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Scroll below to view many of the technical and scientific presentations that were presented live during SAF2023. The presentations are grouped by timeslot (session) and room. To view a grouping of presentations, click on the list of events below, and then click the "Watch Presentations" button.
Session 4
Adaptive Silviculture for Climate Change (ASCC) - Applying Novel Science On-The-Ground - Part 1
Petawawa Research Forest ASCC Site: Managing the Challenges and Opportunities of an ASCC Research Site
Speaker(s): Jeff Fera, Natural Resources Canada and Mike Hoepting, Natural Resources Canada
Description: We will present an overview of the Petawawa Research Forest's Adaptive Silviculture for Climate Change (ASCC) research study. Details will be provided on the research protocols, the challenges and opportunities of developing an ASCC research site and highlight the enthusiasm shown for the study by the forestry community.
Developing Climate Change Adaptation Strategies Across Three Different Forest Types in the Colorado ASCC Sites
Speaker(s): Mike Battaglia, USDA Forest Service Rocky Mountain Research Station
Description: Climate change adaptation strategies are being developed and implemented across an elevational gradient in Colorado's forests. In this presentation we discuss these strategies for dry mixed conifer, lodgepole pine, and spruce-fir forests.
Southern New England Oak ASCC Affiliate: Adaptive Silviculture for Oak-Hickory Forests in an Exurban Setting
Speaker(s): Thomas Worthley, University of Connecticut
Description: This presentation will highlight the challenges of perpetuating the oak-hickory community in a parcelized, mixed-use environment, will present a study of forest manager priorities and discuss the benefits of the resistance/resilience/transition approach to exemplify how silviculture is applied to create the conditions suitable "to grow what we want to grow".
John Prince Research Forest ASCC Site: Balancing Site History and Future Uncertainty in Adaptive Silviculture
Speaker(s): Kristen Waring, Northern Arizona University
Description: The John Prince Research Forest ASCC site was implemented in 2022 in an area with a history of overstory removals and where climate predictions have large uncertainties for precipitation. We balanced these factors in the silviculture prescriptions and aim to understand the implications of these choices for future forests.
Bet-Hedging and Forest Assisted Migration in the Northern Rockies ASCC
Speaker(s): Justin Crotteau, USDA Forest Service Rocky Mountain Research Station
Description: Of the Resistance, Resilience, and Transition treatments implemented at the Northern Rockies ASCC site, the Transition treatment's approach to future-adapted seedlings stands out as the most proactive regeneration strategy in the local experiment. We share the strategy, how we arrived there, and the steps to execution along the way.
Urban Adaptive Silviculture Along Floodplain Forests of the Upper Mississippi River
Speaker(s): Marcella Windmuller-Campione, University of Minnesota
Description: The first urban affiliated site of the ASCC network is located along the Upper Mississippi River in Crosby Farm Regional Park in Saint Paul, MN. Planting of 18 different tree species followed the resistant, resilience, and transition framework. Average survival has been greater than 75% across all treatments.
SAF CFE: 1.5 Category 1
ESA CEU: 0.375
Advance the Health, Productivity, and Sustainability of America’s Forests – An Interactive Discussion With the National Association of University Forest Resources Programs
Advance the Health, Productivity, and Sustainability of America’s Forests – An Interactive Discussion With the National Association of University Forest Resources Programs
Speaker(s): Zhu Ning, Southern University & A&M College (Moderator); Robert Wagner, Purdue University; Kathleen Kavanagh, Oregon State University; Andrew Storer, Michigan Technological University; Todd Petty, Clemson University; and Hans Williams, Stephen F. Austin State University
Description: The National Association of University Forest Resources Programs (NAUFRP) represents 80 of our nation's most prestigious universities and their respective scientists, educators, and extension specialists. A panel consists of the NAUFRP president, national committee chairs, and regional chairs will engage audiences to participate in dynamic discussions focusing on national issues related to forestry legislations and appropriations, education policies, professional standard, diversity and inclusive natural resources education, culturally responsive teaching in forestry, U.S. forest and forest products research & development capacity and needed to address threats and capture opportunities, extension program delivery and the Family Forest Education Program Awards, international issues, education of students from other countries, and collaboration among organizations.
