Harvesting & Utilization Bundle

Enjoy this curated set of on-demand presentations that focus on harvesting and utilization. This bundle will be updated as new content becomes available.


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Characterizing Timber Salvage Operations on Public Forests in Minnesota and Wisconsin - Matthew Russell, University of Minnesota

Examining Wood Product Associated Emissions and Bioenergy in the Southern Rockies - Todd Morgan; The University of Montana, Bureau of Business and Economic Research

Single Tree Selection Order of Removal in Northern Hardwood Forests (Economic & Ecological Analysis of Northern Hardwood Single-Tree Selection Order of Removal Procedures) - Forrest Gibeault; Steigerwaldt Land Services, Inc

The Black Forest Burned Timber Recovery Effort - Kurt Mackes, Colorado State University


Assessing the Role of Wood Mills in Determining Supply of Forest-based Ecosystem Services in Georgia - Karuna Paudel, University of Georgia

Economic Contribution Analysis of Forest Products Industries in Michigan - Larry Leefers, Michigan State University


Landslides in Coastal Oregon: How Downslope Public Safety Concerns Affect Harvesting Operations - Paul Clements, Oregon Department of Forestry

Landslides in Coastal Oregon: How Geologic Conditions Affect Harvest Planning - Paul Clements, Oregon Department of Forestry


When Economically Optimal Is Ecologically Complicated: Investment, Sequestration, and Biodiversity Implications of Neighborhood-based, Tree-by-tree Harvest Optimization in Structurally Complex Stands - John Foppert, Paul Smith's College

Identifying Hotspots to Establish Mass Timber Processing Facilities and their Impacts on Local Economy in Michigan - Naresh Khanal, Michigan State University

Woodshed Maps for Industry, Extension, and Woodland Owners in the Great Lakes States - Raju Pokharel, Michigan State University

Biomass Feedstock Availability and Economic Contribution of Biomass Power Facilities in the Lake States Region - Jagdish Poudel, Michigan Department of Natural Resources

Maple Syrup Production in Ohio, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia: Current Status and Potential for Future Expansion - Sayeed Mehmood, Ohio State University

A Regional Predictive Model for Maple Syrup Production in United States - Bobby Thapa, University of Kentucky


Projected Market-Based Feedstock Supply Analysis for Mass Timber Manufacturing in Michigan - Ichchha Thapa, Michigan State University

Forest Conversion in the Crosshairs: Avoiding Collateral Damage - Steve Prisley, NCASI


