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Southern Silviculture and Forest Ecology Bundle
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Enjoy this curated set of on-demand presentations that captures silviculture and forest ecology within the southern United States. This bundle will be updated as new content becomes available.
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A Size-class Growth and Yield System for Even-Aged Longleaf Pine - Dwight Lauer, Silvics Analytic
Managing Multi-Aged Longleaf Pine Forests: Overstory and Regeneration Response to Harvest Treatment - Steve Jack, Jones Ecological Research Center
Opportunities and Benefits of Using Biosolids and Compost for Fast Growing Plantations - Donald Rockwood, University of Florida
Practical Applications of Southern Pines Growth, Yield and Carbon Balance Model - Jarek Nowak, Florida Forest Service
Putting the ‘Mixed’ in Mixedwoods: Silvicultural Approaches to Shortleaf Pine Regeneration in Pine-Oak Forests - Benjamin Knapp, University of Missouri
Will Chinese Tallow Outcompete Two Fast-growing Native Tree Species? - Lauren Pile, Clemson University
Climate Change, Disturbance, Canopy Density, and Longleaf Pine Regeneration—Are We Missing Something? - Steve Jack, Jones Ecological Research Center
Drought Effects on Pine Plantations in the Southern US - Dehai Zhao, University of Georgia Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources
Facilitation Forestry: Intercropping to Increase Plantation Resistance and Resilience - David Buckley, University of Tennessee
Shortleaf Pine Response to Thinning at the Onset of a Severe Drought - Samantha Anderson, University of Missouri-Columbia
The Chinese Tallow Invasion Pattern under Different Disturbances at Stand Level in the Southeast Coastal Area USA - Shaoyang Yang, Forestry Department of Mississippi State University
Which Factors Contribute to the Presence and Abundance of Invasive Tree Species in Mississippi? - Jun Zhai and Don Grebner, Mississippi State University
Environmental Effects of Short-Rotation Pine Production for Bioenergy: Findings from a Watershed Experiment - Natalie Griffiths, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Long-Term Monitoring to Inform Adaptive Management - The Ichauway Experience - Steve Jack, Temple Foundation
Long-Term Growth and Yield of Old Field Longleaf Pine Plantations - David Clabo, University of Georgia
Longleaf Pine Restoration on Hydric Sites: Long-Term Vegetation Responses to Site Preparation - Connor Crouch, Northern Arizona University
Mixing Deer and Oak: A 13-Year Study Measuring the Effects of Deer Herbivory in the Piedmont of South Carolina - Calvin Norman, Clemson University
The Effects of Logging Slash and Soil Disturbance on the Establishment of Big Bluestem Grass - Lorenzo Walton, Alabama A&M University
Assessing Anthropogenic Impacts on Forest Composition within the Apalachicola River Floodplain using FIA Data - John Tracy, University of Florida
The Informal Economy of Wiregrass Production for Longleaf Pine Restoration - Tyler Carney, University of Florida
Evaluation of Environmental DNA and Physical Sampling Methods to Identify Salamander Populations in Kentucky - Jill Fisk, Kentucky State University
Characterizing Structural Diversity and Community Structure to Assess Shifting Forest Types in a Temperate Floodplain - John Tracy, University of Florida
Interplay of Oak Density, Light Availability, and Fire in the Success of Longleaf Pine Regeneration - Lukas Magee, University of Florida
Assessing the Pathways for Reforestation on Private lands in Several Southeast US Regions - Chloe Schneider, EDF
New Site Index Equation for Shortleaf Pine on the Cumberland Plateau - John Zobel, University of Minnesota
Tree Size Inequality and Growth Dominance in Loblolly Pine Plantations Under Different Silvicultural Treatments - Dehai Zhao, University of Georgia
Pollinator Habitat in Log Landings (PHiLL) Project - Sloane Scott, University of Missouri Columbia
Silvicultural Strategies to Convert Longleaf Pine Plantations to Multi-aged Stands and Groundcover Species Restoration - Gabriel Nyen, Mississippi State University
White Oak Sustainability Efforts In Arkansas - New Markets, Resource Management Challenges And Solutions - Kutcher Cunningham, University of Arkansas
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