forestry (OLAF) - Pete Bettinger, University of Georgia

    Fast Tree Inventory with UAV LiDAR in the Plantation - Jinyuan Shao, Purdue University

    Individual Bald Cypress Knee Modeling from Mobile LiDAR - Titilayo Tajudeen, North Carolina State University

    Transitioning to Remotely-Sensed Forest Inventory: Approaches to Small Area Estimation on State Forests in Oregon - Sean McKenzie, Oregon Department of Forestry

    Use of Unmanned Aircraft Systems and Multi-Temporal Imagery to Monitor the Effects of Prescribed Fire - Cameron Wingren, Purdue University

    Southern Silviculture and Forest Ecology

    Longleaf Pine Growth and Yield Over a Range of Site Conditions in the Southeastern US - Bronson Bullock, University of Georgia

    Relation of Structure, Composition, and Disturbance in a Multi-Aged Longleaf Pine Woodland - David Phillips, University of Alabama

    Status of Forest Growth to Removal Rate in Arkansas - Sagar Godar Chhetri, University of Arkansas At Monticello

    Urban & Community Forestry

    Sensible Spaces That Make Livable Urban & Community Forest Places - Richard Hauer, CNUC and University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point

    Western & Northwestern Silviculture and Forest Ecology

    Evolution of Redwood Forest Silviculture - Learning from Jackson Demonstration State Forest’s Decades of Work - Lynn Webb, CAL FIRE- Jackson Demonstation State Forest

    Seedling Based Aspen Reforestation in Burned Areas Across the Southwest - Sarah Kapel, Utah State University


    CFEs are not available for viewing this collection of recorded presentations. Be sure to register for the current year’s convention to earn CFEs, build your skills, and expand your professional network connections.

    Need Help?

    For ForestEd questions, visit FAQs, or email For technical assistance, go to for self troubleshooting and/or live chat, or you can email


    This is a non-refundable item. Please view FAQs for additional information.

  • Contains 11 Component(s), Includes Credits

    This microcourse is intended for learners interested in the multiple facets contained within agroforestry.

    Microcourse information

    Landowners may desire to manage for a diversity of products for personal or commercial use. Agroforestry practices may be both enjoyable and profitable for individuals that want to have a “hands on” approach in sustainable land management. This microcourse will give insight on utilizing land for multiple use purposes including row crop production, silvopasture, riparian zone protection, edible/medicinal plants, and mushroom production. A more in-depth coverage of silvopasture is also presented which includes site preparation methods, pros/cons of the silvopasture system, forage establishment, and other relative discussion points. This microcourse heavily focuses on the southeastern United States, but insights can be gained and applied across landscapes everywhere.

    Is this microcourse for you?

    This microcourse is intended for foresters, natural resource professionals, or landowners interested in learning about the multiple facets that can be contained within an agroforestry system. Individuals that desire to know methodology for installation and the economics of related agroforestry practices will find this microcourse useful as well. The information presented will provide some guidelines for establishment of an agroforestry system and may also provide some insight which has not already been revealed to the audience. Regardless of the current land use or forestland type, agroforestry may be a more rewarding endeavor for the more intensive landowners.

    Open registration

    Registration remains open through December 31, 2024 unless otherwise posted.

    $34 for SAF Members

    $54 for Non-members

    Join SAF today to save $20 on your course registration and to take advantage of SAF's growing member benefits including here on ForestEd.

    Course start date

    Course content will be accessible starting July 21, 2023.

    Course access 

    Course access will remain open through December 31, 2024 at 11:59 pm ET unless notified otherwise. 

    Course pace

    This course is self-paced with an expected completion time of just over 1.5 hours. There are 4 sections, which are intended to be completed over the course of 4 weeks.

    Learning Objectives

    Upon successful completion of this short course, you will be able to:

    1. Summarize multiple aspects of agroforestry including, but not limited to, silvopasture, mushroom production, alley cropping, edible/medicinal plants, and riparian forest buffers

    2. Explain both pros and cons of silvopasture systems

    3. Identify the relevant practices for agroforestry establishment in both existing forestland and non-forestland 


    Successful completion of the course is measured by your ability to complete each component and passing the quiz at the end of each section 1 and completing the guided worksheets in sections 2 and 3.  The passing score for the quiz is 100%. You have unlimited attempts to pass the quiz.  

