Forest Health and Disturbances Package

  • Registration Closed

This package contains two bundles related to current and future forest health threats and the ways to manage them.


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2. After checking out, the recordings will be available on your MY DASHBOARD page here on ForestEd.


Registration is $60 for SAF members. SAF Non-member price is $75. 

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Bundles in this Package

Fire & Fuels Management Bundle

Pests, Pathogens & Invasive Plants Bundle


CFEs are not available for viewing this collection of recorded presentations. Be sure to register for the current year’s convention to earn CFEs, build your skills, and expand your professional network connections.

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  • Contains 21 Component(s)

    SAF Members: $40 // Non-Members: $55 // No CFEs available

    Enjoy this curated set of on-demand presentations that focus on fire and fuels management. This bundle will be updated as new content becomes available.


    1. Click REGISTER and log in with your SAF account username and password.

    2. After checking out, the recordings will be available on your MY DASHBOARD page here on ForestEd.


    Registration is $40 for SAF members. SAF Non-member price is $55. 

    Join SAF today to save and access other growing member benefits.



    Building a Fire Program That Can Shape Ecosystems: Reflections on Twenty Years of Building a Fire Program - Steven Miller, St Johns River Water Management District

    Efficacy of Resource Objective Wildfires for Restoring Ponderosa Pine Ecosystems of Northern Arizona - David Huffman; Ecological Restoration Institute, Northern Arizona University

    Moderate to High-severity Wildfires Shift Stand Composition in the Southern Cascades, California - Kathryn R. Kidd, Stephen F. Austin State University

    Regeneration Dynamics Following Fuels Treatments in a Lower Montane Forest - Seth Ex, Colorado State University

    Smoldering Combustion in Forest Floor Duff: A Restoration Challenge - Jesse Kreye, Virginia Tech

    Wildfire Impacts on California Spotted Owl Nesting Habitat in the Sierra Nevada - Scott Stephens, ESPM Department


    Getting Started with Wildfire and Values at Risk Assessment for the Rio Grande - Steven Bassett, The Nature Conservancy

    Preparing for Future Fire: Governance Change in the Alaska Wildland Fire Management System - Tait Rutherford, Colorado State University

    Probability of Wildfire Occurrences and Its Effect on Carbon Sequestration Efforts in the United States - Raju Pokharel; College of Natural Resources, University of Idaho

    Wildfire Management, Cost, and Burn Severity in the Southwest Since 2012 - Zander Evans, Forest Stewards Guild

    Wildland Fire Shelter Improvement Research - Joseph Roise, North Carolina State University


    Accumulated Forest Floor Fuels Instigate Long-Duration Soil Heating During Burning in Longleaf Pine Forests - Jesse Kreye, Penn State University

    An Assessment of the Economic Impacts of Select Colorado Wildfires - Kurt Mackes, Colorado State University

    LiDAR Combined with Landsat Increases the Accuracy and Resolution of Landscape-scale Estimates of Fire Effects - Michael Hoe, SCS Global Services

    Managing Human Influenced Fire Regimes on the Washington Coastline - David Cass, Washington State Parks and Recreation Commission

    Predicting Time since Fire from Landscape Level Variables within the Boreal Forest of Alaska: A Spatial Tobit - Brian Young, Landmark College

    To Insure or Not to Insure? Factors Affecting Insurance Options for Prescribed Burning Practitioners in the US - Rajan Parajuli, North Carolina State University


    Prescribed Fire Effects on Timber Values in Oak Forests - Joseph Marschall, Oak Woodlands & Forests Fire Consortium

    Quantitative Fuel Treatment Prioritization: Using Big Data to Save Homes - Kevin Vogler, Pyrologix LLC


    Evaluating Wounding and Tree Quality Effects of Prescribed Fire in the Central Hardwood Region - David Mann, Purdue University


    Cross Boundary Partnerships After the Fire:  Restoration Research, Carbon Modeling, Reforestation Implementation, and Workforce Capacity Building - Elizabeth Pansing, Brian Morris, Kendall DeLyser; American Forests


    CFEs are not available for viewing this collection of recorded presentations. Be sure to register for the current year’s convention to earn CFEs, build your skills, and expand your professional network connections.