SAF CFE: 1.5 Category 1
ESA CEU: 0.375
Building Public Literacy on Wildfire Resilience Needs in the Dry Forests of the Western US
Building Public Literacy and Countering Misinformation on Wildfire Resilience Needs in the Dry Forests of the Western US
Speaker(s): Eric Holst, Environmental Defense Fund (Moderator); Casey Bender, Strategies 360; Craig Thomas, Fire Restoration Group; and Susie Kocher, University of California Cooperative Extension
Description: A panel of scientists, practitioners, and communications experts will explore success and failure in building public literacy and countering misinformation on forest and wildfire resilience management needs in the western United States.
SAF CFE: 1.5 Category 1
ESA CEU: 0.375
Evolution of Forestry - Session 4
Forest Succession, Management and the Economy Under a Changing Climate: Coupling Economic and Forest Management Models To Assess Impacts and Adaptation Options
Speaker(s): Thomas Ochuodho, University of Kentucky
Description: Climate change will affect successional dynamics of and the performance of plantations. A better understanding of how these factors will affect forests and economies and how we can best adapt is needed. Coupled economic-forest management model estimates impacts and adaptation on timber supply and economy in New Brunswick, Canada.
SAF CFE: 0.5 Category 1
ESA CEU: 0.125
Mitigating Forest Loss in Central Ohio: A Private Woodland Owner Choice Experiment
Speaker(s): Sayeed Mehmood, Ohio State University
Description: The study explores factors influencing a private woodland owners' decision to sell his/her land. The study also uses a best-worst choice experiment to gauge woodland owner willingness to participate in conservation programs designed to reduce forest loss to land conversion.
SAF CFE: 0.5 Category 1
ESA CEU: 0.125
Effect of Chronic Wasting Disease on Hunting Lease Values: A Discrete Choice Experiment Approach
Speaker(s): Ram Adhikari, New Mexico Highlands University
Description: The emergence of chronic wasting disease in southeastern states has threatened the future of the region's hunting economy. By analyzing the survey responses from deer hunters, this study demonstrates how hunter tradeoff between disease risk and other lease attributes such as lease size, proximity, deer density, and buck quality.
SAF CFE: 0.5 Category 1
ESA CEU: 0.125
Science Flashes - Session 4
Tree Species Identification from UAV RGB Images using Deep Learning Techniques
Speaker(s): Yunmei Huang, Purdue University
Description: This research aims to classify tree species using UAV RGB images and evaluate the performance of state-of-the-art models. Five deep-learning models are trained with datasets collected from three seasons. All models perform the best on summer images. The model trained in one season can't transfer well to another.
Explaining AI and Remote Sensing to Non-Scientists Through Online Learning in Applied Forestry (OLAF)
Speaker(s): Pete Bettinger, University of Georgia
Description: This presentation provides details on the narratives and tactics employed to describe key components of artificial intelligence and remote sensing systems, in a succinct and comprehensible fashion, in the Online Learning in Applied Forestry (OLAF) system. We focus on the application of these advanced systems to forest measurement and management.
Tree Species Shift and Climate Change Across CONUS in the Past 20 Years
Speaker(s): Jianmin Wang, Purdue University
Description: Trees have moved in vertical direction in western US and in horizontal direction in eastern US. Saplings have shifted faster than trees. Obligate wetland plants tended to shift downward, eastward, and southward likely due to changes in moisture availability.
SAF CFE: 0.5 Category 1 CFE
ESA CEU: 0.125
Entire video must be viewed to receive SAF CFE and/or ESA CEU credit.
Creating a Successful Certification Prep Course
Speaker(s): Rebecca Johnson, Arborholic, LLC
Description: Certifications are key to career advancement, however many employees in the green industry struggle to prepare for certification exams. The Texas A&M Forest Service developed a model for a IISA Certified Arborist exam prep class which we have expanded and made affordable to arborists in the Central Texas Region.
Modeling Seasonality in Wildfire Suppression Expenditures
Speaker(s): Bruno Kanieski Da Silva, Mississippi State University
Description: We investigate the drivers and long-term behavior of suppression expenditures of the Forest Service and the Department of the Interior. Our study emphasizes the importance of seasonality in monthly expenditures and the need for different modeling approaches to better understand the relationship between climate variables and suppression costs.
Developing Flexible Systems of Taper, Volume, and Biomass Equations to Meet Diverse Management Objectives
Speaker(s): Dehai Zhao, University of Georgia
Description: This presentation will provide modeling strategies for developing flexible systems of tree taper, volume, and weight equations to meet diverse needs, focusing on model structures to ensure complete compatibility of taper and volume equations and additivity of biomass equations and model estimation methods associated with different model structures.
