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Western & Northwestern Silviculture and Forest Ecology Bundle
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Enjoy this curated set of on-demand presentations that captures silviculture and forest ecology within the western & northwestern North America. This bundle will be updated as new content becomes available.
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Forest Responses to Nitrogen and Potassium Fertilization across Common Inland Northwest Parent Materials - Andrew Nelson, University of Idaho
Effects of Chemical Vegetation Control on Understory Community Dynamics in Douglas-fir Plantations - Maxwell Wightman, Oregon State University
Southwestern White Pine Seedling Tolerances to a Changing Climate: Early Results from Common Gardens - Jessica DaBell, Northern Arizona University
Challenges and Opportunities for Maintaining Ponderosa Pine Forests in the Southwestern U.S - Thomas Kolb, Northern Arizona University
Can Past Silvicultural Treatments Build Resistance and Resilience to a Spruce Beetle Epidemic? - Marcella Windmuller-Campione, Utah State University
Surviving Against the Odds: A Silvicultural Approach to Monterey Pine Regeneration and Pitch Canker - Tori Norville, Cal Poly San Luis Obispo
Site-level Factors Determining Post-fire Conifer Regeneration in Eastern Oregon - Angela Boag, University of Colorado Boulder
What Have We Learned from the Last Decade’s Research about Drought-induced Tree Mortality in the Southwest? - Thomas Kolb, Northern Arizona University
Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks Statewide Forest Management Plan - Jason Parke; Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks
Black Bear Damage to Northwestern Conifers in California: A Review - Kenneth Fulgham, Humboldt State, Forestry & Wildland Resources Department
Physiology and Growth of Redwood and Douglas-fir Seedlings Planted After Variable Density Retention - Lucy Kerhoulas, Humboldt State University
Response of Improved Western Larch Clones to Site Quality and Climate - Kelsie Grover, University of Idaho
Conifer Retention Levels and Hardwood Control Affect Harvest Volume and Carbon Storage in Douglas-fir/Tanoak - Pascal Berrill, University of Maine
Diversity in Restored Western White Pine-Dominated Forests of the Northern Rocky Mountains - Brooke Durnin, University of Idaho
Shifts in Douglas-fir Vertical Distribution of Foliage in Response to Nitrogen Fertilization in Western Oregon - Jacob Putney - Oregon State University
Investigating Provenance Variation of Drought Adaptive Traits in Southwestern Ponderosa Pine Using Common Garden Studies - Aalap Dixit; Northern Arizona University, School of Forestry
Impacts of Forest Disturbance on Evapotranspiration and Source Water Appropriation in a Coastal Montane Forest - Salli Dymond, University of Minnesota Duluth, UMN Institute on the Environment
Aspen Decline in Northern Arizona: What Is Limiting Successful Regeneration and Recruitment? - Connor Crouch, Northern Arizona University
Dendroclimatic Analysis of Sierra Nevada Mixed Conifer Species in Different Diameter Classes - Sophan Chhin, West Virginia University
Intraspecific Roots Trait Variability of Western Larch (Larix occidentalis) Seedlings in Response to Drought - Vovener de Verlands Edmond, University of Idaho
Burn Severity in Mexican Spotted Owl PACs and Potential Habitat across the American Southwest - Michael Daugherty, Northern Arizona University
Facilitating Artificial Regeneration of Hemiparasitic ʻIliahi, Hawaiian Sandalwood (Santalum paniculatum) - Emily Thyroff, University of Hawai'i
Monitoring Targets and Triggers: North Yuba CFLRP - Kristen Wilson, The Nature Conservancy, Worldwide Office - CA
Got Seeds? Strengthening the Reforestation Pipeline in the Western United States - Matthew Aghai, Mast Reforestation - Seattle, WA
Protecting Beaver and Restoring Wetlands: The Ksik Stakii Project - Joshua Smith, Heritage Forestry and Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation; and Termaine Edmo, Blackfeet Environmental Office
Utilizing FVS Growth Predictions for Restoration and Management of California Forests - Katherine Wood, Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education
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