Social and Related Sciences Package

  • Registration Closed

This package contains two bundles related to the interaction between humans, forestry, and forests.


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2. After checking out, the recordings will be available on your MY DASHBOARD page here on ForestEd.


Registration is $60 for SAF members. SAF Non-member price is $75. 

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Bundles in this Package

Education, Extension & Communication Bundle

Human Dimensions & History of Forestry Bundle


CFEs are not available for viewing this collection of recorded presentations. Be sure to register for the current year’s convention to earn CFEs, build your skills, and expand your professional network connections.

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  • Contains 43 Component(s)

    SAF Members: $40 // Non-Members: $55 // No CFEs available

    Enjoy this curated set of on-demand presentations that focus on education, extension, and communications. This bundle will be updated as new content becomes available.


    1. Click REGISTER and log in with your SAF account username and password.

    2. After checking out, the recordings will be available on your MY DASHBOARD page here on ForestEd.


    Registration is $40 for SAF members. SAF Non-member price is $55. 

    Join SAF today to save and access other growing member benefits.



    Advocating for Forestry - Science Literacy Among the Public - Gregory Albert, American Forest Management

    An Innovative Wood Utilization Educational Toolkit to Attain Healthy Forests and Sustainable Communities - Susan Guynn, Clemson University

    Assessing Forestry Learning Needs Across Generations - Alanna Koshollek, Aldo Leopold Foundation

    Communication – A Perspective from the Forestry Community - Thomas Hittle; Steigerwaldt Land Services, Inc.

    Confessions of a Forestry Communications Award Winner - Robert Williams; Pine Creek Forestry, LLC

    Ethnobotany as a Pathway for Attracting & Retaining Minority Students to Natural Resources - Sunshine Brosi, Forstburg State University

    PlayCleanGo: Stop Invasive Species in Your Tracks, Protecting Future Forests - Susan Burks; Minnesota DNR, Forestry Division

    The Heritage and Success of Wisconsin’s School Forest Program - Gretchen Marshall, Leaf Program: Wisconsin's' K-12 Forestry Education Program


    Analyzing Stakeholders’ Perceptions of Forestry BMPs in Georgia - Chantal Tumpach; Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources, University of Georgia

    Stakeholder Opinions on Scientific Forest Management Implementation in Nepal - Omkar Joshi, Oklahoma State University

    Water Quality Impacts on Outdoor Recreation in a Heavily Forested State: West Virginia, USA, Case Study - Jonas Leveque, West Virginia University


    A Case Study in Engaged Undergraduate Research on Small- and Medium-Scale Non-Timber Forest Product Production - Jessica Leahy, University of Maine

    Natural Resources Professional Societies' Visual Portrayal Online: Are They Representative? - Tara Bal, Michigan Technological University

    Throw Out the Cookbook to Learn GIS - Peter Linehan, Penn State University


    A New Interagency Model: The Ohio Oak Collaborative - Cotton Randall, Ohio Division of Forestry

    Engaging Ohio’s Appalachian Woodland Communities through Innovative Outreach: Ohio Oak Collaborative - David Apsley, Ohio State University Extension

    Enrollment Trends in Natural Resources Degree Programs in the U.S. with an Emphasis on Diversity - Terry Sharik, Michigan Technological University

    Extension Initiative for Wildland Fire Education/Outreach Collaboration - Shannon Murray, Oregon State Forestry Extension

    Growing our Forestry Programs for the Next Generation - Pat Stephens Williams, Stephen F. Austin State University

    Increasing Participation of Minority Farmers in Forestry Programs of Oktibbeha County - Thomas Nyatta, Mississippi State Extension Service

    Learning about Natural Resources through Adventure Recreation - Robert Burns, West Virginia University

    Mushroom Production Added Value to Forest in Oktibbeha County - Thomas Nyatta, Mississippi State Extension Service

    Reforestation of Degraded Lands in Micronesia - JB Friday, University of Hawai'i


    An Extension Program to Protect Forest Health in Hawaii - JB Friday, University of Hawai'i

    Changing the Conversation: Enhanced Learning through Inclusion of Cultural Science - tish carr, Wabanaki Youth in Science (WaYS)

    Demonstrating the Public Benefit of Extension Forestry Programming through Transfer of Ecosystem Services Values - Daniel Goerlich, Virginia Cooperative Extension

    Online Learning in Applied Forestry (OLAF): An Education Tool - Krista Merry; University of Georgia, Warnell School of Forestry


    Forest Owner Carbon and Climate Education (FOCCE) Program - Melissa Kreye, Pennsylvania State University

    Creating a Virtual Fire Science Training Opportunity for Southeastern Extension Professionals and Others - Hope Miller, University of Florida

    The Role of Complexity in Life-Long Learning and Research in Silviculture - Marcella Windmuller-Campione

    Strengthening The Mosaic By Weaving Indigenous Knowledge and Western Science - tish carr, Wabanaki Youth in Science

    Empowering Outreach Techniques to Reach Diverse Audiences - Candra Burns, Appalachian SAF

    Online Learning in Applied Forestry (OLAF): Student Experiences with the System - Pete Bettinger, University of Georgia

    Enrollment Update from Natural Resources Degree Programs Through the Pandemic: How Has it Impacted Students? - Tara Bal, Michigan Technological University

    SAF Accreditation -  Standards and Process - Jocelyn Harris, Society of American Foresters

    Engaging Young People in Forest Education: How 1 Public High School has Made People and Trees a Centerpiece of Learning - Van Wagner, Penn State University


