2020 RPA Assessment Webinar Series


Webinar package information

Notice: As of 1/30/2025, this webinar series is postponed. The webinars previously aired (1/15, 1/16, 1/24, 1/25) have been recorded and are available for registration and viewing. All future webinars will be scheduled as soon as we can. Registration for the series as well as individual webinars will remain open during this indefinite postponement. If you have any questions, please contact us at ForestEdSupport@safnet.org

This package contains all nine webinars from the 2020 Resources Planning Act (RPA) Assessment Webinar series held from January 15 through February 11, 2025. The webinars contained in this package are briefly summarized below. All webinars are to be held at 2:00 pm ET on their date unless otherwise noted.

January 15, 2025: Evaluating the Change and Future of the U.S. Land Base with the RPA Assessment - This webinar will review results from the Land Resources Chapter of the 2020 Resources Planning Act Assessment and highlight an example of this information being applied to support policy or management decisions.

January 16, 2025: Recent and Future Trends in Forest and Rangeland Disturbances from the RPA Assessment - This webinar will review results from the Disturbance Chapter of the 2020 Resources Planning Act Assessment and highlight an example of this information being applied to support land management planning.

January 23, 2025: Recent and Future Trends in Forest Resources from the RPA Assessment - This webinar will review results from the Forest Resources Chapter of the 2020 Resources Planning Act Assessment and highlight an example of this information being applied to support policy or management decisions.

January 24, 2025: Recent and Future Trends in Forest Product Markets from the RPA Assessment - This webinar will review results from the Forest Products Chapter of the 2020 Resources Planning Act Assessment and highlight an example of this information being applied to support policy or management decisions.

January 30, 2025: Recent and Future Trends in Rangeland Resources from the RPA Assessment - This webinar will review results from the Rangeland Resources Chapter of the 2020 Resources Planning Act Assessment and highlight an example of this information being applied to support policy or management decisions.

January 31, 2025: Recent and Future Trends in Water Resources from the RPA Assessment - This webinar will review results from the Water Resources Chapter of the 2020 Resources Planning Act Assessment and highlight how The Pew Charitable Trusts are using Assessment products in program development.

February 6, 2025: Patterns in Wildlife and Aquatic Biodiversity from the RPA Assessment - This webinar will review results from the Biodiversity Chapter of the 2020 Resources Planning Act Assessment and highlight an example of this information being applied to support policy or management decisions.

February 7, 2025: Recent and Future Trends in Outdoor Recreation from the RPA Assessment - This webinar will review results from the Outdoor Recreation and Wilderness Chapter of the 2020 Resources Planning Act Assessment and highlight an example of this information being applied to support policy or management decisions.

February 11, 2025 - 1:30-3:00 pm ET: Expert Roundtable Discussion of the Resources Planning Act Assessment - This webinar is the culmination of the 9-part webinar series focused on the 2020 Resources Planning Act Assessment. This panel discussion includes both federal and non-federal users of the RPA Assessment to explain how this Assessment has been applied in land management and policy decision-making.

Are these technical sessions for you?

These webinar is intended for land managers, policy makers, and researchers—anyone interested in understanding how the U.S. land base has been changing over time and how it is likely to continue to change in the future. Changes in the land base can have significant effects on the resources these lands provide, so anyone with responsibility for evaluating or managing resources would benefit by learning more about ongoing trends and potential futures.


1. Click REGISTER to the right of the package title. Be sure to log in with your SAF account username and password.

2. After checking out, this package will be available on your MY DASHBOARD page here on ForestEd.

For group registrations or registering someone other than yourself please contact membership@safnet.org or 202-938-3910.


This technical session package is FREE ($0) for all viewers.

Members and non-members still need to register to gain access to these technical session recordings. To register for a free SAF account, click the 'Log In' button in the top right corner, then click 'Create a new account'.

Join SAF TODAY to take advantage of the growing member benefits, including course savings, free community of interest webinars, and more!

Webinar durations

The first eight webinars in this series are all one hour in length.

The final roundtable webinar will be one hour and thirty minutes in length.


CFEs for each webinar are tracked through attendance and completion of those webinars, as well as in filling out an evaluation survey following completion of the webinar. View each session overview for more information on CFEs and certificates.

The first eight webinars are worth 1.0 Category 1 CFE each.

The final roundtable webinar is worth 1.5 Category 1 CFEs.

Return to webinar

Once you are registered for this learning product, access this package and these webinars within your MY DASHBOARD. You can return to download your certificate accessing the webinar information within the general listing of YOUR DASHBOARD through February 11, 2025. Registrants will be notified if that timeline is extended.

Need Help?

For ForestEd questions, visit FAQs, email ForestEdSupport@safnet.org, or check out the registration quick tips in the Handouts tab. For technical assistance and questions about this technical session, email ForestEdSupport@safnet.org.


This is a non-refundable item. Please view FAQs for additional information.

  • Contains 3 Component(s), Includes Credits

    This webinar will review results from the Land Resources Chapter of the 2020 Resources Planning Act Assessment and highlight an example of this information being applied to support policy or management decisions.


    Webinar information

    Human activities and natural processes have significantly altered the land resources of the United States, and these changes are expected to continue influencing most landscapes into the future. This webinar will review results from the Land Resources Chapter of the 2020 RPA Assessment, summarizing recent land use and land cover changes and their effect on landscape patterns including forest fragmentation. Future projections of land use to 2070 will be presented based on RPA scenarios of climatic and socioeconomic change. To highlight the value of the RPA approach, we will hear about how landscape pattern metrics developed for the RPA Assessment have been adopted in European and global assessments and learn how to access and explore RPA projection data.

    Is this technical session for you?

    This webinar is intended for land managers, policy makers, and researchers—anyone interested in understanding how the U.S. land base has been changing over time and how it is likely to continue to change in the future. Changes in the land base can have significant effects on the resources these lands provide, so anyone with responsibility for evaluating or managing resources would benefit by learning more about ongoing trends and potential futures.


    1. Click REGISTER to the right of the technical session recording title. Be sure to log in with your SAF account username and password.

    2. After checking out, this webinar will be available on your MY DASHBOARD page here on ForestEd.

    For group registrations or registering someone other than yourself please contact membership@safnet.org or 202-938-3910.


    This webinar is FREE ($0) for all viewers.

    Members and non-members still need to register to gain access to this learning product. To register for a free SAF account, click the 'Log In' button in the top right corner, then click 'Create a new account'.

    Join SAF TODAY to take advantage of the growing member benefits, including course savings, free community of interest webinars, and more!

    Webinar Access 

    The webinar is scheduled for live viewing on Wednesday, January 15, 2025 at 2:00 PM ET. The Zoom Webinar platform will be used for the presentation. Be sure to connect to the webinar using a device approved to access Zoom.