    Course Evaluation

    Participant feedback is appreciated to help the course curators and subject matter experts continually improve the course for future participants.


    Upon successful completion of this course, you will earn 1.5 CFEs in Category 1. CFEs will automatically be added to your CFE record located on


    Upon successful completion of this course and course evaluation, participants may download and print a certificate verifying completion of the course and earning CFEs. CFEs will be uploaded to participant CFE records by the end of the day (11:59 pm ET).

    Get Started or Return to Place in Course

    Once you are registered for the course, access this course within your MY DASHBOARD. You can pause at any point during the course and you can return right where you last left off. Simply select where you last left off and then keep on working your way through the course.

    Course Resources

    Additional course resources are available within the Contents tab course sections.

    Need Help?

    For ForestEd questions, visit FAQs or email For questions about this course's content email Stephen Peairs at For technical assistance, go to for self troubleshooting and/or live chat, or you can email


    This is a non-refundable item. Please view FAQs for additional information.

  • Contains 13 Component(s)

    SAF Members: $40 // Non-Members: $55 // No CFEs available

    Enjoy this curated set of on-demand presentations that focus on agroforestry. This bundle will be updated as new content becomes available.


    1. Click REGISTER and log in with your SAF account username and password.

    2. After checking out, the recordings will be available on your MY DASHBOARD page here on ForestEd.


    Registration is $40 for SAF members. SAF Non-member price is $55. 

    Join SAF today to save and access other growing member benefits.



    PA Agroforestry: Learning, Connecting, Getting it Done - Rachel Reyna, PA DCNR Bureau of Forestry


    Agroforestry Nutrient Credit Trading in Virginia’s Chesapeake Bay Region - John Munsell, Virginia Tech


    Use of Livestock As a Form of Site Preparation during Silvopasture Establishment from Woodland - Joseph Orefice, Yale University


    Biometrics and Silvopasture: Analyzing the Growth and Yield of Agroforestry Systems In Response to Tree Density - Kenneth Dunn, NCSU

    Management Inputs and Outcomes from Forest Grazing, Silvopasture, and Just Turning Cattle into the Woods - Sid Brantly, Three-Cross Farms

    New Agroforestry Working Group in the American Southwest - Andrew Mason, USDA Forest Service and National Agroforestry Center (retired)

    Specialty Crop Development for Midwest Agroforestry - Gregory Ormsby Mori, University of Missouri


    Developing Farmer Typologies to Inform Conservation Outreach in Agricultural Landscapes - Suraj Upadhaya, Iowa State University


    Modeling Growth and Establishment of Plantation and Converted Agroforestry Silvopasture Systems in the Missouri Ozarks - Bailee Suedmeyer, Missouri State University

    Household Incentives to Establish Tree Cover on Agricultural Lands in Andhra Pradesh, India - Stella Schons, Virginia Tech


    Three years of the Northeast Forest Farmers Coalition: Building a Community of Practice - Walker Cammack, Smokey House Center and Karam Sheban, Yale School of the Environment

    Under the Canopy: Exploring Woodland Silvopasture Establishment as a Land Management Option for Forested Landowners With Livestock - Ashley Conway-Anderson, Center for Agroforestry, University of Missouri

    Under the Canopy: Perceptions and Practices of Woodland Silvopasture among Missouri Livestock Producers and Landowners - Kendra Esparza-Harris, Center for Agroforestry, University of Missouri


    CFEs are not available for viewing this collection of recorded presentations. Be sure to register for the current year’s convention to earn CFEs, build your skills, and expand your professional network connections.

    Need Help?

    For ForestEd questions, visit FAQs, or email For technical assistance, go to for self troubleshooting and/or live chat, or you can email


    This is a non-refundable item. Please view FAQs for additional information.

