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Pests, Pathogens & Invasive Plants Bundle
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Enjoy this curated set of on-demand presentations that focus on forest pests, pathogens, and invasive plants. This bundle will be updated as new content becomes available.
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An Ounce of Prevention – The Spread of Heterobasidion Root Disease and the Evolution of Control - John McLaughlin, BioForest
Emerald Ash Borer Management: Viewing Through an Economic, Ecologic, and Social Lens - Andrew VanNatta, City of Milwaukee
Mountain Pine Beetles in the Black Hills of South Dakota and Wyoming: A Collaborative, Strategic Response - Gregory Josten, South Dakota Department of Agriculture
Subalpine Fir Decline: Relationships Between Armillaria Root Disease, Bark Beetles, and Climate - Jane Stewart, Bioagricultural Sciences and Pest Management
Sustaining the Health of Southwestern White Pine Populations through Adaptive Traits - Ethan Bucholz, Northern Arizona University
It's in Their Genes - Identifying Patterns of Genetic Resistance to Blister Rust in Southwestern White Pine - Jeremy Johnson, Northern Arizona University
Root Disease Caused Tree Mortality in Western WA Forests: Highlighting the Impacts of Significant Disturbances - Amy Ramsey, Washington Department of Natural Resources
Science and Management of Ceratocystis Wilt on Metrosideros in Hawai'i - JB Friday, University of Hawai'i
The Invasive Shot Hole Borer and Its Symbiotic Relationship to the Fungus Fusarium - Madeline Rauhe; California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo
Western White Pine Disease Resistance in Western Washington: Operational Planting and Resistant Stock Types - Amy Ramsey, Washington Department of Natural Resources
White Pine Regeneration: Effects of Competition on Growth and Pest Damage - Katherine Minnix, Michigan State University
A Genetic Improvement Program for White Oak for Forest Health and Forest Product Industries - Laura DeWald, University of Kentucky
Distribution, Presence, Ecology, and Harvest Dynamics of the Chaga fungus in the WMNF - Rhys Brydon-Williams, University of New Hampshire
Management of Native Hawaiian Forests Affected by Ceratocystis Wilt - JB Friday, University of Hawai'i
The Role of Stochasticity in Predicting Forest Pests: The Case of Emerald Ash Borer - Erik Lyttek, Montclair State University
Aliens Among Us: National and Regional Patterns of Non-native Plant Invasions in U.S. Forests - Kevin Potter, North Carolina State University
Effects of Flooding on Survival and Performance of Potential Replacement Species in Black Ash Swamps - Gwen Keller, University of Minnesota
Structural Characteristics of Black Spruce Infested With Eastern Spruce Dwarf Mistletoe, Minnesota, U.S.A. - Ella Gray, Iowa State University
Do Complex Spatial Patterns in Treated Stands Influence Tree Mortality from Bark Beetles? - Gia Landis, Northern Arizona University
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