SAF CFE: 0.5 Category 1 CFE
ESA CEU: 0.125
Entire video must be viewed to receive SAF CFE and/or ESA CEU credit.
Status of Forest Growth to Removal Rate in Arkansas
Speaker(s): Sagar Godar Chhetri, University of Arkansas At Monticello
Description: The proposal aims to provide the status of the current timber supply condition to forest industries in Arkansas. The preliminary results found that the annual growth rate was 1.6 times higher than the removal rate and is significantly different among species types (Pine vs Hardwood) and ecoregions.
No SAF CFE nor ESA credit is available for this presentation.
Sharing Our Passion
Landowners Want To Give Farms, Ranches, Forests, and Money: Don’t Blunder Research and Demonstration Opportunities
Speaker(s): Andrew Perleberg, Washington State University
Description: Family forests, farms, and ranches utilized for research and extension demonstrations are attractive and feasible estate planning goals. Foresters and extension specialists who develop strong bonds with families can help perpetuate their love of the land through charitable giving efforts. Openness to discuss succession planning is unexpectedly welcome by donors.
SAF CFE: 0.5 Category 1
ESA CEU: 0.125
Reaching Members, Potential New Members, and the Public Through Social Media
Speaker(s): Trisha Markus, Clemson University
Description: The Appalachian Society of American Forester's region uses a student internship program to share information about natural resource management with members and the public using Facebook and Instagram social media platforms. We report the successes and challenges of the program and usage demographics.
SAF CFE: 0.5 Category 1
ESA CEU: 0.125
Changing the Image of Forestry One Classroom at a Time: An Applied High School Curriculum
Speaker(s): Jared Schroeder, Wisconsin Forestry Center
Description: The Wisconsin Forestry Center (WFC) at UW- Stevens Point is creating an applied high school curriculum in forestry to address the need to increase recruitment into the forestry industries. This curriculum will give students hands-on experience with tree biology and identification, forest health, forest products, and silviculture.
SAF CFE: 0.5 Category 1
ESA CEU: 0.125
The R(evolution) of Forestry in Indian Forestry: Focusing on Tribal Innovation and Perspectives to Address Forestry Challenges of Today
Why Indian Forestry Matters and What It Means to SAF
Speaker(s): Phil Rigdon, Intertribal Timber Council
Description: ITC will provide an important grounding in Indian forestry and showcase the innovation and multi-generational knowledge that Indian Forestry brings to meet the ongoing challenges and opportunities that all foresters and natural resource professionals face. Tribal forests are integral to informing the profession's past, present, and future.
The 4th Indian Forest Management Assessment Team Report: What it Means for Tribes, Foresters and Forests Nationwide
Speaker(s): Adrian Leighton, Salish Kootenai College
Description: ITC will present the major findings of the 4th Indian Forest Management Assessment Team Report. This presentation will highlight major findings over 40 years of Indian Forestry. Presenter will highlight major findings, while outline the innovations and successes of Tribal Foresters despite persisting barriers in funding.
Cross-Boundary and Shared Stewardship Considerations as Experienced by Yakama Nation
Speaker(s): Phil Rigdon, Intertribal Timber Council
Description: Case Studies from Yakama Nation on developing and implementing stewardship and restoration projects across tribal, federal and non-federal lands in Central Washington. Mr. Rigdon will discuss holistic approaches to watershed and forestry management utilized by the Yakama Nation.
Overview of Lands Back Approaches and Their Relation to Indian Forest Management
Speaker(s): Rebecca Hunt, Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation
Description: Co-stewardship and co-management authorities are giving Tribes a greater role in the management of federal lands within their ancestral territories. The presenter will share how Tribes are using these authorities, and various mechanisms for returning ancestral forest lands back to Indigenous authority and stewardship.
Indigenous Traditional Knowledge and Relationships to Fire in Forestry
Speaker(s): Jim Durglo, Intertribal Timber Council
Description: Presenters will share the unique tribal cultural perspective to fire and its role in tribal forestry. This perspective and long-term relationship with fire guides Tribes in opportunities and innovation to address modern forestry challenges.
SAF CFE: 1.5 Category 1
ESA CEU: 0.375
Session 5
Agroforestry: It's in Our DNA
The Prairie State Forestry Project Digital Archive: Harvesting History to Grow the Future
Speaker(s): Gary Bentrup, USDA National Agroforestry Center
Description: The Prairie States Forestry Project (PSFP) Digital Archive provides access to historical documents from the largest afforestation project to date in the United States. This new archive provides a platform and a systematic framework for understanding the strengths and limitations of the PSFP that could help guide future landscape interventions.