    Access this learning product within the Contents tab (to the right of the Overview information).

    Webinar duration

    This webinar is 1 hour.

    Learning objectives

    Upon successful completion of viewing this webinar recording, you will be able to:

    1. Explain how the U.S. land base has changed over recent decades and the major land use drivers of forest area changes.

    2. Describe how the U.S. land base is projected to continue to change in the future—specifically how certain land uses are projected to increase while others decrease.

    3. Identify new ways in which land cover metrics can be used in policy or management.

    4. Access and explore the 2020 RPA Assessment's land use change projections.


    Successful completion of this learning product is measured by viewing the entire webinar and completing the evaluation.


    Participant feedback is appreciated to help us continually improve ForestEd offerings for future programming. Evaluations must be completed to receive CFEs.


    Upon successful completion of this learning product, you will earn 1.0 CFEs in Category 1. CFEs will automatically be added to your CFE record located on www.eforester.org by the end of the day (11:59 pm ET).


    Upon successful completion of the webinar and filling out its evaluation, participants may download and print a certificate verifying completion of this learning product and earning SAF CFEs.

    Return to technical session

    Once you are registered for the recording, access this webinar recording within your MY DASHBOARD. You can return to download your certificate by accessing the webinar information within the general listing of YOUR DASHBOARD through February 11, 2026. Registrants will be notified if that timeline is extended.

    Need Help?

    For ForestEd questions, visit FAQs, email ForestEdSupport@safnet.org, or check out the registration quick tips in the Handouts tab. For technical assistance and questions about this technical session recording, email ForestEdSupport@safnet.org.


    This is a non-refundable item. Please view FAQs for additional information.

    Kurt Riitters

    Research Ecologist

    USDA Forest Service Southern Research Station

    Kurt Riitters is a member of the Forest Health Monitoring Team within the Eastern Forest Environmental Threat Assessment Center. He joined the Forest Service in 2000 after 15 years of research in quantitative forest ecology and inventory with Federal Agencies and forest industry. He has contributed to RPA assessments since 2000, focusing on the status and trends of landscape patterns.

    Peter Vogt

    Research Scientist

    European Commission Joint Research Centre

    Peter Vogt is a research scientist in the field of remote sensing applications focusing on the field of digital image analysis and program development for the exploitation of remote sensing data. He has worked in a variety of fields including the detection of burnt areas, forest fragmentation analysis, oil spill detection, and desert locust monitoring. He developed software that is employed in European and global forest assessments.

    Chris Mihiar

    Research Economist

    USDA Forest Service Southern Research Station

    Chris Mihiar is a Research Economist with the Forest Service’s Center for Economics and Social Science. He specializes in domestic U.S. land use modeling and led the development of the 2020 RPA county-level land use change projections. Recently, he has expanded his research to a global scale by utilizing cloud computing and machine learning algorithms to model the complex interactions between natural and human disturbances, such as climate change impacts and adaptation. His work plays a critical role in informing policy makers, land managers, and the public.

    Shivan Gc

    Assistant Professor of Forest Economics and Environmental Policy

    Department of Forestry, Michigan State University

    Shivan Gc is an Assistant Professor of Forest Economics and Environmental Policy in the Department of Forestry at Michigan State University. She has a Ph.D. in Forestry and Environmental Science and Policy. Earlier, she worked as an ORISE research fellow with the US Forest Service, Southern Research Station. Her research interest lies in understanding forest landowners’ management decisions, implications of forestry taxes on landowners, biomass and bioenergy, forest products industry supply chain analysis, economic contribution and impact analysis of forest products industry, and forest carbon.

    Claire O'Dea (Moderator)

    Resources Planning Act Assessment National Program Leader

    USDA Forest Service Research & Development

    Kathy Broughton (Moderator)

    Assessment Program Manager

    USDA Forest Service Research & Development

  • Contains 3 Component(s), Includes Credits

    This webinar will review results from the Disturbance Chapter of the 2020 Resources Planning Act Assessment and highlight an example of this information being applied to support land management planning.


    Webinar information

    As climate, other biophysical factors, and management regimes change, disturbance regimes are being altered, with the possibility of some disturbance types becoming more frequent, severe, or longer in duration. These alterations have the potential to drive changes in the distribution, structure, species composition, or function of forest and rangeland ecosystems, putting those ecosystems at risk and presenting challenges for management. Identifying trends in disturbances on forests and rangelands enables examination of effects on forest and rangeland resources and can inform regional and national management and policy. This webinar will review results from the Disturbance Chapter of the 2020 RPA Assessment, summarizing recent changes in forest and rangeland exposure to fire and drought, and presenting future projections to 2070 based on RPA scenarios. To highlight the value of the RPA approaches, we will then hear about the ways in which RPA information on disturbance, in particular projected trends in drought, were used to inform the Forest Plan Revision process for the Nantahala and Pisgah National Forests in western North Carolina.

    Is this technical session for you?

    This webinar is intended for land managers, scientists, and policy makers—anyone interested in understanding how the exposure of forests and rangelands to disturbances in the U.S. has been changing over time and how it is likely to continue to change in the future. Changes in disturbances can have substantial effects on resources, so anyone with responsibility for evaluating or managing resources would benefit by learning more about ongoing trends and potential futures.


    1. Click REGISTER to the right of the technical session recording title. Be sure to log in with your SAF account username and password.

    2. After checking out, this webinar will be available on your MY DASHBOARD page here on ForestEd.

    For group registrations or registering someone other than yourself please contact membership@safnet.org or 202-938-3910.


    This webinar is FREE ($0) for all viewers.

    Members and non-members still need to register to gain access to this learning product. To register for a free SAF account, click the 'Log In' button in the top right corner, then click 'Create a new account'.

    Join SAF TODAY to take advantage of the growing member benefits, including course savings, free community of interest webinars, and more!

    Webinar Access 

    The webinar is scheduled for live viewing on Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 2:00 PM ET. The Zoom Webinar platform will be used for the presentation. Be sure to connect to the webinar using a device approved to access Zoom.

    Access this learning product within the Contents tab (to the right of the Overview information).

    Webinar duration

    This webinar is 1 hour.

    Learning objectives

    Upon successful completion of viewing this recording, you will be able to:

    1. Explain how the exposure of forests and rangelands to disturbances including fire and drought has changed over recent decades.

    2. Describe how the exposure of forests and rangelands to fire and drought is projected to continue to change in the future.

    3. Identify ways in which projections of disturbance exposure can be used in policy or management.


    Successful completion of this learning product is measured by viewing the entire webinar and completing the evaluation.


