SAF Learning
Boots on the Ground Bundle
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Enjoy this curated set of on-demand presentations that focus on boots on the ground. This bundle will be updated as new content becomes available.
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A Northern Red Oak Crop Tree Marking Protocol for Training New Timber Markers - Michael Demchik, University of Wisconsin Stevens Point
Norms and Efficiencies in Subsampling Stems for Total Height Measurement - Nan Pond, SilviaTerra
Enabling Development of Tailored Composite Volume Yield Estimates in Minnesota, USA - David Wilson, University of Minnesota
A New Forest Management Decisions Support Tool for Herbicide Applications in the Western Gulf Region of the US - Kyle Cunningham, University of Arkansas
Effectiveness of Forestry BMPs for Reducing Risk of Herbicide Use to Aquatic Organisms - Vickie Tatum, NCASI
Fireproofing the Swamp: Cost-Benefit Analysis of Fire Prevention in the Okefenokee National Wildlife Refuge Buffer - Jacek Siry, University of Georgia
High Value, Low Volume - American Spruce Soundboards and the Search for a Sustainable Supply - Paul Clements, Oregon Department of Forestry
It's Getting Easy to Be a Forester - John R. Mount, Retired
We’re Still Number One: How Forestry Activities Rate among Dangerous Occupations - Mary Abbot, Mow Beta! Mowing & Snowplowing
Decision Tree for Managing Eastern White Pine Stands at Risk from Invasive Glossy Buckthorn - Theodore Howard, University of New Hampshire
Fungal Degradation of the Woody By-products of Forest Management Activities - Jeffrey Ravage, Coalition for the Upper South Platte
Recent Advances in UAV Monitoring of Dry Conifer Forest Structure from Tree to Stand Scales - Wade Tinkham, Colorado State University
Application of Importance Performance Competitor Analysis to National Forests - Ashley Askey, University of Georgia
Mitigating Forest Loss in Central Ohio: A Private Woodland Owner Choice Experiment - Sayeed Mehmood, Ohio State University
Effect of Chronic Wasting Disease on Hunting Lease Values: A Discrete Choice Experiment Approach - Ram Adhikari, New Mexico Highlands University
Managing Forest Lands After a Hurricane: Lessons Learned from Forest Landowners in the Panhandle, Florida - Mysha Clarke, University of Florida
Developing and Harnessing Climate-Smart Commodities from Hardwood Restoration for Small and Underserved Landowners in the Southern Bottomland Region - Nana Tian, University of Arkansas at Monticello
Feedstock Availability & Economic Contribution of Increased Bioenergy Production in a Michigan Facility - Tara Allohverdi, Michigan State University
Reforesting Colorado: Strategies for Success in the Face of Wildfire and Climate Change - Zoe Hall and Benjamin Bishop, Land Life
Redwoods Rising: Landscape-Scale Restoration Forestry in Redwood National and State Parks - Ben Blom, Save the Redwoods League
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