Buffering America's Waterways: Mapping Opportunities to Protect and Enhance Surface Drinking Water
Speaker(s): Matthew Smith, USDA Forest Service - National Agroforestry Center
Description: Riparian areas provide important opportunities to protect one of our most valuable natural resources – surface water drinking sources. The Buffering America's Waterways tool is interactive mapping tool for identifying where perennial vegetation could be planted or enhanced to filter water running off cropland to improve drinking water quality.
Three years of the Northeast Forest Farmers Coalition: Building a Community of Practice
Speaker(s): Walker Cammack, Smokey House Center and Karam Sheban, Yale School of the Environment
Description: In this presentation, project leaders of the Northeast Forest Farmers Coalition (NFFC) reflect on three years of effort building a community of practice around forest farming in the Northeast. We cover project accomplishments and share perspective on the future of forest farming work in the region.
SAF CFE: 1.5 Category 1
ESA CEU: 0.375
Emerging Technologies and Forest Inventory: What Does the Future of Forest Inventory Look Like?
Emerging Technologies and Forest Inventory: What Does the Future of Forest Inventory Look Like?
Speaker(s): Brandon Craft, Treeswift (Moderator); Wade Tinkham, USDA Forest Service - Rocky Mountain Research Station; Dennis Kepler, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources; Robert Froese, University of Alberta; Cam Brown, Forsite Consultants Ltd; and Sean McKenzie, Oregon Department of Forestry
Description: Remote sensing tools such as satellite imagery and lidar (both aerial and terrestrial) are capable of collecting large quantities of data from forests. This panel will discuss how these emerging technologies are increasingly being explored as tools for generating and/or enhancing forest inventory data at various spatial scales.
Please note: This panel is in audio format only. You must listen to the whole recording to receive CFEs.
SAF CFE: 1.5 Category 1
ESA CEU: 0.375
Evolution of Forestry - Session 5
The Forestry Grand Challenges Survey: Understanding the Nations Forest and Forest Products R&D Priorities
Speaker(s): Robert Wagner, Purdue University; Terry Baker, SAF, and Emily Huff, Michigan State University
Description: The grand challenges survey aimed to identify the most important problems facing the forest sector at all scales. An overview results and proceedings from a subsequent national summit will be shared, to help build back forest and forest products R&D in the U.S.
SAF CFE: 0.5 Category 1
ESA CEU: 0.125
Creating New Markets is a Team Effort: Knowledge-Sharing & Connections Amongst Diverse Stakeholders
Speaker(s): Leslie Boby, Southern Regional Extension Forestry
Description: Bridging the gap between economic developers and forestry stakeholders can facilitate forest economic development. Learn more about efforts to create connections amongst these diverse stakeholders and develop helpful tools.
SAF CFE: 0.5 Category 1
ESA CEU: 0.125
Why the Urban Forestry Profession Needs to Evolve
Speaker(s): Keith O'Herrin, Union County NC
Description: Urban forestry is increasingly in-demand but lacks a unifying identity or the organized professional support system seen in 11 other professions analyzed. A gap analysis revealed urban forestry needs improvement in credentialing, public awareness, recruitment, and career advancement. We identified a misalignment between urban forest professionals and existing professional organizations.
SAF CFE: 0.5 Category 1
ESA CEU: 0.125
Focus on Water - Session 5
Interactive Effects of Forest Harvesting and Climate on Forest Evapotranspiration and Streamflow Dynamics
Speaker(s): Salli Dymond, Northern Arizona University - Flagstaff, AZ
Description: We investigated the role of increasing forest harvesting on water budgets during wet and dry periods in coast redwood watersheds. We found that climate does interact with harvesting, with differential impacts on watershed water budgets during periods of drought and excess moisture.
SAF CFE: 0.5 Category 1
ESA CEU: 0.125
Quantifying Forest Canopy Gaps and Understanding Gap-Level Forest Regeneration in Upper Mississippi River Floodplain Forests
Speaker(s): Andrew Meier, US Army Corps of Engineers, St. Paul District
Description: Forest canopy gap dynamics are an important component of stand development in upland forests. In Upper Mississippi River floodplain forests, however, canopy gap dynamics do not appear to follow established patterns in upland forests. Recruitment failures in floodplain forest gaps may ultimately lead to large-scale forest loss.