    Participant feedback is appreciated to help us continually improve ForestEd offerings for future programming. Evaluations must be completed to receive CFEs.


    Upon successful completion of this learning product, you will earn 1.0 CFEs in Category 1. CFEs will automatically be added to your CFE record located on www.eforester.org by the end of the day (11:59 pm ET).


    Upon successful completion of the webinar and filling out its evaluation, participants may download and print a certificate verifying completion of this learning product and earning SAF CFEs.

    Return to technical session

    Once you are registered for the recording, access this technical session recording within your MY DASHBOARD. You can return to download your certificate by accessing the technical session information within the general listing of YOUR DASHBOARD through February 11, 2026. Registrants will be notified if that timeline is extended.

    Need Help?

    For ForestEd questions, visit FAQs, email ForestEdSupport@safnet.org, or check out the registration quick tips in the Handouts tab. For technical assistance and questions about this technical session recording, email ForestEdSupport@safnet.org.


    This is a non-refundable item. Please view FAQs for additional information.

    Jen Costanza

    Research Ecologist

    USDA Forest Service Southern Research Station

    Dr. Jen Costanza is a Research Ecologist in the USDA Forest Service, Southern Research Station, Center for Integrated Forest Science in Research Triangle Park, North Carolina. Her research focuses on understanding how forests and landscapes have changed in the past, and the ways in which they may change in the future. Her recent and ongoing work includes quantifying the effects of climate and land-use change on forest disturbances and modeling the impacts of changing disturbances and management on forest ecosystems.

    Shelley Crausbay

    Climate Adaptation Specialist

    USDA Forest Service, Office of Sustainability and Climate

    Dr. Shelley Crausbay is a Climate Adaptation Specialist in the USDA Forest Service, Office of Sustainability and Climate. Her work focuses on getting climate considerations into the Forest Plan Revision process, developing drought vulnerability assessments, and engaging with Tribes in climate adaptation. Her areas of expertise include the role of drought in a changing climate, the likelihood of ecological transformation with climate change, and conceptual frameworks to aid natural resource management decisions.

    Claire O'Dea (Moderator)

    Resources Planning Act Assessment National Program Leader

    USDA Forest Service Research & Development

    Kathy Broughton (Moderator)

    Assessment Program Manager

    USDA Forest Service Research & Development

  • Contains 3 Component(s), Includes Credits

    This webinar will review results from the Forest Resources Chapter of the 2020 Resources Planning Act Assessment and highlight an example of this information being applied to support policy or management decisions.


    Webinar information

    The forest resources of the United States have experienced significant changes because of both natural and human actions, and continual change is expected. This webinar will review results from the Forest Resources Chapter of the 2020 RPA Assessment, summarizing recent trends and future projections of forest resources including forest carbon to 2070 based on RPA scenarios. To highlight the value of the RPA approaches, we will then hear about how investments in the RPA science and the RPA Assessment facilitate regional analyses that inform policy and management decisions.

    Is this technical session for you?

    This webinar is intended for land managers, scientists, and policy makers—anyone interested in understanding how forest resources in the U.S. have been changing over time and how they are likely to continue to change in the future.  Anyone with responsibility for evaluating or managing forest resources would benefit by learning more about ongoing trends and potential futures.


    1. Click REGISTER to the right of the technical session recording title. Be sure to log in with your SAF account username and password.

    2. After checking out, this webinar will be available on your MY DASHBOARD page here on ForestEd.

    For group registrations or registering someone other than yourself please contact membership@safnet.org or 202-938-3910.


    This webinar is FREE ($0) for all viewers.

    Members and non-members still need to register to gain access to this learning product. To register for a free SAF account, click the 'Log In' button in the top right corner, then click 'Create a new account'.

    Join SAF TODAY to take advantage of the growing member benefits, including course savings, free community of interest webinars, and more!

    Webinar Access 

    The webinar is scheduled for live viewing on Thursday, January 23, 2025 at 2:00 PM ET. The Zoom Webinar platform will be used for the presentation. Be sure to connect to the webinar using a device approved to access Zoom.

    Access this learning product within the Contents tab (to the right of the Overview information).

    Webinar duration

    This webinar is 1 hour.

    Learning objectives

    Upon successful completion of this webinar, you will be able to:

    1. Explain how forest resources have changed over recent decades.

    2. Identify how forest resources are projected to continue to change in the future.

    3. Identify ways in which projections of forest resources can be used in policy or management.


    Successful completion of this learning product is measured by viewing the entire webinar and completing the evaluation.


    Participant feedback is appreciated to help us continually improve ForestEd offerings for future programming. Evaluations must be completed to receive CFEs.


    Upon successful completion of this learning product, you will earn 1.0 CFEs in Category 1. CFEs will automatically be added to your CFE record located on www.eforester.org by the end of the day (11:59 pm ET).


    Upon successful completion of the webinar and filling out its evaluation, participants may download and print a certificate verifying completion of this learning product and earning SAF CFEs.

    Return to webinar

    Once you are registered for the webinar, access it within your MY DASHBOARD. You can return to download your certificate by accessing the webinar information within the general listing of YOUR DASHBOARD through February 11, 2026. Registrants will be notified if that timeline is extended.

    Need Help?

    For ForestEd questions, visit FAQs, email ForestEdSupport@safnet.org, or check out the registration quick tips in the Handouts tab. For technical assistance and questions about this technical session recording, email ForestEdSupport@safnet.org.


    This is a non-refundable item. Please view FAQs for additional information.

    John Coulston

    Supervisory Research Forester

    USDA Forest Service Southern Research Station

    John Coulston is a Supervisory Research Forester and Project Leader with the USDA Forest Service, Southern Research Station, Center for Integrated Forest Science. After working in both forest industry and academia, Coulston joined the Forest Service in 2006 as part of the Forest Inventory and Analysis Program. He has contributed to both the 2015 RPA Update and the 2020 RPA Assessment.

    David Walker

    ORISE Research Participant with the Center for Integrated Forest Science

    USDA Forest Service, Southern Research Station

    David Walker is a Research Fellow with the USDA Forest Service Center for Integrated Forest Science in Blacksburg, Virginia. He has a Master of Science in Forestry from Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. Previously, he was a research associate at Virginia Tech.  He has worked extensively on the RPA Forest Dynamics Model in support of the 2020 RPA Assessment.

    Daniel McInnis

    Shared Stewardship Coordinator

    USDA Forest Service Southern Region

    Daniel McInnis serves as the Shared Stewardship Coordinator for the USDA Forest Service, Southern Region, located in Atlanta, GA. He is responsible for implementation of the agency’s Shared Stewardship strategy in the southern 13 states and Puerto Rico. Additionally, he serves as regional coordinator and liaison for several conservation initiatives and collaborations, including Keeping Forests.

