Forestry Systems Package

  • Registration Closed

This package contains three bundles related to forestry systems and structures.


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2. After checking out, the recordings will be available on your MY DASHBOARD page here on ForestEd.


Registration is $90 for SAF members. SAF Non-member price is $105. 

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Bundles in this Package

Agroforestry Bundle

Private & Family Forestry Bundle

Urban & Community Forestry Bundle


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  • Contains 13 Component(s)

    SAF Members: $40 // Non-Members: $55 // No CFEs available

    Enjoy this curated set of on-demand presentations that focus on agroforestry. This bundle will be updated as new content becomes available.


    1. Click REGISTER and log in with your SAF account username and password.

    2. After checking out, the recordings will be available on your MY DASHBOARD page here on ForestEd.


    Registration is $40 for SAF members. SAF Non-member price is $55. 

    Join SAF today to save and access other growing member benefits.



    PA Agroforestry: Learning, Connecting, Getting it Done - Rachel Reyna, PA DCNR Bureau of Forestry


    Agroforestry Nutrient Credit Trading in Virginia’s Chesapeake Bay Region - John Munsell, Virginia Tech


    Use of Livestock As a Form of Site Preparation during Silvopasture Establishment from Woodland - Joseph Orefice, Yale University


    Biometrics and Silvopasture: Analyzing the Growth and Yield of Agroforestry Systems In Response to Tree Density - Kenneth Dunn, NCSU

    Management Inputs and Outcomes from Forest Grazing, Silvopasture, and Just Turning Cattle into the Woods - Sid Brantly, Three-Cross Farms

    New Agroforestry Working Group in the American Southwest - Andrew Mason, USDA Forest Service and National Agroforestry Center (retired)

    Specialty Crop Development for Midwest Agroforestry - Gregory Ormsby Mori, University of Missouri


    Developing Farmer Typologies to Inform Conservation Outreach in Agricultural Landscapes - Suraj Upadhaya, Iowa State University


    Modeling Growth and Establishment of Plantation and Converted Agroforestry Silvopasture Systems in the Missouri Ozarks - Bailee Suedmeyer, Missouri State University

    Household Incentives to Establish Tree Cover on Agricultural Lands in Andhra Pradesh, India - Stella Schons, Virginia Tech


    Three years of the Northeast Forest Farmers Coalition: Building a Community of Practice - Walker Cammack, Smokey House Center and Karam Sheban, Yale School of the Environment

    Under the Canopy: Exploring Woodland Silvopasture Establishment as a Land Management Option for Forested Landowners With Livestock - Ashley Conway-Anderson, Center for Agroforestry, University of Missouri

    Under the Canopy: Perceptions and Practices of Woodland Silvopasture among Missouri Livestock Producers and Landowners - Kendra Esparza-Harris, Center for Agroforestry, University of Missouri


    CFEs are not available for viewing this collection of recorded presentations. Be sure to register for the current year’s convention to earn CFEs, build your skills, and expand your professional network connections.

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    This is a non-refundable item. Please view FAQs for additional information.

  • Contains 23 Component(s)

    SAF Members: $40 // Non-Members: $55 // No CFEs available

    Enjoy this curated set of on-demand presentations that focus on private and family forestry. This bundle will be updated as new content becomes available.


    1. Click REGISTER and log in with your SAF account username and password.

    2. After checking out, the recordings will be available on your MY DASHBOARD page here on ForestEd.


    Registration is $40 for SAF members. SAF Non-member price is $55. 

    Join SAF today to save and access other growing member benefits.