SAF CFE: 0.5 Category 1
ESA CEU: 0.125
Innovative Finance in Action: Strategies for Developing Sustainable Forest Management Opportunities From the Urban Canopy to Headwater Forests
Innovative Finance in Action: Strategies for Developing Sustainable Forest Management Opportunities From the Urban Canopy to Headwater Forests
Speaker(s): Phil Saksa, Blue Forest Conservation (Moderator); Raven Lawson, Central Arkansas Water; Marisa Repka, Cambium Carbon; Zack Knight, Blue Forest; and Sarah Hall, American Forest Foundation
Description: Forests provide significant benefits for climate, biodiversity, and human health. However, funding gaps prevent large-scale interventions. Given these circumstances, forest managers, utilities, corporations, and other stakeholders are looking to innovative financial approaches to ensure that forest priorities can be achieved.
Please note: This panel is in audio format only. You must listen to the whole recording to receive CFEs.
SAF CFE: 1.5 Category 1
ESA CEU: 0.375
Science Flashes - Session 5
Longleaf Pine Growth and Yield Over a Range of Site Conditions in the Southeastern US
Speaker(s): Bronson Bullock, University of Georgia
Description: A new growth and yield model system for longleaf pine using plots in planted unthinned stands is presented. The model is formulated as a system of simultaneous equations allowing for stand-level predictions and projections for basal area, mortality, dominant height, volume and weight and accounts for soil and site characteristics.
Functional Diversity Affects Tree Vigor, Growth, and Mortality in the Mixed-Conifer/Hardwood Forests of California
Speaker(s): Christopher Looney, USFS PSW Research Station
Description: Leveraging positive interactions among tree species is a potentially powerful tool to sustain forests under climate change. However, experimental validation is only nascent in California. We used Forest Inventory data to investigate the potential of species mixture effects to enhance tree growth, vigor, and survival for major conifers and hardwoods.
Economic and Environmental Effects of Improved Forest Management and Improved Loblolly Pine Genotypes on Carbon Sequestration in the Southeast U.S.
Speaker(s): Jacek Siry, University of Georgia
Description: This study evaluated the profitability of joint timber-carbon production and estimated the value of carbon sequestration with improved forest management and improved loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) genotypes in the southeast U.S. using the American Carbon Registry's methodology.
SAF CFE: 0.5 Category 1 CFE
ESA CEU: 0.125
Entire video must be viewed to receive SAF CFE and/or ESA CEU credit.
Silvicultural Strategies to Meet Department of Defense Installation Land Management Objectives
Speaker(s): Kevin Porteck, Forester - Tehama
Description: Lands administered by the Department of Defense (DoD) require some unique forest management practices. In this presentation, Mr. Kevin Porteck will identify some of the special land management requirements on DoD lands, and some common and uncommon silvicultural practices employed to meet these objectives.
Individual Bald Cypress Knee Modeling from Mobile LiDAR
Speaker(s): Titilayo Tajudeen, North Carolina State University
Description: Accurate forest structural parameters are crucial to forest inventory, and modeling of the carbon cycle and wildlife habitat. Lidar is particularly suitable for the measurement of forest structural parameters. This study proposes a low-cost method for obtaining knee attributes, estimating knee volume, and subsequently the aboveground biomass.
Impacts of Flooding Treatments on Potential Black Ash Replacement Species Along a Climate Gradient
Speaker(s): Holly Francart, University of Minnesota Twin Cities
Description: Black ash wetlands are threatened by Emerald ash borer ((EAB) Agrilus planipennis), resulting in overstory mortality and limited regeneration of other species. Replacement species are being considered, but climate change should be considered. This study evaluates effects of flooding on growth and survival of replacement species along a climate gradient.
SAF CFE: 0.5 Category 1 CFE
ESA CEU: 0.125
Entire video must be viewed to receive SAF CFE and/or ESA CEU credit.
Be an Upstander Not a Bystander
Speaker(s): Cindy Schwab, The Davey Tree Expert Company and Natalie McNeill, The Davey Tree Expert Company
Description: Research has shown that a more diverse workplace leads to increased productivity and profitability. How can we as leaders in our space contribute to fostering a diverse workforce, lead with empathy and improve psychological safety.