    Claire O'Dea (Moderator)

    Resources Planning Act Assessment National Program Leader

    USDA Forest Service Research & Development

    Kathy Broughton (Moderator)

    Assessment Program Manager

    USDA Forest Service Research & Development

    Tony Mazza (Moderator)

    Interim Policy & Public Affairs Director

    Society of American Foresters

  • Contains 3 Component(s), Includes Credits

    This webinar will review results from the Forest Products Chapter of the 2020 Resources Planning Act Assessment and highlight an example of this information being applied to support policy or management decisions.


    Webinar information

    The United States and the world have undergone economic, social, and economic changes over the 10 years since the last Resources Planning Act (RPA) Assessment, all of which have impacts on production and consumption of forest products. This webinar will review results from the Forest Products Chapter of the 2020 RPA Assessment, summarizing recent trends and presenting economic projections of production, consumption, net trade, timber harvest levels, and timber prices. Projections are based on varying assumptions on plausible rates of change in population, aggregate income, climate, and technology, as well as on the evolution of bioenergy markets and international trade policies through 2070. To highlight the value of the RPA approaches, we will then hear from Dr. Justin Baker of North Carolina State University about the value of the RPA Assessments as a resource for educators and researchers. In particular, data and findings from the Forest Products chapter of the Assessment are an example of the application of economic principles to the forest sector, including how socioeconomic dynamics, climate dynamics, technology change, and policies lead to national and global outcomes today and in the future.

    Is this technical session for you?

    This webinar is intended for land managers, scientists, and policy makers—anyone interested in understanding how forest product markets in the United States and globally have been changing over time and how they may continue to change into the future. Anyone with responsibility for evaluating or managing forest product markets would benefit by learning more about ongoing trends and potential futures.


    1. Click REGISTER to the right of the technical session recording title. Be sure to log in with your SAF account username and password.

    2. After checking out, this webinar will be available on your MY DASHBOARD page here on ForestEd.

    For group registrations or registering someone other than yourself please contact membership@safnet.org or 202-938-3910.


    This webinar is FREE ($0) for all viewers.

    Members and non-members still need to register to gain access to this learning product. To register for a free SAF account, click the 'Log In' button in the top right corner, then click 'Create a new account'.

    Join SAF TODAY to take advantage of the growing member benefits, including course savings, free community of interest webinars, and more!

    Webinar Access 

    The webinar is scheduled for live viewing on Friday, January 24, 2025 at 2:00 PM ET. The Zoom Webinar platform will be used for the presentation. Be sure to connect to the webinar using a device approved to access Zoom.

    Access this learning product within the Contents tab (to the right of the Overview information).

    Webinar duration

    This webinar is 1 hour.

    Learning objectives

    Upon successful completion of viewing this recording, you will be able to:

    1. Explain how forest product markets have changed over recent decades.

    2. Describe how forest product markets are projected to continue to change in the future across a variety of plausible futures for population, income, climate, technology, wood-based bioenergy, and trade policies.

    3. Identify ways in which projections of forest product markets can be used in policy or management.


    Successful completion of this learning product is measured by viewing the entire webinar and completing the evaluation.


    Participant feedback is appreciated to help us continually improve ForestEd offerings for future programming. Evaluations must be completed to receive CFEs.


    Upon successful completion of this learning product, you will earn 1.0 CFEs in Category 1. CFEs will automatically be added to your CFE record located on www.eforester.org by the end of the day (11:59 pm ET).


    Upon successful completion of the webinar and filling out its evaluation, participants may download and print a certificate verifying completion of this learning product and earning SAF CFEs.

    Return to technical session

    Once you are registered for the recording, access this technical session recording within your MY DASHBOARD. You can return to download your certificate by accessing the technical session information within the general listing of YOUR DASHBOARD through February 11, 2026. Registrants will be notified if that timeline is extended.

    Need Help?

    For ForestEd questions, visit FAQs, email ForestEdSupport@safnet.org, or check out the registration quick tips in the Handouts tab. For technical assistance and questions about this technical session recording, email ForestEdSupport@safnet.org.


    This is a non-refundable item. Please view FAQs for additional information.

    Jeff Prestemon

    Senior Research Forester

    USDA Forest Service Southern Research Station

    Jeff Prestemon is a Senior Research Forester with the Southern Research Station of the USDA Forest Service. His research focuses on forest product markets, international trade policy, and the economics of forest-based disturbances. Dr. Prestemon has a B.S. in Forest Management from Iowa State University, M.S. in Forest Economics from North Carolina State, and a Ph.D. in Forest Economics from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

    Justin Baker

    Associate Professor

    Department of Forestry and Environmental Resources, North Carolina State University

    Justin Baker, Economist, is an Associate Professor in the Department of Forestry and Environmental Resources at North Carolina State University. His areas of interest include market modeling, international trade, the economics of forest and wood-based carbon, and the forestry aspects of climate change.

    Claire O'Dea (Moderator)

    Resources Planning Act Assessment National Program Leader

    USDA Forest Service Research & Development

    Kathy Broughton (Moderator)

    Assessment Program Manager

    USDA Forest Service Research & Development

    Tony Mazza (Moderator)

    Interim Policy & Public Affairs Director

    Society of American Foresters

  • Contains 3 Component(s), Includes Credits

    This webinar will review results from the Rangeland Resources Chapter of the 2020 Resources Planning Act Assessment and highlight an example of this information being applied to support policy or management decisions.


    Webinar information

    Notice: As of 1/30/2025, this webinar series is postponed. The webinars previously aired (1/15, 1/16, 1/24, 1/25) have been recorded and are available for registration and viewing. All future webinars will be scheduled as soon as we can. Registration for the series as well as individual webinars will remain open during this postponement. If you have any questions, please contact us at ForestEdSupport@safnet.org

    Human activities and natural processes have significantly altered the rangeland resources of the United States, and continual changes are expected. This webinar will review results from the Rangeland Resources Chapter of the 2020 RPA Assessment, presenting recent trends in rangeland extent, health, vegetation ground cover, aboveground net primary productivity, and livestock numbers, as well as projections of future changes in rangeland phenology, vegetation productivity, and land use. To highlight the value of the RPA approaches, we will then hear about how managers are using these assessments and data to evaluate stocking rates, update Forest Plan Revisions, and identify unhealthy trends such as loss or perennial grasses or conifer encroachment.

    Is this webinar for you?

    This webinar is intended for land managers, Planning Service Organization members and policy makers—anyone interested in understanding how rangeland resources in the U.S. have been changing over time and how they are likely to continue to change in the future.


