Silviculture and Forest Ecology Package

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This package contains the three silviculture and forest ecology technical topic bundles.


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Bundles in this Package

Southern Silviculture and Forest Ecology

Northern & Eastern Silviculture and Forest Ecology

Western & Northwestern Silviculture and Forest Ecology


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  • Contains 32 Component(s)

    SAF Members: $40 // Non-Members: $55 // No CFEs available

    Enjoy this curated set of on-demand presentations that captures silviculture and forest ecology within the northern and eastern United States. This bundle will be updated as new content becomes available.


    1. Click REGISTER and log in with your SAF account username and password.

    2. After checking out, the recordings will be available on your MY DASHBOARD page here on ForestEd.


    Registration is $40 for SAF members. SAF Non-member price is $55. 

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    Benefits of Mixedwood Management: Reduced Spruce Budworm Impacts in Acadian Spruce-Fir Hardwood Forests - David MacLean, University of New Brunswick

    Forest Understory Vegetation Exhibits Increased Diversity and Structural Variation Under Residue Removals - Michael Premer, Michigan Technological University

    Long-term Biomass Dynamics across a Range of Oak-Pine Mixedwood Conditions in Southern Maine - Justin Waskiewicz, University of Vermont

    Long-term Regeneration Dynamics in Northern Hardwood Forests of the Northeast - Nicole Rogers, University of Vermont

    Maintaining the Softwood Component in Yellow Birch-Conifer Stands of Eastern Canada: A Great Challenge - Patricia Raymond; Quebec Ministry of Forest, Wildlife and Parks

    Northern Red Oak Regeneration: 25-year Results of Cutting and Prescribed Fire in Michigan Oak and Pine Stands - Joshua Granger, University of Tennessee


    Assimilation of Tree Ring and Repeat Census Data to Model Past Forest Dynamics and Drought Responses - Malcolm Itter; Department of Forestry, Michigan State University

    Do Different Selection System Strategies Insure Long-term Sustainable Growth of Northern Hardwood Stands? - Sarita Bassil, SUNY-ESF

    Exotic Larch: A Proven Winner for the North - David Maass, Independent Consultant


    Assessing the Performance of Nine Future Climate-Adapted Species in Northern Minnesota - Jacob Muller, University of Minnesota

    Impact of Dwarf Mistletoe and Alternative Silvicultural Treatments in Black Spruce in Minnesota - Raychel Skay, University of Minnesota

    Regeneration in Irregular Shelterwoods: Changes over a 25-Year Chronosequence and Legacy Effects - Jessica Wikle, Yale University


    Allegheny Forest Health Collaborative:  History and Silviculture Outcomes - Susan Stout; USDA Forest Service, Northern Research Station Emerita

    Is Infestation Predictable? Risk Factors Associated with Eastern Dwarf Mistletoe Infestation in Lowland Black Spruce - Ella Gray, University of Minnesota

    Managing Forests for the Long Term: Lessons From 65 Years of Study in Maine - Maren Granstrom, University of Maine

    Oak and Hickory Mortality Patterns in Mature Low-Disturbance Forests of Appalachian Ohio - Don C. Radcliffe, Ohio State University

    Reasons to Protect: Characterizing Hocking's Hemlock Resource - Stephanie Downs, ODNR Division of Forestry

    Stakeholder Perceptions of White Oak Supply in Kentucky: A SWOT-AHP Analysis - William Thomas, UK Department of Forestry and Natural Resources

    Using Advance Regeneration to Inform Appropriate Silviculture Techniques for Northern Hardwoods - Laura Reuling, University of Minnesota


    Crown and Stem Form of Regeneration Improves with Reduced Deer Pressure - Autumn Sabo, Penn State Beaver

    Effects of Management on Stand Structure and Understory Development in Lowland Conifer Forests in Minnesota - Laura Reuling, University of Minnesota

    Rehabilitating the Northern Forest for Economic and Climate Change Resilience - Jessica Charpentier, University of New Hampshire

    Six Decades of Financial Returns and Stand Dynamics in a Silviculture Experiment in Northern Hardwoods - Maeve Draper, Michigan Technological University


    Changes in Forest Structure and Composition Over a Century of Urbanization and Development: Thain Family Forest, New York Botanical Garden, Bronx, NY - Eliot Nagele, The New York Botanical Garden

    Using a Multidisciplinary Approach to Increase Understanding of Lowland Conifer Systems in the Upper Great Lakes - Laura Reuling, University of Minnesota

    Monitoring Disturbance in the Northern Forest: Development of a Regional Change Detection and Attribution Tool - Madeleine Desrochers, SUNY Environmental Science and Forestry

    Competing Vegetation Treatments Provide Little Short-Term Benefit in Northcentral Appalachian Forests - Autumn Sabo, Penn State

    Modeling Potential Changes in Forest Wildlife Habitat from Planned Timber Harvesting on Minnesota DNR Lands - Tyler Gifford, University of Minnesota

    Foresters Approach to Sugarbush Management - Mark Isselhardt, University of Vermont Extension


    Evaluating Indicators For Forest Recovery On Disturbed Eastern Hardwood Sites - Ian Kennedy, University of Tennessee, Knoxville

    Differences in Stand Dynamics between Conventional Aspen and White Spruce-Aspen Mixedwood Forests in Northern Minnesota - Chelsea Semper, University of Minnesota

    Forest Composition and Red Oak (Quercus sp.) Response To Elevation Gradients Across Managed Greentree Reservoirs - Cassandra Hug, University of Arkansas at Monticello


    CFEs are not available for viewing this collection of recorded presentations. Be sure to register for the current year’s convention to earn CFEs, build your skills, and expand your professional network connections.

