SAF Learning
Evolution of Geiger LiDAR and its Commercial Application in Forest Inventory and Biometrics
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Webinar information
Geiger-mode LiDAR technology has long been used in security and defense applications and has growing potential in forestry settings. Traditional airborne LiDAR produces low-density point clouds over large areas, often without individual tree level detail. Newer simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) LiDAR produces high-density point clouds allowing for individual tree metrics but is cost and time-prohibitive over large areas. Geiger-mode LiDAR may provide a balance with moderate-density point clouds that can allow for individual tree level details. In forestry settings, Geiger-mode LiDAR uses traditional survey aircraft at 1-4 km altitudes to collect detailed point clouds of both ground and vertical structure of vegetation. Recent forestry applications use scanning mechanisms that provide “angular diversity” (many unique viewpoints of a given ground point in a single flight pass) allowing for individual tree metrics. This presentation will explore Geiger-mode LiDAR including technical background, strengths and weaknesses compared to other LiDAR, examples and imagery from recent forestry applications, and practical steps to process Geiger-mode point clouds.
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Is this webinar for you?
This webinar is appropriate for working foresters and forestry professionals both experienced with and new to LiDAR forest assessment technology. This is for those who are interested in advancements in forest technology and new innovations in inventorying techniques.
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Webinar access
The recorded webinar is accessible for viewing through July 24, 2025.
The webinar is accessible within the Contents tab (to the right of the Overview information).
Webinar duration
This webinar is 1 hour and 30 minutes.
Learning objectives
Upon successful completion of this webinar, you will be able to:
1.Compare and contrast Geiger-mode LiDAR with traditional LiDAR technologies.
2.List the strengths and weaknesses of Geiger-mode LiDAR and traditional LiDAR in forested settings.
3.Discuss recent advancements in LiDAR for forestry and non-forestry applications.
4.Identify the steps to process and analyze Geiger-mode point cloud data to obtain individual tree-level metrics using free, open-source software.
Successful completion of the webinar is measured by viewing the entire webinar and completing the evaluation.
Participant feedback is appreciated to help the Community of Interest and presenters continually improve webinars for future programming.
Upon successful completion of this webinar, you will earn 1.5 CFEs in Category 1. CFEs will automatically be added to your CFE record located on
Upon successful completion of this webinar and the evaluation, participants may download and print a certificate verifying completion of the webinar and earning CFEs. CFEs will be uploaded to participant CFE records by the end of the day (11:59 pm ET).
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Webinar Resources
Additional resources are available within the Resources tab and within the Contents tab.
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James Kuczynski
Associate Staff Member, Active Optical Systems Group
MIT Lincoln Laboratory
James Kuczynski is an associate staff member of the Active Optical Systems Group at MIT Lincoln Laboratory. Since joining the Lab in 2016, he has pursued research in the calibration, processing, and automated exploitation of airborne laser radar systems, with an emphasis on novel machine learning approaches. He holds a BS and MS in computer science from the University of Massachusetts Lowell.

Dale Fried
Founder & CEO
Dr. Dale Fried specializes in bringing advanced lidar technology to commercial markets, with a particular focus on Geiger-mode lidar. After a decade at MIT Lincoln Lab, Fried spun out 3DEO to commercialize the technology in 2014. He enjoys working with a team of exceptional engineers and scientists at 3DEO.

Edward Flathers
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Intermountain Forestry Cooperative - University of Idaho
As a postdoctoral research fellow for the Intermountain Forestry Cooperative, Dr. Edward Flathers specializes in processing and analysis of LiDAR data to enable applications in individual tree inventory and biometrics. His research interests also include augmentation of data with additional remote sensing and GIS data, and machine learning approaches for multidimensional data. Flathers has also worked for many years to enable publication and availability of spatial research data, including at the Idaho Geospatial Data Clearinghouse.

Mark Kimsey (Moderator)
Chair-Elect, SAF A1 Inventory and Biometrics Community of Interest
University of Idaho – College of Natural Resources

Stephanie Patton (Moderator)
Forest Biometrician
Rayonier, Inc.
In her role as Forest Biometrician, Stephanie looks for innovative ways to test and improve forest growth and yield modeling capabilities in the U.S. South and Pacific Northwest. Stephanie earned her M.Sc. in Natural Resources Science and Management at the University of Minnesota and B.S. in Biology from Illinois Wesleyan University. Stephanie is the Resources Measurements Subject Area Representative for SAF's Forest Science and Technology Board.

Tyler Gifford (Moderator)
Inventory and Biometrics Community of Interest

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