    1. Click REGISTER to the right of the webinar title. Be sure to log in with your SAF account username and password.

    2. After checking out, this webinar will be available on your MY DASHBOARD page here on ForestEd.

    For group registrations or registering someone other than yourself please contact membership@safnet.org or 202-938-3910.


    This webinar is FREE ($0) for all viewers.

    Members and non-members still need to register to gain access to this learning product. To register for a free SAF account, click the 'Log In' button in the top right corner, then click 'Create a new account'.

    Join SAF TODAY to take advantage of the growing member benefits, including course savings, free community of interest webinars, and more!

    Webinar Access 

    The webinar is scheduled for live viewing on Thursday, January 30, 2025 at 2:00 PM ET. The Zoom Webinar platform will be used for the presentation. Be sure to connect to the webinar using a device approved to access Zoom.

    Access this learning product within the Contents tab (to the right of the Overview information).

    Webinar duration

    This webinar is 1 hour.

    Learning objectives

    Upon successful completion of viewing this webinar, you will be able to:

    1. Explain how rangeland resources have changed over recent decades.

    2. Describe how rangeland resources are projected to continue to change in the future.

    3. Identify ways in which projections of rangeland resources can be used in policy or management.


    Successful completion of this learning product is measured by viewing the entire webinar and completing the evaluation.


    Participant feedback is appreciated to help us continually improve ForestEd offerings for future programming. Evaluations must be completed to receive CFEs.


    Upon successful completion of this learning product, you will earn 1.0 CFEs in Category 1. CFEs will automatically be added to your CFE record located on www.eforester.org by the end of the day (11:59 pm ET).


    Upon successful completion of the webinar and filling out its evaluation, participants may download and print a certificate verifying completion of this learning product and earning SAF CFEs.

    Return to webinar

    Once you are registered for the webinar, access this webinar within your MY DASHBOARD. You can return to download your certificate by accessing the webinar information within the general listing of YOUR DASHBOARD through February 11, 2026. Registrants will be notified if that timeline is extended.

    Need Help?

    For ForestEd questions, visit FAQs, email ForestEdSupport@safnet.org, or check out the registration quick tips in the Handouts tab. For technical assistance and questions about this webinar, email ForestEdSupport@safnet.org.


    This is a non-refundable item. Please view FAQs for additional information.

    Matt Reeves

    Research Ecologist

    USDA Forest Service Rocky Mountain Research Station

    Matt Reeves is a Research Ecologist with the Rocky Mountain Research Station in Missoula, the co-director of the Northern Plains Climate Hub, and the RPA Rangeland Assessment leader. There he specializes in applying remote sensing and modeling to characterize ecological dynamics of rangelands in a manner relevant to managers. He received his BS in Range Management (1995), MS in Environmental Resources (1999) and his PhD in Remote Sensing and Ecological modeling of rangeland and agricultural environments (2004).

    Iric Burden

    Range Program Manager

    Kaibab National Forest

    Iric's work with non-governmental organizations (NGOs) has taken him across the globe.  He has been fortunate to assist with and support conservation projects in North America, many African Countries, South America and Asia.  Closer to home, Iric grew up in on a ranch in Southeastern Arizona, learning many land management skills and understanding at an early age the necessity of conservation.  Eventually, Iric managed and operated over 750,000 acres of ranches in the Big Bend portion of Texas and worked as Direct of Conservation at a world renown captive conservation center.  In addition, Iric has been fortunate to work as the Area Range Management Specialist for Arizona NRCS in Northern Arizona and has settled in at the Kaibab National Forest.  Iric is very proud of where he has been and what he has accomplished but nothing compares to his excitement over new technologies and the future of range management.

    Claire O'Dea (Moderator)

    Resources Planning Act Assessment National Program Leader

    USDA Forest Service Research & Development

    Kathy Broughton (Moderator)

    Assessment Program Manager

    USDA Forest Service Research & Development

  • Contains 3 Component(s), Includes Credits

    This webinar will review results from the Water Resources Chapter of the 2020 Resources Planning Act Assessment and highlight how The Pew Charitable Trusts are using Assessment products in program development.


    Webinar information

    Notice: As of 1/30/2025, this webinar series is postponed. The webinars previously aired (1/15, 1/16, 1/24, 1/25) have been recorded and are available for registration and viewing. All future webinars will be scheduled as soon as we can. Registration for the series as well as individual webinars will remain open during this postponement. If you have any questions, please contact us at ForestEdSupport@safnet.org

    Human activities and natural processes have significantly altered the water resources of the United States, and continual changes are expected. This webinar will review results from the Water Resources Chapter of the 2020 RPA Assessment, summarizing recent trends and future projections of freshwater use and supply, as well as likelihood of water shortages to 2070 based on RPA scenarios and how those shortages impact communities throughout the United States. To highlight the value of the RPA approaches, we will then hear how The Pew Charitable Trusts uses information and outputs like those from the RPA project to better understand how their conservation work may affect local communities, what that means for how they engage in partnerships with those communities, and how that may translate to project objectives and metrics for success.

    Is this technical session for you?

    This webinar is intended for land managers, scientists, and policy makers—anyone interested in understanding how water resources in the U.S. have been changing over time and how they are likely to continue to change in the future. Anyone with responsibility for evaluating or managing water resources would benefit by learning more about ongoing trends and potential futures.


    1. Click REGISTER to the right of the technical session recording title. Be sure to log in with your SAF account username and password.

    2. After checking out, this webinar will be available on your MY DASHBOARD page here on ForestEd.

    For group registrations or registering someone other than yourself please contact membership@safnet.org or 202-938-3910.


    This webinar is FREE ($0) for all viewers.

    Members and non-members still need to register to gain access to this learning product. To register for a free SAF account, click the 'Log In' button in the top right corner, then click 'Create a new account'.

    Join SAF TODAY to take advantage of the growing member benefits, including course savings, free community of interest webinars, and more!

    Webinar Access 

    The webinar is scheduled for live viewing on Friday, January 31, 2025 at 2:00 PM ET. The Zoom Webinar platform will be used for the presentation. Be sure to connect to the webinar using a device approved to access Zoom.

    Access this learning product within the Contents tab (to the right of the Overview information).

    Webinar duration

    This webinar is 1 hour.

    Learning objectives

    Upon successful completion of viewing this recording, you will be able to:

    1. Explain how water resources have changed over recent decades.

    2. Describe how water resources are projected to continue to change in the future.

    3. Identify ways in which projections of water resources impact local communities and how they can be used in policy or management.


    Successful completion of this learning product is measured by viewing the entire webinar and completing the evaluation.


    Participant feedback is appreciated to help us continually improve ForestEd offerings for future programming. Evaluations must be completed to receive CFEs.