    A Model for Engaging Small Acreage Woodland Owners: The Woods In Your Backyard - Johnathan Kays, University of Maryland

    Assessing Differences Among Private Forest Owners: The Impact of ‘Legacy’ Ownerships - Donald Hodges, University of Tennessee

    Business Practices Among Oregon Family Forestland Owners - Brenton French, Oregon State

    Effectively Reaching Unengaged Woodland Owners through My Wisconsin Woods - Steve Swenson, Aldo Leopold Foundation

    Family Forest Owners in the Wisconsin Northwoods: Outreach and Engagement Strategies - Melinda Vokoun, University of Wisconsin - Stevens Point

    Landowner Support of Voluntary Projects to Restore Salmon Habitat in Oregon - Daniel Olson, Oregon Department of Forestry

    Pathways to Progress in Landowner Engagement Strategies: Applied Insights and Panel Discussion - Tricia Knoot, Wisconsin DNR

    Strengthening Partnership, Building Capacity, and Fostering Learning with Evaluation - Alanna Koshollek, Aldo Leopold Foundation

    Target Marketing to Private Forest Landowners for Turkey Habitat Management - Rick Horton, National Wild Turkey Foundation

    University of Wisconsin Extension Landowner Engagement Strategies in the Driftless Area - Randy Mell, UW Extension

    Woodcock and Warblers: Using Interest in Wildlife to Engage Private Forest Landowners - Jeremy Holtz, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources

    Woodland Owner Engagement Research and Practice: A Brief Review - Eli Sagor, University of Minnesota


    Hybrid Poplar: A Potential Multipurpose Tree for Woody Biomass in Semi-arid Climates - Sam Allen, New Mexico State University

    Implementation of Fuel Reduction Treatments on Nonindustrial Private Forest Lands in Mississippi - Anusha Shrestha, Mississippi State University


    Capturing Motivations of Landowners for Growing Blueberries instead of Pine in Southern GA, U.S. Using Q Method - Puneet Dwivedi, University of Georgia

    Exploring the Role of Race in Intergenerational Connections to Family Forestland in Georgia - Noah Goyke; University of Georgia, Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources

    Forest-Craft: Working Animal Forestry in Appalachia and Beyond - Ian Snider, Appalachian State University

    Landowner Concerns Regarding Environmental Issues in the Southern U.S. - Ram Adhikari, Mississippi State University

    Shortleaf Pine Restoration and Prescribed Fire with Family Forest Landowners on the Cumberland Plateau - Nicholas Biemiller, Forest Stewards Guild


    Entrepreneurship in Forestry: How Small Companies Can Solve Big Problems - Eli Jensen, Ironwood Forestry, LLC

    Changes in U.S. Family Forest Owners from 2006-2018 - Emma Sass, Family Forest Research Center - University of Massachusetts Amherst

    Private Land Transfer Trends: Implications For New Landowner Outreach in an Integrated Landscape - Tierny Bocsi, University of Wisconsin-Madison

    The Key to Saving America's White Oak: Working with Family Forest Owners - Taylor Tibbals, American Forest Foundation


    CFEs are not available for viewing this collection of recorded presentations. Be sure to register for the current year’s convention to earn CFEs, build your skills, and expand your professional network connections.

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    For ForestEd questions, visit FAQs, or email For technical assistance, go to for self troubleshooting and/or live chat, or you can email


    This is a non-refundable item. Please view FAQs for additional information.

  • Contains 30 Component(s)

    SAF Members: $40 // Non-Members: $55 // No CFEs available

    Enjoy this curated set of on-demand presentations that focus on urban & community forestry. This bundle will updated as new content becomes available.


    1. Click REGISTER and log in with your SAF account username and password.

    2. After checking out, the recordings will be available on your MY DASHBOARD page here on ForestEd.


    Registration is $40 for SAF members. SAF Non-member price is $55. 

    Join SAF today to save and access other growing member benefits.



    Estimating the Willingness to Preserve Open Space in Coastal Waterfronts - Ram Dahal, Mississippi State University

    Regional Goals - Local Action - Lydia Scott, Chicago Region Trees Initiative (The Morton Arboretum)

    The "10-20-30 Rule" Revisited: Is it a Useful Standard for Urban Forest Diversity? - Mark Ambrose, NC State University

    Urban Forest Assessments and Urban Tree Use: Lessons Learned from MN, NC, and VA - Kathryn Fernholz, Dovetail Partners


    Understanding How Urban Residential Owners Perceive and Manage Their Trees: A Comparison of Four WI Cities - Kathryn Thostenson, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources


