Fire & Fuels Management Bundle

Enjoy this curated set of on-demand presentations that focus on fire and fuels management. This bundle will be updated as new content becomes available.


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Building a Fire Program That Can Shape Ecosystems: Reflections on Twenty Years of Building a Fire Program - Steven Miller, St Johns River Water Management District

Efficacy of Resource Objective Wildfires for Restoring Ponderosa Pine Ecosystems of Northern Arizona - David Huffman; Ecological Restoration Institute, Northern Arizona University

Moderate to High-severity Wildfires Shift Stand Composition in the Southern Cascades, California - Kathryn R. Kidd, Stephen F. Austin State University

Regeneration Dynamics Following Fuels Treatments in a Lower Montane Forest - Seth Ex, Colorado State University

Smoldering Combustion in Forest Floor Duff: A Restoration Challenge - Jesse Kreye, Virginia Tech

Wildfire Impacts on California Spotted Owl Nesting Habitat in the Sierra Nevada - Scott Stephens, ESPM Department


Getting Started with Wildfire and Values at Risk Assessment for the Rio Grande - Steven Bassett, The Nature Conservancy

Preparing for Future Fire: Governance Change in the Alaska Wildland Fire Management System - Tait Rutherford, Colorado State University

Probability of Wildfire Occurrences and Its Effect on Carbon Sequestration Efforts in the United States - Raju Pokharel; College of Natural Resources, University of Idaho

Wildfire Management, Cost, and Burn Severity in the Southwest Since 2012 - Zander Evans, Forest Stewards Guild

Wildland Fire Shelter Improvement Research - Joseph Roise, North Carolina State University


Accumulated Forest Floor Fuels Instigate Long-Duration Soil Heating During Burning in Longleaf Pine Forests - Jesse Kreye, Penn State University

An Assessment of the Economic Impacts of Select Colorado Wildfires - Kurt Mackes, Colorado State University

LiDAR Combined with Landsat Increases the Accuracy and Resolution of Landscape-scale Estimates of Fire Effects - Michael Hoe, SCS Global Services

Managing Human Influenced Fire Regimes on the Washington Coastline - David Cass, Washington State Parks and Recreation Commission

Predicting Time since Fire from Landscape Level Variables within the Boreal Forest of Alaska: A Spatial Tobit - Brian Young, Landmark College

To Insure or Not to Insure? Factors Affecting Insurance Options for Prescribed Burning Practitioners in the US - Rajan Parajuli, North Carolina State University


Prescribed Fire Effects on Timber Values in Oak Forests - Joseph Marschall, Oak Woodlands & Forests Fire Consortium

Quantitative Fuel Treatment Prioritization: Using Big Data to Save Homes - Kevin Vogler, Pyrologix LLC


Evaluating Wounding and Tree Quality Effects of Prescribed Fire in the Central Hardwood Region - David Mann, Purdue University


Cross Boundary Partnerships After the Fire:  Restoration Research, Carbon Modeling, Reforestation Implementation, and Workforce Capacity Building - Elizabeth Pansing, Brian Morris, Kendall DeLyser; American Forests


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