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Urban & Community Forestry Bundle
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Enjoy this curated set of on-demand presentations that focus on urban & community forestry. This bundle will updated as new content becomes available.
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Estimating the Willingness to Preserve Open Space in Coastal Waterfronts - Ram Dahal, Mississippi State University
Regional Goals - Local Action - Lydia Scott, Chicago Region Trees Initiative (The Morton Arboretum)
The "10-20-30 Rule" Revisited: Is it a Useful Standard for Urban Forest Diversity? - Mark Ambrose, NC State University
Urban Forest Assessments and Urban Tree Use: Lessons Learned from MN, NC, and VA - Kathryn Fernholz, Dovetail Partners
Understanding How Urban Residential Owners Perceive and Manage Their Trees: A Comparison of Four WI Cities - Kathryn Thostenson, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources
Comparative Analysis of Characteristics and Ecosystem Services of Trees in Two Urban Parks - Zhu Ning, Southern University
Evaluating Impact of Deforestation on Non-monetary Opportunity Costs of Temporal Urban Heat Island Changes - John Bosco Namwamba, Southern University (SUBR)
Lessons Learned from the Frontlines of Emerald Ash Borer - Stephanie Foster-Miller, Ohio Division of Forestry
Society of Municipal Arborists and Society of American Foresters Collaboration - Sam Oludunfe; City of Chula Vista, CA
Tree Equity: Career Pathways Toolkit- Preparing Tomorrow’s Urban Forestry Workforce - Sarah Anderson, American Forests
Tree Risk Management Plans: Don't Leave Your Office Without One - Jennifer Gulick, Urban Canopy Works
Addressing Uncertainty in Urban Forestry Damage Assessments following Hurricane Irma - Casey Lambert, The University of Alabama
Managing High Tree Mortality: New Best Practices from Creative Strategies in the Midwest - Frank Mastrobuono, PlanIT Geo
Tree Preservation During Residential Construction: An Evaluation of a Strict Municipal Tree Ordinance - Kaitlyn Pike; DePaul University / City of Highland Park, IL
Forest-to-Cities: Uniting Rural and Urban Stakeholders around Climate Action through Forestry and Mass Timber Construction - Jennifer Shakun, New England Forestry Foundation
Forests in Cities: Building a Community of Practice and Resource Library for Natural Areas Practitioners - Sophie Plitt, Natural Areas Conservancy
Healthy Trees, Healthy Lives - Dayziah Petruska, Texas A&M Forest Service
Planning for Environmental Equity: An Urban Forest Master Plan Element in Des Moines, Iowa - Jan Thompson, Iowa State University
Community Engagement through Urban Food Forestry - Jaq Payne, University of Tennessee Knoxville
Tree Equity in Action - Ian Leahy, American Forests; Molly Henry, American Forests; Alexis Gomez, American Forests; and Jacqueline Hall, Groundwork Rhode Island
Collaborative Engagement in Education and Extension to Achieve Excellence in Urban Forestry - Zhu Ning, Southern University & A&M College; Jason Gordon, University of Georgia; and Janette Thompson, Iowa State University
Urban Forestry in a Changing Climate - Zhu Ning, Southern University & A&M College (Moderator); Janette Thompson, Iowa State University; Thomas Worthley, University of Connecticut; Rachelle Hedges, University of California Berkeley; and Mysha Clarke, University of Florida
Urban Wood Utilization - Jeff Carroll, Urban Wood Economy and Kayla Stuart, Urban Wood Economy & Univ. of TN
Street Tree Diversity Across Varying Spatial Scales: A Case Study Of New Haven CT - Michael Freiburger, Yale
Are your Tree Planting Specifications Killing Your Trees? - Rebecca Johnson, Arborholic, LLC
Hazard Tree Selection near Power Facilities - Donald Dukleth, Southern California Edison
iSeaTree: Developing an Open-Source Mobile Application and Community Science Tool for Quantifying and Tracking Urban Forestry Assets - Arielle Simmons-Steff, (iSeaTree Mobile App)
Why the Urban Forestry Profession Needs to Evolve - Keith O'Herrin, Union County NC
Exploring How Urban Forest Professionals Perceive Risk and Manage Trees and Storms in Three Cities - Stephanie Cadaval, University of Florida
Evolving Urban Forestry - The new SFI Urban and Community Forest Sustainability Standard and Third-Party Certifications - Paul Johnson, Sustainable Forestry Initiative
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