    Upon successful completion of this learning product, you will earn 1.0 CFEs in Category 1. CFEs will automatically be added to your CFE record located on www.eforester.org by the end of the day (11:59 pm ET).


    Upon successful completion of the webinar and filling out its evaluation, participants may download and print a certificate verifying completion of this learning product and earning SAF CFEs.

    Return to technical session

    Once you are registered for the recording, access this technical session recording within your MY DASHBOARD. You can return to download your certificate by accessing the technical session information within the general listing of YOUR DASHBOARD through February 11, 2026. Registrants will be notified if that timeline is extended.

    Need Help?

    For ForestEd questions, visit FAQs, email ForestEdSupport@safnet.org, or check out the registration quick tips in the Handouts tab. For technical assistance and questions about this technical session recording, email ForestEdSupport@safnet.org.


    This is a non-refundable item. Please view FAQs for additional information.

    Travis Warziniack

    Research Economist

    USDA Forest Service Rocky Mountain Research Station

    Travis Warziniack, Ph.D., is a research economist with the USFS Rocky Mountain Research Station. Dr. Warziniack’s research focuses on the valuation of ecosystem services, with an emphasis on water resources, climate change, and nature’s role in creating more equitable and sustainable economies. He serves as the water specialist for the Resource Planning Act (RPA) Assessment and the forest lead for the U.S. natural capital accounts. Prior to joining the US Forest Service in 2012, Dr. Warziniack was a professor of environmental economics at the University of Heidelberg, Germany. He received his PhD from the University of Wyoming in 2008, his MS from the University of Texas in 2003, and his BS from Louisiana State University in 1998.

    Kira Sullivan-Wiley

    Senior Officer

    The Pew Charitable Trusts

    Kira Sullivan-Wiley, Ph.D., leads Pew’s work related to the impact of its environmental programs on people, with a particular focus on how the Trusts’ conservation work affects human well-being, behavior, and decision-making. This includes supporting Pew’s efforts to understand how large-scale conservation activity might engage with—and support—local communities for their mutual benefit. Before joining Pew, Sullivan-Wiley conducted research at various academic institutions on environmental decisions and behavior. She did this work in collaboration with the American Red Cross, The Nature Conservancy, and other organizations. Sullivan-Wiley holds a bachelor’s degree in ecology and evolutionary biology from the University of Connecticut, a master’s degree in climate science and sustainability from Columbia University, and a doctorate in human-environment geography from Boston University.

    Claire O'Dea (Moderator)

    Resources Planning Act Assessment National Program Leader

    USDA Forest Service Research & Development

    Kathy Broughton (Moderator)

    Assessment Program Manager

    USDA Forest Service Research & Development

  • Contains 3 Component(s), Includes Credits

    This webinar will review results from the Biodiversity Chapter of the 2020 Resources Planning Act Assessment and highlight an example of this information being applied to support policy or management decisions.


    Webinar information

    Notice: As of 1/30/2025, this webinar series is postponed. The webinars previously aired (1/15, 1/16, 1/24, 1/25) have been recorded and are available for registration and viewing. All future webinars will be scheduled as soon as we can. Registration for the series as well as individual webinars will remain open during this postponement. If you have any questions, please contact us at ForestEdSupport@safnet.org

    At global, regional, and local scales declines in wildlife and aquatic biodiversity have been documented across taxonomic groups. Habitat fragmentation from a variety of mechanisms (particularly linked to anthropogenic land uses) has modified ecosystems leading to reduced habitat quality, quantity, and connectivity in marine, freshwater, and terrestrial environments. Tracking patterns in biodiversity, therefore, is key to informing management regarding places vulnerable to current and emerging threats. This webinar will review results from the Biodiversity Chapter of the 2020 RPA Assessment, presenting current patterns of biodiversity in wildlife and aquatic biota, as well as the identification of areas of possible future vulnerability in response to changes in anthropogenic land uses and climate. To highlight the value of the RPA approaches, we will learn about a landscape-scale restoration initiative to improve resiliency in freshwater ecosystems in the southern United States.

    Is this webinar for you?

    This webinar is intended for land managers, scientists, and policy makers—anyone interested in understanding how wildlife and aquatic biodiversity is distributed in the U.S. and how they are likely to be vulnerable to anthropogenic land uses and climate in the future. Anyone with responsibility for evaluating or managing biodiversity would benefit by learning more about ongoing taxonomic patterns and potential future risk.


    1. Click REGISTER to the right of the webinar title. Be sure to log in with your SAF account username and password.

    2. After checking out, this webinar will be available on your MY DASHBOARD page here on ForestEd.

    For group registrations or registering someone other than yourself please contact membership@safnet.org or 202-938-3910.


    This webinar is FREE ($0) for all viewers.

    Members and non-members still need to register to gain access to this learning product. To register for a free SAF account, click the 'Log In' button in the top right corner, then click 'Create a new account'.

    Join SAF TODAY to take advantage of the growing member benefits, including course savings, free community of interest webinars, and more!

    Webinar Access 

    The webinar is scheduled for live viewing on Thursday, February 6, 2025 at 2:00 PM ET. The Zoom Webinar platform will be used for the presentation. Be sure to connect to the webinar using a device approved to access Zoom.

    Access this learning product within the Contents tab (to the right of the Overview information).

    Webinar duration

    This webinar is 1 hour.

    Learning objectives

    Upon successful completion of this webinar, you will be able to:

    1. Explain broad-scale patterns in the distribution of wildlife and aquatic biodiversity in the United States.

    2. Identify threats to biodiversity from current land uses, and projected future climate change.

    3. Describe how this information can be used in policy or management.


    Successful completion of this learning product is measured by viewing the entire webinar and completing the evaluation.


    Participant feedback is appreciated to help us continually improve ForestEd offerings for future programming. Evaluations must be completed to receive CFEs.


    Upon successful completion of this learning product, you will earn 1.0 CFEs in Category 1. CFEs will automatically be added to your CFE record located on www.eforester.org by the end of the day (11:59 pm ET).


    Upon successful completion of the webinar and filling out its evaluation, participants may download and print a certificate verifying completion of this learning product and earning SAF CFEs.

    Return to webinar

    Once you are registered for the webinar, access this webinar within your MY DASHBOARD. You can return to download your certificate by accessing the webinar information within the general listing of YOUR DASHBOARD through February 11, 2026. Registrants will be notified if that timeline is extended.

    Need Help?

    For ForestEd questions, visit FAQs, email ForestEdSupport@safnet.org, or check out the registration quick tips in the Handouts tab. For technical assistance and questions about this webinar, email ForestEdSupport@safnet.org.


    This is a non-refundable item. Please view FAQs for additional information.