Considerations for Outplanting Practices in the Western U.S.: Accounting its Past, Present, and Future
Speaker(s): Gabriel Altieri, Mast Reforestation and Tiffani Manteuffel-Ross, Mast Restoration
Description: To meet current goals for reforestation, improvements in equipment innovation, infrastructure, and incentives for outplanting labor pools are required. We examined historical and existing outplanting practices using literature reviews, on-site interviews with foresters and planters, and field observations during planting events throughout the Pacific Northwest.
Conjuring the Phoenix: A Forester's Ride on the Pendulum of Destruction
Speaker(s): William Keye, Communications Chair, Cal SAF
Description: California's national forests blanket 20% of the Golden State and contain approximately half of its productive timberland. Their ecological condition is deteriorating due to unnaturally hot wildfires and subsequent type conversions. The author will share his unique perspective on why this is happening and how foresters can reclaim social license.
SAF CFE: 0.5 Category 1 CFE
ESA CEU: 0.125
Entire video must be viewed to receive SAF CFE and/or ESA CEU credit.
Adaptive Silviculture for Climate Change (ASCC) - Applying Novel Science On-The-Ground - Part 2
The Robinson Forest ASCC Site: Responding to Climate Change in Kentucky's Central Appalachian Region
Speaker(s): Jacob Muller, University of Kentucky
Description: This presentation will highlight a new Adaptive Silviculture for Climate Change Network site located in the rugged and dissected region of the Cumberland Plateau in eastern Kentucky, and describe the silvicultural approaches being developed and tested to sustainably manage these important forest resources found in the oak-hickory forest type.
Adaptive Silviculture in the Driftless Area
Speaker(s): Miranda Curzon, Iowa State University
Description: The Driftless Area ASCC study is a multi-state collaborative effort. This presentation will give an overview of this unique region (including forest ecosystem vulnerabilities and climate projections), describe the challenges and opportunities of working across three states, and introduce the adaptive silviculture treatments being applied.
SAF CFE: 1.5 Category 1
ESA CEU: 0.375
Session 6
Emerging Markets - Session 6
Growing and Diversifying Your Workforce
Speaker(s): Ian Leahy, American Forests and Tia Washington
Description: To address the labor shortage in urban forestry, this session will introduce three initiatives to help employers recruit and retain workers from low income and underrepresented communities: the Tree Equity Workforce Network, free Arboriculture Pre-Employment Curriculum and the WorkForest Model providing 6-months wraparound support to new hires.
SAF CFE: 0.5 Category 1
ESA CEU: 0.125
Focus on Silviculture - Session 6
Silvicultural Strategies to Convert Longleaf Pine Plantations to Multi-aged Stands and Groundcover Species Restoration
Speaker(s): Gabriel Nyen, Mississippi State University
Description: We designed silvicultural prescriptions to increase natural longleaf pine (Pinus palustris) regeneration and help transition even-aged plantations to multi-aged stands. Furthermore, we developed guidelines for restoring native forbs and grasses after the first commercial thinning of longleaf pine plantations to create best management practices for restoring biodiverse understories.
SAF CFE: 0.5 Category 1
ESA CEU: 0.125
SilviCast: Bridging Science and Practice Through Podcasting
Speaker(s): Bradley Hutnik, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, Division of Forestry; Gregory Edge, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources; and Megan Espe, Wisconsin Forestry Center, UW - Stevens Point
Description: What do "Woodlot Assassins," "Climate Castaways," and "Stocking Charts on Napkins" all have in common? If you listen to SilviCast, a podcast about all things silviculture, you know the answer. Learn how starting a podcast devoted to connecting researchers and forest management practitioners has created new avenues for continuing education.
SAF CFE: 0.5 Category 1
ESA CEU: 0.125
White Oak Sustainability Efforts in Arkansas – New Markets, Resource Management Challenges and Solutions
Speaker(s): Kutcher Cunningham, University of Arkansas
Description: Hardwood forests in the Central Hardwood Region have been strained by many factors over past decades impacting species composition, health and vigor, stem quality, and regeneration success. These factors are now impacting upland hardwood regions in Arkansas. This presentation will cover challenges and proactive solutions aimed at avoiding detrimental outcomes.
SAF CFE: 0.5 Category 1
ESA CEU: 0.125
Focus on the Science and Research - Session 6
Pacific Coast Temperate Forest Carbon Partnership: Study Results
Speaker(s): Glenn Christensen, PNW Research Station and Nadia Tase, California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection
Description: The Pacific Coast Temperate Forest carbon partnership completed a regional study detailing current forest and harvested wood product carbon stocks, sequestration, drivers of change, and wood product flows in California, Oregon, Washington, and British Columbia. Study results provide a consistent baseline for regional monitoring, carbon accounting and climate mitigation policy.