  • Contains 4 Component(s), Includes Credits

    These presentations seek to help us understand how to balance forest health and resilience with optimized carbon storage. They also present multiple narratives on forest carbon management as related to mature and old-growth forests.


    Technical session information

    Among their many benefits, forests present an invaluable resource for carbon sequestration and storage in our efforts to mitigate climate change. Notably, forest density and carbon stock accumulation can exacerbate threats to forest health and resilience, prompting a need to understand how we can balance forest health and resilience while optimizing for carbon storage.

    Is this technical session for you?

    These recordings are intended for students and professionals in forestry interested in federal forest policy, defining and conserving mature and old-growth forests, tribal forestry and traditional ecological knowledge, and climate-informed forestry broadly.


    1. Click REGISTER to the right of the technical session recording title. Be sure to log in with your SAF account username and password.

    2. After checking out, this learning product will be available on your MY DASHBOARD page here on ForestEd.

    For group registrations or registering someone other than yourself please contact or 202-938-3910.


    This technical session is FREE ($0) for all viewers.

    Members and non-members still need to register to gain access to the technical session recordings. To register for a free SAF account, click the 'Log In' button in the top right corner, then click 'Create a new account'.

    Join SAF TODAY to take advantage of the growing member benefits, including course savings, free community of interest webinars, and more!

    Recording access 

    The archived recordings of this technical session are available through June 20, 2025. Registrants will be informed if this changes.

    Access this learning product within the Contents tab (to the right of the Overview information).

    Recording duration

    This learning product is comprised of two recordings. 

    (a) USDA Forest Service: Agency Assessment of Carbon Stocks and Forests is 48 minutes long.

    (b) Strategies for Forest Carbon Management is 56 minutes long.

    Learning objectives

    Upon successful completion of this learning product, you will be able to:

    1. Highlight results from the mature and old-growth threat analysis.

    2. Describe forest carbon trends and how they relate to mature and old-growth forests.

    3. Contrast the narratives and approaches to forest management with carbon- and climate-focused objectives.


    Successful completion of this learning product is measured by watching all included recordings and completing the evaluation.


    Participant feedback is appreciated to help us continually improve ForestEd offerings for future programming. Evaluations must be completed to receive CFEs.


    Upon successful completion of this learning product, you will earn 1.5 CFEs in Category 1. CFEs will automatically be added to your CFE record located on by the end of the day (11:59 pm ET).


    Upon successful completion of viewing this recording and filling out its evaluation, participants may download and print a certificate verifying completion of this learning product and earning SAF CFEs.

    Return to technical session

    Once you are registered for this learning product, access these technical session recordings within your MY DASHBOARD. You can return to download your certificate by accessing the technical session information within the general listing of YOUR DASHBOARD through June 20, 2025. Registrants will be notified if that timeline is extended.

    Need Help?

    For ForestEd questions, visit FAQs, email, or check out the registration quick tips in the Handouts tab. For technical assistance and questions about this technical session, email


    This is a non-refundable item. Please view FAQs for additional information.

  • Contains 13 Component(s)

    SAF Members: $65 // Non-Members: $80 // No CFEs available

    Enjoy this curated selection of plenary and technical sessions from the 2016-2018 SAF National Conventions.


    1. Click REGISTER and log in with your SAF account username and password.

    2. After checking out, the recordings will be available on your MY DASHBOARD page here on ForestEd.


    Registration is $65 for SAF members. SAF Non-member price is $80. 

    Join SAF today to save and access other growing member benefits.


    The Big Stage: Plenary Sessions (4)

    Boots on the Ground Guidelines (5)

    Northwestern Silviculture and Forest Ecology (3)

    Southern Silviculture and Forest Ecology (1)


    CFEs are not available for viewing this collection of recorded presentations. Be sure to register for the current year’s convention to earn CFEs, build your skills, and expand your professional network connections.

    Need Help?

    For ForestEd questions, visit FAQs, or email For technical assistance, go to for self troubleshooting and/or live chat, or you can email


    This is a non-refundable item. Please view FAQs for additional information.