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  • Contains 29 Component(s)

    SAF Members: $40 // Non-Members: $55 // No CFEs available

    Enjoy this curated set of on-demand presentations that captures silviculture and forest ecology within the southern United States. This bundle will be updated as new content becomes available.


    1. Click REGISTER and log in with your SAF account username and password.

    2. After checking out, the recordings will be available on your MY DASHBOARD page here on ForestEd.


    Registration is $40 for SAF members. SAF Non-member price is $55. 

    Join SAF today to save and access other growing member benefits.



    A Size-class Growth and Yield System for Even-Aged Longleaf Pine - Dwight Lauer, Silvics Analytic

    Managing Multi-Aged Longleaf Pine Forests: Overstory and Regeneration Response to Harvest Treatment - Steve Jack, Jones Ecological Research Center

    Opportunities and Benefits of Using Biosolids and Compost for Fast Growing Plantations - Donald Rockwood, University of Florida

    Practical Applications of Southern Pines Growth, Yield and Carbon Balance Model - Jarek Nowak, Florida Forest Service

    Putting the ‘Mixed’ in Mixedwoods: Silvicultural Approaches to Shortleaf Pine Regeneration in Pine-Oak Forests - Benjamin Knapp, University of Missouri

    Will Chinese Tallow Outcompete Two Fast-growing Native Tree Species? - Lauren Pile, Clemson University


    Climate Change, Disturbance, Canopy Density, and Longleaf Pine Regeneration—Are We Missing Something? - Steve Jack, Jones Ecological Research Center

    Drought Effects on Pine Plantations in the Southern US - Dehai Zhao, University of Georgia Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources

    Facilitation Forestry: Intercropping to Increase Plantation Resistance and Resilience - David Buckley, University of Tennessee

    Shortleaf Pine Response to Thinning at the Onset of a Severe Drought - Samantha Anderson, University of Missouri-Columbia

    The Chinese Tallow Invasion Pattern under Different Disturbances at Stand Level in the Southeast Coastal Area USA - Shaoyang Yang, Forestry Department of Mississippi State University

    Which Factors Contribute to the Presence and Abundance of Invasive Tree Species in Mississippi? - Jun Zhai and Don Grebner, Mississippi State University


    Environmental Effects of Short-Rotation Pine Production for Bioenergy: Findings from a Watershed Experiment - Natalie Griffiths, Oak Ridge National Laboratory

    Long-Term Monitoring to Inform Adaptive Management - The Ichauway Experience - Steve Jack, Temple Foundation


    Long-Term Growth and Yield of Old Field Longleaf Pine Plantations - David Clabo, University of Georgia

    Longleaf Pine Restoration on Hydric Sites: Long-Term Vegetation Responses to Site Preparation - Connor Crouch, Northern Arizona University

    Mixing Deer and Oak: A 13-Year Study Measuring the Effects of Deer Herbivory in the Piedmont of South Carolina - Calvin Norman, Clemson University


    The Effects of Logging Slash and Soil Disturbance on the Establishment of Big Bluestem Grass - Lorenzo Walton, Alabama A&M University


    Assessing Anthropogenic Impacts on Forest Composition within the Apalachicola River Floodplain using FIA Data - John Tracy, University of Florida

    The Informal Economy of Wiregrass Production for Longleaf Pine Restoration - Tyler Carney, University of Florida


    Evaluation of Environmental DNA and Physical Sampling Methods to Identify Salamander Populations in Kentucky - Jill Fisk, Kentucky State University

    Characterizing Structural Diversity and Community Structure to Assess Shifting Forest Types in a Temperate Floodplain - John Tracy, University of Florida

    Interplay of Oak Density, Light Availability, and Fire in the Success of Longleaf Pine Regeneration - Lukas Magee, University of Florida

    Assessing the Pathways for Reforestation on Private lands in Several Southeast US Regions - Chloe Schneider, EDF

    New Site Index Equation for Shortleaf Pine on the Cumberland Plateau - John Zobel, University of Minnesota

    Tree Size Inequality and Growth Dominance in Loblolly Pine Plantations Under Different Silvicultural Treatments - Dehai Zhao, University of Georgia


    Pollinator Habitat in Log Landings (PHiLL) Project - Sloane Scott, University of Missouri Columbia

    Silvicultural Strategies to Convert Longleaf Pine Plantations to Multi-aged Stands and Groundcover Species Restoration - Gabriel Nyen, Mississippi State University

    White Oak Sustainability Efforts In Arkansas - New Markets, Resource Management Challenges And Solutions - Kutcher Cunningham, University of Arkansas


    CFEs are not available for viewing this collection of recorded presentations. Be sure to register for the current year’s convention to earn CFEs, build your skills, and expand your professional network connections.