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    For ForestEd questions, visit FAQs, or email For technical assistance, go to for self troubleshooting and/or live chat, or you can email


    This is a non-refundable item. Please view FAQs for additional information.

  • Contains 19 Component(s)

    SAF Members: $40 // Non-Members: $55 // No CFEs available

    Enjoy this curated set of on-demand presentations that focus on forest pests, pathogens, and invasive plants. This bundle will be updated as new content becomes available.


    1. Click REGISTER and log in with your SAF account username and password.

    2. After checking out, the recordings will be available on your MY DASHBOARD page here on ForestEd.


    Registration is $40 for SAF members. SAF Non-member price is $55. 

    Join SAF today to save and access other growing member benefits.



    An Ounce of Prevention – The Spread of Heterobasidion Root Disease and the Evolution of Control - John McLaughlin, BioForest

    Emerald Ash Borer Management: Viewing Through an Economic, Ecologic, and Social Lens - Andrew VanNatta, City of Milwaukee


    Mountain Pine Beetles in the Black Hills of South Dakota and Wyoming: A Collaborative, Strategic Response - Gregory Josten, South Dakota Department of Agriculture

    Subalpine Fir Decline: Relationships Between Armillaria Root Disease, Bark Beetles, and Climate - Jane Stewart, Bioagricultural Sciences and Pest Management

    Sustaining the Health of Southwestern White Pine Populations through Adaptive Traits - Ethan Bucholz, Northern Arizona University


    It's in Their Genes - Identifying Patterns of Genetic Resistance to Blister Rust in Southwestern White Pine - Jeremy Johnson, Northern Arizona University

    Root Disease Caused Tree Mortality in Western WA Forests: Highlighting the Impacts of Significant Disturbances - Amy Ramsey, Washington Department of Natural Resources

    Science and Management of Ceratocystis Wilt on Metrosideros in Hawai'i - JB Friday, University of Hawai'i

    The Invasive Shot Hole Borer and Its Symbiotic Relationship to the Fungus Fusarium - Madeline Rauhe; California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo

    Western White Pine Disease Resistance in Western Washington: Operational Planting and Resistant Stock Types - Amy Ramsey, Washington Department of Natural Resources

    White Pine Regeneration: Effects of Competition on Growth and Pest Damage - Katherine Minnix, Michigan State University


    A Genetic Improvement Program for White Oak for Forest Health and Forest Product Industries - Laura DeWald, University of Kentucky

    Distribution, Presence, Ecology, and Harvest Dynamics of the Chaga fungus in the WMNF - Rhys Brydon-Williams, University of New Hampshire

    Management of Native Hawaiian Forests Affected by Ceratocystis Wilt - JB Friday, University of Hawai'i

    The Role of Stochasticity in Predicting Forest Pests: The Case of Emerald Ash Borer - Erik Lyttek, Montclair State University


    Aliens Among Us: National and Regional Patterns of Non-native Plant Invasions in U.S. Forests - Kevin Potter, North Carolina State University

    Effects of Flooding on Survival and Performance of Potential Replacement Species in Black Ash Swamps - Gwen Keller, University of Minnesota


    Structural Characteristics of Black Spruce Infested With Eastern Spruce Dwarf Mistletoe, Minnesota, U.S.A. - Ella Gray, Iowa State University

    Do Complex Spatial Patterns in Treated Stands Influence Tree Mortality from Bark Beetles? - Gia Landis, Northern Arizona University


    CFEs are not available for viewing this collection of recorded presentations. Be sure to register for the current year’s convention to earn CFEs, build your skills, and expand your professional network connections.

    Need Help?

    For ForestEd questions, visit FAQs, or email For technical assistance, go to for self troubleshooting and/or live chat, or you can email


    This is a non-refundable item. Please view FAQs for additional information.