    Rebecca Flitcroft

    Fish Research Ecologist

    USDA Forest Service Pacific Northwest Research Station

    Dr Rebecca Flitcroft is a Research Fish Biologist and team lead for the Landscape and Ecosystem Management Team with the USDA Forest Service at the Pacific Northwest Research Station, Corvallis, Oregon, USA. She is particularly interested in the role anthropogenic and natural disturbance processes on fish and aquatic habitat throughout river networks over time. In her research, she integrates spatial and temporal datasets and dynamics to understand the relationships between environmental triggers and physical habitat on life history characteristics of native fish.

    Amy Commens-Carson

    Regional Fisheries Program Manager

    USDA Forest Service Southern Region

    Amy Commens-Carson is the Fisheries Program Manager for the USDA Forest Service Southern Region. Amy is keenly interested in restoring freshwater habitats to conserve and recover the South's phenomenal aquatic biodiversity, improve water quality, and increase flood resiliency. Amy focuses on building coalitions with a broad range of partners to successfully develop and grow strategic large-scale conservation initiatives while relying on science and data to communicate the value of freshwater ecosystems and guide restoration goals.

    Claire O'Dea (Moderator)

    Resources Planning Act Assessment National Program Leader

    USDA Forest Service Research & Development

    Kathy Broughton (Moderator)

    Assessment Program Manager

    USDA Forest Service Research & Development

  • Contains 3 Component(s), Includes Credits

    This webinar will review results from the Outdoor Recreation and Wilderness Chapter of the 2020 Resources Planning Act Assessment and highlight an example of this information being applied to support policy or management decisions.


    Webinar information

    Notice: As of 1/30/2025, this webinar series is postponed. The webinars previously aired (1/15, 1/16, 1/24, 1/25) have been recorded and are available for registration and viewing. All future webinars will be scheduled as soon as we can. Registration for the series as well as individual webinars will remain open during this postponement. If you have any questions, please contact us at ForestEdSupport@safnet.org

    Recreation is a primary means through which people in the United States interact with forests, water, rangelands, and other natural resources. This webinar will review results from the Outdoor Recreation and Wilderness Chapter of the 2020 RPA Assessment, summarizing the current supply of outdoor recreation opportunities and recent patterns in the use of these supplies, as well as projected future patterns in outdoor recreation supply and use to 2070 under a range of future RPA scenarios that integrate socioeconomic and climatic change. We will then hear how information about current and future recreation is valuable for assessments, planning, and policy-making across the Forest Service and helps the agency manage resources in ways that meet the needs of present and future generations.

    Is this technical session for you?

    This webinar is intended for land managers, scientists, and policy makers—anyone interested in understanding how outdoor recreation in the U.S. has been changing over time and how it is likely to continue to change in the future. Anyone with responsibility for evaluating or managing outdoor recreation would benefit by learning more about ongoing trends and potential futures.


    1. Click REGISTER to the right of the technical session recording title. Be sure to log in with your SAF account username and password.

    2. After checking out, this webinar will be available on your MY DASHBOARD page here on ForestEd.

    For group registrations or registering someone other than yourself please contact membership@safnet.org or 202-938-3910.


    This webinar is FREE ($0) for all viewers.

    Members and non-members still need to register to gain access to this learning product. To register for a free SAF account, click the 'Log In' button in the top right corner, then click 'Create a new account'.

    Join SAF TODAY to take advantage of the growing member benefits, including course savings, free community of interest webinars, and more!

    Webinar Access 

    The webinar is scheduled for live viewing on Friday, February 7, 2025 at 2:00 PM ET. The Zoom Webinar platform will be used for the presentation. Be sure to connect to the webinar using a device approved to access Zoom.

    Access this learning product within the Contents tab (to the right of the Overview information).

    Webinar duration

    This webinar is 1 hour.

    Learning objectives

    Upon successful completion of viewing this recording, you will be able to:

    1. Explain how outdoor recreation supply and demand has changed over recent decades.

    2. Describe how outdoor recreation is projected to continue to change in the future.

    3. Identify ways in which information about current and future outdoor recreation demand can be used in policy or management.


    Successful completion of this learning product is measured by viewing the entire webinar and completing the evaluation.


    Participant feedback is appreciated to help us continually improve ForestEd offerings for future programming. Evaluations must be completed to receive CFEs.


    Upon successful completion of this learning product, you will earn 1.0 CFEs in Category 1. CFEs will automatically be added to your CFE record located on www.eforester.org by the end of the day (11:59 pm ET).


    Upon successful completion of the webinar and filling out its evaluation, participants may download and print a certificate verifying completion of this learning product and earning SAF CFEs.

    Return to technical session

    Once you are registered for the recording, access this technical session recording within your MY DASHBOARD. You can return to download your certificate by accessing the technical session information within the general listing of YOUR DASHBOARD through February 11, 2026. Registrants will be notified if that timeline is extended.

    Need Help?

    For ForestEd questions, visit FAQs, email ForestEdSupport@safnet.org, or check out the registration quick tips in the Handouts tab. For technical assistance and questions about this technical session recording, email ForestEdSupport@safnet.org.


    This is a non-refundable item. Please view FAQs for additional information.

    Eric White

    Research Social Scientist

    USDA Forest Service Pacific Northwest Research Station

    Eric M. White is a Research Social Scientist and Team Leader with the Pacific Northwest Research Station of the USDA Forest Service. His research focuses on improving our understanding of 1) how resource management, including collaborative efforts, influences the supply of ecosystem goods and services from landscapes, 2) how people and industries use ecosystem goods and services, and 3) how that use affects the well-being of human communities and individuals.

    Jessica Barnes

    Social Scientist

    USDA Forest Service

    Jessica Barnes is a Social Scientist in the Forest Service Policy Office, responsible for providing technical leadership on and facilitating use of social science data, information, and methods to inform management of lands and programs within the National Forest System.

    Claire O'Dea (Moderator)

    Resources Planning Act Assessment National Program Leader

    USDA Forest Service Research & Development

    Kathy Broughton (Moderator)

    Assessment Program Manager

    USDA Forest Service Research & Development

  • Contains 3 Component(s), Includes Credits

    This webinar is the culmination of the 9-part webinar series focused on the 2020 Resources Planning Act Assessment. This panel discussion includes both federal and non-federal users of the RPA Assessment to explain how this Assessment has been applied in land management and policy decision-making.