SAF CFE: 0.5 Category 1
ESA CEU: 0.125
The Application of Resilience in Forest Research: Persistence, Recovery, and Adaptability
Speaker(s): Bryan Murray, Oklahoma State University
Description: Resilience is a core ecological concept that has evolved multiple meanings including persistence, recovery, and adaptability. We conducted a systematic literature review to understand how resilience is conceptualized in various contexts. How resilience was defined varied with region and disturbance type. Recovery and persistence were the most common resilience conceptualizations.
SAF CFE: 0.5 Category 1
ESA CEU: 0.125
Exploring How Urban Forest Professionals Perceive Risk and Manage Trees and Storms in Three Cities
Speaker(s): Stephanie Cadaval, University of Florida
Description: This exploratory research highlights how urban forest professionals perceived tree-related risk, experienced collaboration and conflict, and how they managed storm events. This research involved semi-structured interviews with 17 professionals in three United States cities. Storm preparedness and response-related challenges were complex, and participants viewed collaborative practices positively.
SAF CFE: 0.5 Category 1
ESA CEU: 0.125
It Burned. Now What?
The Emergence of Emergency Forest Restoration Teams to Support Post Fire Forest Recovery in California.
Speaker(s): Dana Walsh, USDA Forest Service State and Private Forestry
Description: Partnerships to promote recovery in support of action 1.14 in the California Wildfire and Forest Resilience Strategy to assist recovery of non-industrial private forest lands and leverage recovery efforts across ownerships. Ongoing pilot projects have delivered substantial restoration actions and provided significant information and lessons learned.
Advancing Postfire Restoration Frameworks and Tribal Engagement for California National Forests
Speaker(s): Jonathan Long, USDA Forest Service Pacific Southwest Research Station
Description: The presentation will highlight findings from a new report to inform postfire interventions across large landscapes to promote resilience in the face of a rapidly changing climate and increasing wildfire activity.
Collaborative Capacity to Reforest California
Speaker(s): Jimi Scheid, California Department of Forestry & Fire Protection
Description: In the wake of catastrophic wildfire, years of drought and related forest impacts, the need for reforestation services and multi-faceted solutions has never been more in demand in California. Through financial, technical and physical means, CAL FIRE is diversifying its approach to improve the resiliency of the state's forestlands.
How Do We Promote Resilience of Planted Forests?
Speaker(s): Ryan Tompkins, University of California, Agriculture & Natural Resources
Description: Disturbances like extended drought-driven tree mortality and increasing scale of high severity wildfires are cumulatively impacting the dry mixed conifer forests of the Sierra Nevada. In this twenty-first century of climate change, how do we incorporate ecological concepts of resistance and resilience into post fire restoration and reforestation?
Collective Recovery; Building Social and Ecological Resiliency Through Reforestation
Speaker(s): Britta Dyer, American Forests
Description: Amidst the high-severity fire that we've seen across the country, we are all working towards Collective Recovery for Resiliency - and reforestation is a key component of that. What recovery looks like differs from each physical landscape, but the solutions we seek will require unpacking ecological, social and political considerations.
Working with Small Non-industrial Private Forest Landowners to Restore Forests after Wildfire in California
Speaker(s): Susie Kocher, University of California Cooperative Extension
Description: Forest landowners affected by wildfire overwhelmingly want to reforest, yet often don't have the knowledge, connections, funding and labor source to conduct complex reforestation actions on their landscape, especially when they have lost a home. This talk describes treatment barriers and outreach and education strategies to overcome them.
SAF CFE: 1.5 Category 1
ESA CEU: 0.375
Professional Foresters in Consulting Forestry – Opportunities, Skills Needed and Ethical Obligations
Professional Foresters in Consulting Forestry – Opportunities, Skills Needed and Ethical Obligations
Speaker(s): Rick Barnes, Retired (Moderator); Richard Carbonetti, LandVest, Inc.; Randy Jacobszoon, Humboldt State University; and Andrea Eggleton, FRST Corp dba Forest Resource Solutions and Technologies
Description: This session will highlight the role of consulting foresters in the management of forestlands. A panel of ACF Foresters will discuss the services commonly provided by, the skills needed to be, and the ethical obligations of consulting foresters as well as the evolution of the profession and new opportunities.
