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Private & Family Forestry Bundle
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Enjoy this curated set of on-demand presentations that focus on private and family forestry. This bundle will be updated as new content becomes available.
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A Model for Engaging Small Acreage Woodland Owners: The Woods In Your Backyard - Johnathan Kays, University of Maryland
Assessing Differences Among Private Forest Owners: The Impact of ‘Legacy’ Ownerships - Donald Hodges, University of Tennessee
Business Practices Among Oregon Family Forestland Owners - Brenton French, Oregon State
Effectively Reaching Unengaged Woodland Owners through My Wisconsin Woods - Steve Swenson, Aldo Leopold Foundation
Family Forest Owners in the Wisconsin Northwoods: Outreach and Engagement Strategies - Melinda Vokoun, University of Wisconsin - Stevens Point
Landowner Support of Voluntary Projects to Restore Salmon Habitat in Oregon - Daniel Olson, Oregon Department of Forestry
Pathways to Progress in Landowner Engagement Strategies: Applied Insights and Panel Discussion - Tricia Knoot, Wisconsin DNR
Strengthening Partnership, Building Capacity, and Fostering Learning with Evaluation - Alanna Koshollek, Aldo Leopold Foundation
Target Marketing to Private Forest Landowners for Turkey Habitat Management - Rick Horton, National Wild Turkey Foundation
University of Wisconsin Extension Landowner Engagement Strategies in the Driftless Area - Randy Mell, UW Extension
Woodcock and Warblers: Using Interest in Wildlife to Engage Private Forest Landowners - Jeremy Holtz, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources
Woodland Owner Engagement Research and Practice: A Brief Review - Eli Sagor, University of Minnesota
Hybrid Poplar: A Potential Multipurpose Tree for Woody Biomass in Semi-arid Climates - Sam Allen, New Mexico State University
Implementation of Fuel Reduction Treatments on Nonindustrial Private Forest Lands in Mississippi - Anusha Shrestha, Mississippi State University
Capturing Motivations of Landowners for Growing Blueberries instead of Pine in Southern GA, U.S. Using Q Method - Puneet Dwivedi, University of Georgia
Exploring the Role of Race in Intergenerational Connections to Family Forestland in Georgia - Noah Goyke; University of Georgia, Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources
Forest-Craft: Working Animal Forestry in Appalachia and Beyond - Ian Snider, Appalachian State University
Landowner Concerns Regarding Environmental Issues in the Southern U.S. - Ram Adhikari, Mississippi State University
Shortleaf Pine Restoration and Prescribed Fire with Family Forest Landowners on the Cumberland Plateau - Nicholas Biemiller, Forest Stewards Guild
Entrepreneurship in Forestry: How Small Companies Can Solve Big Problems - Eli Jensen, Ironwood Forestry, LLC
Changes in U.S. Family Forest Owners from 2006-2018 - Emma Sass, Family Forest Research Center - University of Massachusetts Amherst
Private Land Transfer Trends: Implications For New Landowner Outreach in an Integrated Landscape - Tierny Bocsi, University of Wisconsin-Madison
The Key to Saving America's White Oak: Working with Family Forest Owners - Taylor Tibbals, American Forest Foundation
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