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    This is a non-refundable item. Please view FAQs for additional information.

  • Contains 26 Component(s)

    SAF Members: $40 // Non-Members: $55 // No CFEs available

    Enjoy this curated set of on-demand presentations that captures silviculture and forest ecology within the western & northwestern North America. This bundle will be updated as new content becomes available.


    1. Click REGISTER and log in with your SAF account username and password.

    2. After checking out, the recordings will be available on your MY DASHBOARD page here on ForestEd.


    Registration is $40 for SAF members. SAF Non-member price is $55. 

    Join SAF today to save and access other growing member benefits.



    Forest Responses to Nitrogen and Potassium Fertilization across Common Inland Northwest Parent Materials - Andrew Nelson, University of Idaho

    Effects of Chemical Vegetation Control on Understory Community Dynamics in Douglas-fir Plantations - Maxwell Wightman, Oregon State University

    Southwestern White Pine Seedling Tolerances to a Changing Climate: Early Results from Common Gardens - Jessica DaBell, Northern Arizona University

    Challenges and Opportunities for Maintaining Ponderosa Pine Forests in the Southwestern U.S - Thomas Kolb, Northern Arizona University

    Can Past Silvicultural Treatments Build Resistance and Resilience to a Spruce Beetle Epidemic? - Marcella Windmuller-Campione, Utah State University

    Surviving Against the Odds: A Silvicultural Approach to Monterey Pine Regeneration and Pitch Canker - Tori Norville, Cal Poly San Luis Obispo


    Site-level Factors Determining Post-fire Conifer Regeneration in Eastern Oregon - Angela Boag, University of Colorado Boulder

    What Have We Learned from the Last Decade’s Research about Drought-induced Tree Mortality in the Southwest? - Thomas Kolb, Northern Arizona University

    Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks Statewide Forest Management Plan - Jason Parke; Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks

    Black Bear Damage to Northwestern Conifers in California: A Review - Kenneth Fulgham, Humboldt State, Forestry & Wildland Resources Department


    Physiology and Growth of Redwood and Douglas-fir Seedlings Planted After Variable Density Retention - Lucy Kerhoulas, Humboldt State University

    Response of Improved Western Larch Clones to Site Quality and Climate - Kelsie Grover, University of Idaho


    Conifer Retention Levels and Hardwood Control Affect Harvest Volume and Carbon Storage in Douglas-fir/Tanoak - Pascal Berrill, University of Maine

    Diversity in Restored Western White Pine-Dominated Forests of the Northern Rocky Mountains - Brooke Durnin, University of Idaho

    Shifts in Douglas-fir Vertical Distribution of Foliage in Response to Nitrogen Fertilization in Western Oregon - Jacob Putney - Oregon State University


    Investigating Provenance Variation of Drought Adaptive Traits in Southwestern Ponderosa Pine Using Common Garden Studies - Aalap Dixit; Northern Arizona University, School of Forestry


    Impacts of Forest Disturbance on Evapotranspiration and Source Water Appropriation in a Coastal Montane Forest - Salli Dymond, University of Minnesota Duluth, UMN Institute on the Environment

    Aspen Decline in Northern Arizona: What Is Limiting Successful Regeneration and Recruitment? - Connor Crouch, Northern Arizona University


    Dendroclimatic Analysis of Sierra Nevada Mixed Conifer Species in Different Diameter Classes - Sophan Chhin, West Virginia University

    Intraspecific Roots Trait Variability of Western Larch (Larix occidentalis) Seedlings in Response to Drought - Vovener de Verlands Edmond, University of Idaho

    Burn Severity in Mexican Spotted Owl PACs and Potential Habitat across the American Southwest - Michael Daugherty, Northern Arizona University

    Facilitating Artificial Regeneration of Hemiparasitic ʻIliahi, Hawaiian Sandalwood (Santalum paniculatum) - Emily Thyroff, University of Hawai'i


    Monitoring Targets and Triggers: North Yuba CFLRP - Kristen Wilson, The Nature Conservancy, Worldwide Office - CA

    Got Seeds? Strengthening the Reforestation Pipeline in the Western United States - Matthew Aghai, Mast Reforestation - Seattle, WA

    Protecting Beaver and Restoring Wetlands: The Ksik Stakii Project - Joshua Smith, Heritage Forestry and Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation; and Termaine Edmo, Blackfeet Environmental Office

    Utilizing FVS Growth Predictions for Restoration and Management of California Forests - Katherine Wood, Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education


    CFEs are not available for viewing this collection of recorded presentations. Be sure to register for the current year’s convention to earn CFEs, build your skills, and expand your professional network connections.

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    This is a non-refundable item. Please view FAQs for additional information.