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Northern & Eastern Silviculture and Forest Ecology Bundle
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Enjoy this curated set of on-demand presentations that captures silviculture and forest ecology within the northern and eastern United States. This bundle will be updated as new content becomes available.
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Benefits of Mixedwood Management: Reduced Spruce Budworm Impacts in Acadian Spruce-Fir Hardwood Forests - David MacLean, University of New Brunswick
Forest Understory Vegetation Exhibits Increased Diversity and Structural Variation Under Residue Removals - Michael Premer, Michigan Technological University
Long-term Biomass Dynamics across a Range of Oak-Pine Mixedwood Conditions in Southern Maine - Justin Waskiewicz, University of Vermont
Long-term Regeneration Dynamics in Northern Hardwood Forests of the Northeast - Nicole Rogers, University of Vermont
Maintaining the Softwood Component in Yellow Birch-Conifer Stands of Eastern Canada: A Great Challenge - Patricia Raymond; Quebec Ministry of Forest, Wildlife and Parks
Northern Red Oak Regeneration: 25-year Results of Cutting and Prescribed Fire in Michigan Oak and Pine Stands - Joshua Granger, University of Tennessee
Assimilation of Tree Ring and Repeat Census Data to Model Past Forest Dynamics and Drought Responses - Malcolm Itter; Department of Forestry, Michigan State University
Do Different Selection System Strategies Insure Long-term Sustainable Growth of Northern Hardwood Stands? - Sarita Bassil, SUNY-ESF
Exotic Larch: A Proven Winner for the North - David Maass, Independent Consultant
Assessing the Performance of Nine Future Climate-Adapted Species in Northern Minnesota - Jacob Muller, University of Minnesota
Impact of Dwarf Mistletoe and Alternative Silvicultural Treatments in Black Spruce in Minnesota - Raychel Skay, University of Minnesota
Regeneration in Irregular Shelterwoods: Changes over a 25-Year Chronosequence and Legacy Effects - Jessica Wikle, Yale University
Allegheny Forest Health Collaborative: History and Silviculture Outcomes - Susan Stout; USDA Forest Service, Northern Research Station Emerita
Is Infestation Predictable? Risk Factors Associated with Eastern Dwarf Mistletoe Infestation in Lowland Black Spruce - Ella Gray, University of Minnesota
Managing Forests for the Long Term: Lessons From 65 Years of Study in Maine - Maren Granstrom, University of Maine
Oak and Hickory Mortality Patterns in Mature Low-Disturbance Forests of Appalachian Ohio - Don C. Radcliffe, Ohio State University
Reasons to Protect: Characterizing Hocking's Hemlock Resource - Stephanie Downs, ODNR Division of Forestry
Stakeholder Perceptions of White Oak Supply in Kentucky: A SWOT-AHP Analysis - William Thomas, UK Department of Forestry and Natural Resources
Using Advance Regeneration to Inform Appropriate Silviculture Techniques for Northern Hardwoods - Laura Reuling, University of Minnesota
Crown and Stem Form of Regeneration Improves with Reduced Deer Pressure - Autumn Sabo, Penn State Beaver
Effects of Management on Stand Structure and Understory Development in Lowland Conifer Forests in Minnesota - Laura Reuling, University of Minnesota
Rehabilitating the Northern Forest for Economic and Climate Change Resilience - Jessica Charpentier, University of New Hampshire
Six Decades of Financial Returns and Stand Dynamics in a Silviculture Experiment in Northern Hardwoods - Maeve Draper, Michigan Technological University
Changes in Forest Structure and Composition Over a Century of Urbanization and Development: Thain Family Forest, New York Botanical Garden, Bronx, NY - Eliot Nagele, The New York Botanical Garden
Using a Multidisciplinary Approach to Increase Understanding of Lowland Conifer Systems in the Upper Great Lakes - Laura Reuling, University of Minnesota
Monitoring Disturbance in the Northern Forest: Development of a Regional Change Detection and Attribution Tool - Madeleine Desrochers, SUNY Environmental Science and Forestry
Competing Vegetation Treatments Provide Little Short-Term Benefit in Northcentral Appalachian Forests - Autumn Sabo, Penn State
Modeling Potential Changes in Forest Wildlife Habitat from Planned Timber Harvesting on Minnesota DNR Lands - Tyler Gifford, University of Minnesota
Foresters Approach to Sugarbush Management - Mark Isselhardt, University of Vermont Extension
Evaluating Indicators For Forest Recovery On Disturbed Eastern Hardwood Sites - Ian Kennedy, University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Differences in Stand Dynamics between Conventional Aspen and White Spruce-Aspen Mixedwood Forests in Northern Minnesota - Chelsea Semper, University of Minnesota
Forest Composition and Red Oak (Quercus sp.) Response To Elevation Gradients Across Managed Greentree Reservoirs - Cassandra Hug, University of Arkansas at Monticello
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