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Characterizing Timber Salvage Operations on Public Forests in Minnesota and Wisconsin
Open to view video.  |  28 minutes
Open to view video.  |  28 minutes Little is known about the contribution of salvage logging to wood markets. We report on how public timber sale records of salvage logging operations can be used to examine a range of ecological and economic impacts associated with forest disturbances. Presented by Matthew Russell, University of Minnesota at the 2016 SAF National Convention in Madison, WI.
Examining Wood Product Associated Emissions and Bioenergy in the Southern Rockies
Open to view video.  |  27 minutes
Open to view video.  |  27 minutes Sawmills consume energy and also produce residue that can be used for energy. We used Timber Product Output and a mail survey in conjunction with logging utilization data to examine wood use and developed a profile of energy consumption and selected emissions for sawmills in Arizona, Colorado, and New Mexico. Presented by Todd Morgan; The University of Montana, Bureau of Business and Economic Research at the 2016 SAF National Convention in Madison, WI.
Single Tree Selection Order of Removal in Northern Hardwood Forests (Economic & Ecological Analysis of Northern Hardwood Single-Tree Selection Order of Removal Procedures)
Open to view video.  |  26 minutes
Open to view video.  |  26 minutes Research evaluating the designation of trees for harvest using order of removal techniques established by the WDNR, for application in single-tree selection harvest techniques in northern hardwood forests. This comparative analysis reviews pre and post-harvest conditions on state, county and private forestland enrolled in state tax incentive programs.  Modeled harvest scenarios evaluate alternative marking approaches.  Presented by Forrest Gibeault, Steigerwaldt Land Services, Inc at the 2016 SAF National Convention in Madison, WI.
The Black Forest Burned Timber Recovery Effort
Open to view video.  |  33 minutes
Open to view video.  |  33 minutes The Black Forest burned timber recovery effort was implemented to assist landowners with removing burned timber from their properties. A portable sawmill was located in the Black Forest to salvage burned timber and help cover removal costs. Lessons learned from overcoming implementation challenges should be useful for future recovery efforts. Presented by Kurt Mackes, Colorado State University at the 2016 SAF National Convention in Madison, WI.
Assessing the Role of Wood Mills in Determining Supply of Forest-based Ecosystem Services in Georgia
Open to view video.  |  23 minutes
Open to view video.  |  23 minutes This study ascertains the role of forest management drivers in determining the distribution of total carbon sequestered in southern pine stands in Georgia. After adjusting of spatial autocorrelation, we found that the sequestered forest carbon in pine stands increases with an increase in distance from pulp mills and sawmills. Presented by Karuna Paudel, University of Georgia at the 2017 SAF National Convention in Albuquerque, NM.
Economic Contribution Analysis of Forest Products Industries in Michigan
Open to view video.  |  26 minutes
Open to view video.  |  26 minutes Economic contributions provide a snapshot of direct economic activity associated with given industries. Through a series of IMPLAN-based Michigan case studies, we show (1) linkages among different sectors of the forest products industries, (2) contributions of these industries at different spatial scales, and (3) how timber harvesting impacts the economy. Presented by Larry Leefers, Michigan State University at the 2017 SAF National Convention in Albuquerque, NM.
Landslides in Coastal Oregon: How Downslope Public Safety Concerns Affect Harvesting Operations.
Open to view video.  |  16 minutes
Open to view video.  |  16 minutes Private timberlands in Oregon are subject to the standards of the Oregon Forest Practices Act. Following severe weather events of 1996 in which fatalities occurred as the result of landslides that originated on forest lands, studies were conducted regarding the relationship between forest conditions and slope stability. We address how rules for harvests on steep slopes evolved in response to concerns for public safety. An associated presentation will describe geologic conditions that influence harvest planning. This presentation will outline the current standards for commercial forestry operations where slope stability related public safety concerns are found to exist during harvest planning. Presented by Paul Clements, Oregon Department of Forestry at the 2018 SAF National Convention in Portland, OR.
Landslides in Coastal Oregon: How Geologic Conditions Affect Harvest Planning
Open to view video.  |  18 minutes
Open to view video.  |  18 minutes Private timberlands in Oregon are subject to the standards of the Oregon Forest Practices Act. Following severe weather events of 1996 in which fatalities occurred as the result of landslides that originated on forest lands, studies were conducted regarding the relationship between forest conditions and slope stability. We address how rules for harvests on steep slopes evolved in response to concerns for public safety. This presentation will describe geologic conditions in the Oregon Coast Range and their influence on harvest planning. Presented by Paul Clements, Oregon Department of Forestry at the 2018 SAF National Convention in Portland, OR.
When Economically Optimal Is Ecologically Complicated: Investment, Sequestration, and Biodiversity Implications of Neighborhood-based, Tree-by-tree Harvest Optimization in Structurally Complex Stands
Select the "View Video" button to begin.  |  25 minutes
Select the "View Video" button to begin.  |  25 minutes Financially optimal individual-tree harvest and retention decisions were modeled for a complex northern hardwood stand using high-resolution timber valuation, tree-growth, and mortality functions and advanced mathematical programming methods. Along with generating higher returns, the prescribed cutting schedule increased carbon stocking and structural complexity compared to other recommended or observed approaches. Presented by John Foppert, Paul Smith's College at the 2022 SAF National Convention in Baltimore, MD.
Identifying Hotspots to Establish Mass Timber Processing Facilities and their Impacts on Local Economy in Michigan
Select the "View Video" button to begin.  |  21 minutes
Select the "View Video" button to begin.  |  21 minutes Mass timber is gaining popularity for its environmental and engineering benefits over concrete structures. I run network analysis in ArcGIS to identify economically feasible supply regions and market extents for mass timber in Michigan. Based on it, the optimal locations for establishing mass timber processing facilities in Michigan were recommended. Presented by Naresh Khanal, Michigan State University at the 2022 SAF National Convention in Baltimore, MD.
Woodshed Maps for Industry, Extension, and Woodland Owners in the Great Lakes States
Select the "View Video" button to begin.  |  25 minutes
Select the "View Video" button to begin.  |  25 minutes This project uses economic modeling to create a woodshed of the great lakes forested region using delivered wood prices for major wood products. The goal is to map procurement zones and competitiveness index to allow end-users to determine if their forested region is suitable for forest product markets. Presented by Raju Pokharel, Michigan State University at the 2022 SAF National Convention in Baltimore, MD.
Biomass Feedstock Availability and Economic Contribution of Biomass Power Facilities in the Lake States Region
Select the "View Video" button to begin.  |  20 minutes
Select the "View Video" button to begin.  |  20 minutes We employ IMPLAN to estimate the economic contribution of biomass power generation in lake states region under five demand scenarios with capacity conversion and ten supply scenarios with biomass availability calculated using procurement cost-based service area around each facility. Presented by Jagdish Poudel, Michigan Department of Natural Resources at the 2022 SAF National Convention in Baltimore, MD.
Maple Syrup Production in Ohio, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia: Current Status and Potential for Future Expansion
Select the "View Video" button to begin.  |  25 minutes
Select the "View Video" button to begin.  |  25 minutes This presentation will summarize the results of six separate surveys of maple syrup producers and private woodland owners in Ohio, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia. Presented by Sayeed Mehmood, Ohio State University at the 2022 SAF National Convention in Baltimore, MD.
A Regional Predictive Model for Maple Syrup Production in United States
Select the "View Video" button to begin.  |  13 minutes
Select the "View Video" button to begin.  |  13 minutes Maple syrup production plays significant economic role across regions in US. Sustainable maple syrup production is dependent upon biotic and abiotic factors. A stochastic production function model that decomposes the production function into a deterministic portion related to output level and a stochastic portion related to output variability is developed. Presented by Bobby Thapa, University of Kentucky at the 2022 SAF National Convention in Baltimore, MD.
Projected Market-Based Feedstock Supply Analysis for Mass Timber Manufacturing in Michigan
Select the "View Video" button to begin.  |  22 minutes
Select the "View Video" button to begin.  |  22 minutes The study provides insights into the economic feasibility of prospective mass timber manufacturing in Michigan through a comprehensive analysis of current and future feedstock supply and its pathways. The results will help decision-makers decide, plan, and prioritize investment and funding assistance for emerging mass timber momentum in Michigan. Presented by Ichchha Thapa, Michigan State University at the 2023 SAF National Convention in Sacramento, CA.
Forest Conversion in the Crosshairs: Avoiding Collateral Damage
Select the "View Video" button to begin.  |  26 minutes
Select the "View Video" button to begin.  |  26 minutes Many organizations hope to combat forest loss by requiring reporting of supply-chain impacts on land use change. This presentation will review challenges faced by companies attempting to report under these programs, and offer some best practices in assessing and reporting forest area loss. Presented by Steve Prisley, NCASI at the 2023 SAF National Convention in Sacramento, CA.