    Comparative Analysis of Characteristics and Ecosystem Services of Trees in Two Urban Parks - Zhu Ning, Southern University

    Evaluating Impact of Deforestation on Non-monetary Opportunity Costs of Temporal Urban Heat Island Changes - John Bosco Namwamba, Southern University (SUBR)

    Lessons Learned from the Frontlines of Emerald Ash Borer - Stephanie Foster-Miller, Ohio Division of Forestry

    Society of Municipal Arborists and Society of American Foresters Collaboration - Sam Oludunfe; City of Chula Vista, CA

    Tree Equity: Career Pathways Toolkit- Preparing Tomorrow’s Urban Forestry Workforce - Sarah Anderson, American Forests

    Tree Risk Management Plans: Don't Leave Your Office Without One - Jennifer Gulick, Urban Canopy Works


    Addressing Uncertainty in Urban Forestry Damage Assessments following Hurricane Irma - Casey Lambert, The University of Alabama

    Managing High Tree Mortality: New Best Practices from Creative Strategies in the Midwest - Frank Mastrobuono, PlanIT Geo

    Tree Preservation During Residential Construction: An Evaluation of a Strict Municipal Tree Ordinance - Kaitlyn Pike; DePaul University / City of Highland Park, IL


    Forest-to-Cities: Uniting Rural and Urban Stakeholders around Climate Action through Forestry and Mass Timber Construction - Jennifer Shakun, New England Forestry Foundation

    Forests in Cities: Building a Community of Practice and Resource Library for Natural Areas Practitioners - Sophie Plitt, Natural Areas Conservancy

    Healthy Trees, Healthy Lives - Dayziah Petruska, Texas A&M Forest Service

    Planning for Environmental Equity: An Urban Forest Master Plan Element in Des Moines, Iowa - Jan Thompson, Iowa State University


    Community Engagement through Urban Food Forestry - Jaq Payne, University of Tennessee Knoxville

    Tree Equity in Action - Ian Leahy, American Forests; Molly Henry, American Forests; Alexis Gomez, American Forests; and Jacqueline Hall, Groundwork Rhode Island

    Collaborative Engagement in Education and Extension to Achieve Excellence in Urban Forestry - Zhu Ning, Southern University & A&M College; Jason Gordon, University of Georgia; and Janette Thompson, Iowa State University


    Urban Forestry in a Changing Climate - Zhu Ning, Southern University & A&M College (Moderator); Janette Thompson, Iowa State University; Thomas Worthley, University of Connecticut; Rachelle Hedges, University of California Berkeley; and Mysha Clarke, University of Florida

    Urban Wood Utilization - Jeff Carroll, Urban Wood Economy and Kayla Stuart, Urban Wood Economy & Univ. of TN

    Street Tree Diversity Across Varying Spatial Scales: A Case Study Of New Haven CT - Michael Freiburger, Yale

    Are your Tree Planting Specifications Killing Your Trees? - Rebecca Johnson, Arborholic, LLC

    Hazard Tree Selection near Power Facilities - Donald Dukleth, Southern California Edison

    iSeaTree: Developing an Open-Source Mobile Application and Community Science Tool for Quantifying and Tracking Urban Forestry Assets - Arielle Simmons-Steff, (iSeaTree Mobile App)

    Why the Urban Forestry Profession Needs to Evolve - Keith O'Herrin, Union County NC

    Exploring How Urban Forest Professionals Perceive Risk and Manage Trees and Storms in Three Cities - Stephanie Cadaval, University of Florida

    Evolving Urban Forestry -  The new SFI Urban and Community Forest Sustainability Standard and Third-Party Certifications - Paul Johnson, Sustainable Forestry Initiative


    CFEs are not available for viewing this collection of recorded presentations. Be sure to register for the current year’s convention to earn CFEs, build your skills, and expand your professional network connections.

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    For ForestEd questions, visit FAQs, or email For technical assistance, go to for self troubleshooting and/or live chat, or you can email


    This is a non-refundable item. Please view FAQs for additional information.