SAF Learning
Harvesting & Utilization Bundle
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Enjoy this curated set of on-demand presentations that focus on harvesting and utilization. This bundle will be updated as new content becomes available.
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Characterizing Timber Salvage Operations on Public Forests in Minnesota and Wisconsin - Matthew Russell, University of Minnesota
Examining Wood Product Associated Emissions and Bioenergy in the Southern Rockies - Todd Morgan; The University of Montana, Bureau of Business and Economic Research
Single Tree Selection Order of Removal in Northern Hardwood Forests (Economic & Ecological Analysis of Northern Hardwood Single-Tree Selection Order of Removal Procedures) - Forrest Gibeault; Steigerwaldt Land Services, Inc
The Black Forest Burned Timber Recovery Effort - Kurt Mackes, Colorado State University
Assessing the Role of Wood Mills in Determining Supply of Forest-based Ecosystem Services in Georgia - Karuna Paudel, University of Georgia
Economic Contribution Analysis of Forest Products Industries in Michigan - Larry Leefers, Michigan State University
Landslides in Coastal Oregon: How Downslope Public Safety Concerns Affect Harvesting Operations - Paul Clements, Oregon Department of Forestry
Landslides in Coastal Oregon: How Geologic Conditions Affect Harvest Planning - Paul Clements, Oregon Department of Forestry
When Economically Optimal Is Ecologically Complicated: Investment, Sequestration, and Biodiversity Implications of Neighborhood-based, Tree-by-tree Harvest Optimization in Structurally Complex Stands - John Foppert, Paul Smith's College
Identifying Hotspots to Establish Mass Timber Processing Facilities and their Impacts on Local Economy in Michigan - Naresh Khanal, Michigan State University
Woodshed Maps for Industry, Extension, and Woodland Owners in the Great Lakes States - Raju Pokharel, Michigan State University
Biomass Feedstock Availability and Economic Contribution of Biomass Power Facilities in the Lake States Region - Jagdish Poudel, Michigan Department of Natural Resources
Maple Syrup Production in Ohio, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia: Current Status and Potential for Future Expansion - Sayeed Mehmood, Ohio State University
A Regional Predictive Model for Maple Syrup Production in United States - Bobby Thapa, University of Kentucky
Projected Market-Based Feedstock Supply Analysis for Mass Timber Manufacturing in Michigan - Ichchha Thapa, Michigan State University
Forest Conversion in the Crosshairs: Avoiding Collateral Damage - Steve Prisley, NCASI
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