    Webinar information

    Notice: As of 1/30/2025, this webinar series is postponed. The webinars previously aired (1/15, 1/16, 1/24, 1/25) have been recorded and are available for registration and viewing. All future webinars will be scheduled as soon as we can. Registration for the series as well as individual webinars will remain open during this postponement. If you have any questions, please contact us at ForestEdSupport@safnet.org

    This 1.5-hour virtual panel discussion serves as the culmination of the 9-part webinar series focused on the 2020 Resources Planning Act Assessment. Each previous webinar focused on the status, trends, and projected futures of a specific renewable resource. In this webinar, Federal and non-Federal users of the RPA Assessment will be discussing the benefits of this Assessment, how it has been applied in land management and policy decision-making, and how they think the RPA Assessment should evolve to continue to provide critical information to decision makers.

    Is this webinar for you?

    This webinar is the culmination of the 9-part webinar series focused on the 2020 Resources Planning Act Assessment. This panel discussion includes both federal and non-federal users of the RPA Assessment to explain how this Assessment has been applied in land management and policy decision-making.


    1. Click REGISTER to the right of the webinar title. Be sure to log in with your SAF account username and password.

    2. After checking out, this webinar will be available on your MY DASHBOARD page here on ForestEd.

    For group registrations or registering someone other than yourself please contact membership@safnet.org or 202-938-3910.


    This webinar is FREE ($0) for all viewers.

    Members and non-members still need to register to gain access to this learning product. To register for a free SAF account, click the 'Log In' button in the top right corner, then click 'Create a new account'.

    Join SAF TODAY to take advantage of the growing member benefits, including course savings, free community of interest webinars, and more!

    Webinar Access 

    The webinar is scheduled for live viewing on Tuesday, February 11, 2025 at 1:30 PM ET. The Zoom Webinar platform will be used for the presentation. Be sure to connect to the webinar using a device approved to access Zoom.

    Access this learning product within the Contents tab (to the right of the Overview information).

    Webinar duration

    This webinar is 1 hour and 30 minutes.

    Learning objectives

    Upon successful completion of viewing this recording, you will be able to:

    1. Explain the value of the RPA Assessment to practitioners.

    2. Identify ways that the RPA Assessment has informed decision making.

    3. Provide feedback to the Forest Service about desired elements from future RPA Assessments.


    Successful completion of this learning product is measured by viewing the entire webinar and completing the evaluation.


    Participant feedback is appreciated to help us continually improve ForestEd offerings for future programming. Evaluations must be completed to receive CFEs.


    Upon successful completion of this learning product, you will earn 1.5 CFEs in Category 1. CFEs will automatically be added to your CFE record located on www.eforester.org by the end of the day (11:59 pm ET).


    Upon successful completion of the webinar and filling out its evaluation, participants may download and print a certificate verifying completion of this learning product and earning SAF CFEs.

    Return to webinar

    Once you are registered for the recording, access this webinar within your MY DASHBOARD. You can return to download your certificate by accessing the webinar within the general listing of YOUR DASHBOARD through February 11, 2026. Registrants will be notified if that timeline is extended.

    Need Help?

    For ForestEd questions, visit FAQs, email ForestEdSupport@safnet.org, or check out the registration quick tips in the Handouts tab. For technical assistance and questions about this webinar, email ForestEdSupport@safnet.org.


    This is a non-refundable item. Please view FAQs for additional information.

    Ken Arney

    Regional Forester

    USDA Forest Service Southern Region

    Ken Arney is the Regional Forester for the Southern Region of the USDA Forest Service, where he has responsibility for the management of 13 million acres of forestland, as well as a State and Private Forestry program that works with all 13 State Forestry Agencies in the programs of Fire, Forest Health, and Cooperative Forestry. Ken previously served as the State Forester for Tennessee from 1994 to 2001and as Deputy Regional Forester for the USDA Forest Service State and Private Forestry for 17 years. Ken is a member of the Society of American Foresters, Past Chairman of the Southern Group of State Foresters, and Past President of Brentwood/Nashville Rotary Club.

    Ethan Breitling

    Vice President for Communications and Creative

    National Alliance of Forest Owners (NAFO)

    Ethan Breitling serves as the National Alliance of Forest Owner's Vice President for Communications and Creative. He began his career running a sawmill and teaching forestry and ecology at a 100-year-old Boy Scout summer camp in the Adirondack Park. The camp owned and operated its own working forest, which not only provided him with hands-on experience in forest management but also taught him the foundations of strategic communications—convincing 11-year-olds that the Forestry Merit Badge is exciting. In Washington, DC, Ethan has built his career by specializing in communicating complex scientific and policy concepts to diverse audiences. He previously served as NAFO’s Communications and Creative Director. Before joining NAFO, Ethan worked at Bay Armoury Consulting, where he managed several fundraising communications campaigns for federal, state, and local races, all aimed at promoting moderation in politics. He earned his degree in Political Science from Western Connecticut State University.

    Kendall DeLyser

    Director of Climate Science

    American Forests

    Kendall DeLyser manages American Forests’ forest climate science projects and serves as the organization’s technical expert on forests, carbon and climate change. DeLyser is currently leading research partnerships focused on climate-smart forestry and wood utilization, forest soil carbon, and the role of forests as natural climate solutions. She supports state natural resource agency partners in applying climate-smart forestry research to inform policy development and forest management planning. Before joining American Forests, DeLyser worked on carbon offset project research and policy recommendations for climate-smart land use and also researched successful forest restoration techniques in Costa Rica. DeLyser holds a bachelor’s degree in environmental policy from Colorado College, as well as master’s degrees in environmental management and forestry from Duke University.

    Steve Prisley

    Principal Research Scientist

    National Council for Air and Stream Improvement

    Dr. Steve Prisley is a Principal Research Scientist at the National Council for Air and Stream Improvement (NCASI). Steve conducts and leads research and technical support in the areas of forest biometrics and economics, currently focused on forest carbon measurement, monitoring, and reporting. Prior to joining NCASI, Steve was Professor of Forest Inventory and GIS at the Virginia Tech Department of Forest Resources and Environmental Conservation, and directed the Center for Natural Resources Assessment and Decision Support. Steve has over 13 years of experience in the forest products industry. For several decades, Steve has worked closely with data and scientists from the US Forest Service’s Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA) program, using their data in forest carbon assessments and inventory projections.

    Chris Swanston

    Associate Deputy Chief for Research & Development

    USDA Forest Service

    Dr. Chris Swanston is the USDA Forest Service Associate Deputy Chief for Research & Development. Chris spent 10+ years leading the Northern Institute of Applied Climate Science (NIACS), a partnership designed to provide climate adaptation services to all land managers. He also served as director of the USDA Northern Forests Climate Hub and led the Climate, Fire, and Carbon Cycle Sciences research group. Chris enjoys fat biking and mug collecting.

    Claire O'Dea (Moderator)

    Resources Planning Act Assessment National Program Leader

    USDA Forest Service Research & Development