    Challenges and Opportunities for Integrating Ecological Connectivity into U.S Forest Service Planning and Management - Braden Hance, Center for Large Landscape Conservation

    Global Forest Visualization: From Green Marbles to Storyworlds - Lynda Olman, University of Nevada Reno

    Landowners Want To Give Farms, Ranches, Forests, and Money: Don’t Blunder Research and Demonstration Opportunities - Andrew Perleberg, Washington State University

    Reaching Members, Potential New Members, and the Public Through Social Media - Trisha Markus, Clemson University

    Changing the Image of Forestry One Classroom at a Time: An Applied High School Curriculum - Jared Schroeder, Wisconsin Forestry Center

    Growing and Diversifying Your Workforce - Ian Leahy, American Forests and Tia Washington

    SilviCast: Bridging Science and Practice Through Podcasting - Bradley Hutnik, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, Division of Forestry; Gregory Edge, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources; and Megan Espe, Wisconsin Forestry Center, UW - Stevens Point


    CFEs are not available for viewing this collection of recorded presentations. Be sure to register for the current year’s convention to earn CFEs, build your skills, and expand your professional network connections.

    Need Help?

    For ForestEd questions, visit FAQs, or email For technical assistance, go to for self troubleshooting and/or live chat, or you can email


    This is a non-refundable item. Please view FAQs for additional information.

  • Contains 23 Component(s)

    SAF Members: $40 // Non-Members: $55 // No CFEs available

    Enjoy this curated set of on-demand presentations that focus on human dimensions and the history of forestry. This bundle will be updated as new content becomes available.


    1. Click REGISTER and log in with your SAF account username and password.

    2. After checking out, the recordings will be available on your MY DASHBOARD page here on ForestEd.


    Registration is $40 for SAF members. SAF Non-member price is $55. 

    Join SAF today to save and access other growing member benefits.



    History of Tribal Forestry in the Northwest 1804-2019 - Donald Motanic, Intertribal Timber Council

    How George Wirt Developed a Wildfire Fighting Strategy in Pennsylvania in the 1920s - Peter Linehan, Penn State University

    When Trees Are National Security: How a Tree-Planting Campaign in WWII Highlighted Resource Dynamics - David Taylor, Johns Hopkins University


    A National Review of the Forest Service's Shared Stewardship Strategy's Implementation - Courtney Schultz, Colorado State University

    Does Collaboration Matter? An Evaluation of Pace and Scale of National Forest Management in Idaho - Chelsea Pennick, University of Idaho

    Ensuring Sustainable Forest Management: Discourses Influencing State-level Policies - Erin Kelly, Humboldt State University

    Impacts of Forested Hiking Trails on Soil Erosion, Water Quality, and Salamander Populations in Kentucky - Jill Fisk, Kentucky State University

    Navigating Post-Fire Environments: Resident Experiences Following the 2019 Museum Fire, AZ - Catrin Edgeley, Northern Arizona University

    Recreation Participation Outlooks to 2070 for Downhill and Back-Country Skiing - Ashley Askew, University of Georgia

    The Impact of the Global Financial Crisis on Visitation to the Monongahela National Forest - Chad Pierskalla, West Virginia University

    Women in Wilderness Settings: Segmenting Motivations and Satisfaction in Western US National Forest Settings - Robert Burns, West Virginia University


    Landowner Perceptions of Oak Trees and Oak Management - Emma Sass, Family Forest Research Center

    Reframing Forestry: Relationships, Learning, and Personal Connections as Vital to Service-Oriented Forest Management - Abigail Jamison, Center for Private Forests at Penn State


    Economic Impact of Expanded All-Terrain Vehicles (ATV’s) in Pennsylvania's Forested Landscapes - Lisa Grab, Penn State

    Factor Endowment and Structural Change in Kentucky Forest Industry - Thomas Ochuodho, University of Kentucky

    Contribution of the Forest Sector to Ghana’s Economy - Joshua Uzu, University of Georgia

    Promoting Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Justice in Forest Resource Programs in the U.S: A survey of NAUFRP member institutions - Yeon-Su Kim, Northern Arizona University

    Building a Support Network for Women in Trees – A Retrospective of the Past and Future Plans of an Existing Support Group - Rebecca Johnson, Arborholic, LLC


    Exploring the Benefits of Nature Through Recreation - Taylor Stein, University of Florida; Kortryna Klizentyte, University of Florida; and Robert Burns, West Virginia University

    The Forestry Grand Challenges Survey: Understanding the Nation's Forest and Forest Products R&D Priorities - Robert Wagner, Purdue University; Terry Baker, SAF; and Emily Huff, Michigan State University

    Creating New Markets is a Team Effort: Knowledge-Sharing & Connections Amongst Diverse Stakeholders - Leslie Boby, Southern Regional Extension Forestry

    Are New York City Watershed Residents Thriving, Striving, or Just Surviving 25 Years Since the Historic Memorandum of Agreement? - Anusha Lamsal, SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry

    Forest to Mi Faucet - Mike Smalligan, Michigan DNR


    CFEs are not available for viewing this collection of recorded presentations. Be sure to register for the current year’s convention to earn CFEs, build your skills, and expand your professional network connections.

    Need Help?

    For ForestEd questions, visit FAQs, or email For technical assistance, go to for self troubleshooting and/or live chat, or you can email


    This is a non-refundable item. Please view FAQs for additional information.