SAF CFE: 1.5 Category 1
ESA CEU: 0.375
Sharing Our Passion for Family Forests
Managing Forest Lands After a Hurricane: Lessons Learned from Forest Landowners in the Panhandle, Florida
Speaker(s): Mysha Clarke, University of Florida
Description: This presentation will highlight 1) the socio-ecological impacts of Hurricane Michael on 1) future land ownership behaviors, 2) the factors that influence their forest restoration plans 2) and the impacts of relief funding on their overall future forest ownership and management plans.
SAF CFE: 0.5 Category 1
ESA CEU: 0.125
The Total Economic Value (TEV) of Family Forests: Learning from an NWOS Science Module
Speaker(s): Jesse Caputo, USDA Forest Service
Description: The National Woodland Owner Survey science module on landowner values was developed and implemented in order to collect data on economic values not covered by the base NWOS survey, with an aim of bringing us closer to understanding the total economic value (TEV) that landowners derive from their forested land.
SAF CFE: 0.5 Category 1
ESA CEU: 0.125
Wood Supply from Family Forests of the United States: Biophysical, Social, and Economic Factors
Speaker(s): Brett Butler, USDA Forest Service Forest Inventory and Analysis
Description: Across the U.S., 41% of the timber removals come from family forests. The factors associated with this wood supply are explored using data from forest inventory plots, landowner surveys, mill surveys, and other data sources. General descriptive results will be presented along with results from bivariate and multivariable analyses.
SAF CFE: 0.5 Category 1
ESA CEU: 0.125
Successes and Challenges of Natural Resource Professions Regarding Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Enrollment Trends in Natural Resources Degree Programs through Fall 2022: Emphasis on Demographic Diversity
Speaker(s): Tara Bal, Michigan Technological University
Description: Our objective is to provide on update on higher education natural-resources-related student enrollments in the U.S. through Fall 2022, with an emphasis on demographic diversity. This continues college enrollment updates from 2005 through the pandemic using USDA FAEIS data focusing on National Association of University Forest Resource Programs (NAUFRP)-member- institutions.
Engagement and Inclusion in SAF: An Update from SAF Leadership
Speaker(s): Jamie Dahl, Colorado State University and Terry Baker, SAF
Description: We will share summarized findings from a study of engagement and inclusion in SAF. Then the Diversity and Inclusion Working Group and SAF staff members will share the latest on diversity, equity, and inclusion actions and strategy for our organization.
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in the Wildlife Profession: Examples from The Wildlife Society
Speaker(s): Don Yasuda, The Wildlife Society
Description: This presentation will provide a history and evolution of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) efforts and initiatives of The Wildlife Society (TWS). It will discuss TWS' DEI Vision and efforts to integrate DEI into strategic goals, polices, practices, and ultimately to influence the culture of the wildlife profession.
Opportunities to Support Equity, Engagement, and Inclusion in the Society for Range Management
Speaker(s): Devii Rao, University of California
Description: Leaders from the Society for Range Management's Diversity & Inclusion (D&I) Committee will discuss how the Society's demographics have changed through time, and how current perceptions of inclusion in the rangeland profession are guiding Societal efforts to create change at the individual and institutional levels.
Successes and Challenges of Natural Resource Professions Regarding Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion - Society of Outdoor Recreation Professionals
Speaker(s): Rachel Franchina, Society of Outdoor Recreation Professionals
Description: This presentation will provide an overview of the Society of Outdoor Recreation Professionals' commitment to justice, diversity, equity, and inclusion (JEDI) efforts and programs. It will share the demographics of SORP members and the broader natural resource profession, identify gaps and challenges, and discuss opportunities including specific programs that SORP is implementing.
SAF CFE: 1.5 Category 1
ESA CEU: 0.375
The State of Our Public and Private Forests from a State Perspective
The State of Our Public and Private Forests from a State Perspective
Speaker(s): Joseph Roise, NC State University (Moderator); Abby Jamison, Pennsylvania Bureau of Forestry; Keith Gilless, UC Berkeley; Sean Brogan, NC Forest Service; Joel Hambright, Texas A&M Forest Service; and Sam Cook, NC State University (Moderator)
Description: Every state comes to forestry and understands forestry from their unique perspective. They all have their own issues, history, problems and solutions. Most foresters know the situation in their own state, and they might know something about adjacent states, but nobody knows what is going on in all the states.
SAF CFE: 1.5 Category 1
ESA CEU: 0.375
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