Best of 2022 SAF National Convention Bundle

This is a curated selection of plenaries and highest-attended technical sessions from the 2022 SAF National Convention.


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Big Stage Presentations (3)

Climate Change & Forest Carbon (3)

Fire & Fuels Management (1)

Harvesting & Utilization (2)

Pests, Pathogens & Invasive Plants (3)

Remote Sensing & Geospatial Applications (3)

Western & Northwestern Silviculture and Forest Ecology (1)


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Big Stage Presentations
Plenary 1: Evolving Forests, Evolving Field
Select the "View Video" button to begin.  |  89 minutes
Select the "View Video" button to begin.  |  89 minutes As we know, the health and quality of our forests have huge implications on our ability to withstand the threats of climate change. But what about the people within the forestry field itself? Do we have a sustainable workforce to plant, steward, and produce goods from the millions of trees across our country? Many employers in our sector are facing a labor shortage exacerbated by the Covid-19 pandemic? a shortage that precedes the impending mass exodus of baby-boomer professionals from the workforce into retirement that has leaders wondering who will manage and conserve our lands in the future. Sarah Lillie Sewell, Founder and CEO of Lillie Leaf Solutions, will share her perspective on how we can sustainably grow and retain diverse talent to steward America's forests. Through her work to grow the field in Baltimore, MD and in cities across the country, Sarah will discuss successful models and lessons learned for how we as a profession can better reflect the priorities of all who benefit from the forests we steward. Presented by Sarah Lillie Sewell, Lillie Leaf Solutions at the 2022 SAF National Convention in Baltimore, MD.
Plenary 2: Bridge Builder - Creating Trusting Partnerships
Select the "View Video" button to begin.  |  70 minutes
Select the "View Video" button to begin.  |  70 minutes As the practice of forestry continues to evolve, foresters and natural resource professionals are increasingly challenged to explain the relevance of resource management in a changing world. Doing this effectively requires us to understand the perspectives of those with whom we are engaging. Not only do we need to educate landowners about the economic, ecological, and societal benefits of forests; and how to think about management, conservation, and preservation, but we also need help educate professionals to provide needed context and perspective of these landowners that have endured a history of land loss, exclusion, and exploitation for their lack of knowledge. Dr. Jennie L. Stephens will present lessons learned from the work of the Center for Heirs' Property Preservation, where she has served as the Director/CEO for the past 17 years. Through the lens of the Center's efforts to provide access to education around forest management and meeting diverse objectives for families and landowners, she will offer attendees insights and ideas for engaging new stakeholders in our work. Presented by Jennie L. Stephens, Center for Heairs' Property Preservation at the 2022 SAF National Convention in Baltimore, MD.
Plenary 3: Sustaining Forward - Our Call to Action
Select the "View On-Demand Recording" button to begin.  |  50 minutes
Select the "View On-Demand Recording" button to begin.  |  50 minutes Our understanding and practice of sustainability has evolved over the last several decades. The diversity within "Our Working Mosaic" has contributed to changing our understanding of what sustainability means and what links our inter-disciplinary professional community to sustainable forest landscapes. Katie Fernholz, President and CEO of Dovetail Partners, will pull from her experiences about planning and problem solving across diverse perspectives to support shared learning and better understanding. Drawing on the visualizations of a graphic recorder, a call-to-action will be provided for convention attendees to take what they've learned and implement it in their daily work. Presented by Katie Fernholz, Dovetail Partners at the 2022 SAF National Convention in Baltimore, MD.
Climate Change & Forest Carbon
Carbon credits, conservation plans, and other planning tools for forestry
Select the "View Video" button to begin.  |  26 minutes
Select the "View Video" button to begin.  |  26 minutes Planning can help forest managers maximize their land base by layering carbon credits and/or ensure compliance with the Endangered Species Act. These two processes can interact but navigating the complexities of the processes can be challenging. We discuss how up-front planning can provide carbon offsets, species benefits or both. Presented by Paola Bernazzani, ICF at the 2022 SAF National Convention in Baltimore, MD.
Integrity in Forest Carbon Markets: Tools to Evaluate Real, Credible and Additional Offset Credits
Select the "View Video" button to begin.  |  23 minutes
Select the "View Video" button to begin.  |  23 minutes Forest Carbon Works explores voluntary and compliance forest carbon market programs for small landowners, including IFM and afforestation project options. Criteria to assess credit quality and the best program fit for land management goals will be covered with examples from both foresters and landowners working within these programs. Presented by Sandy Letzing, Forest Carbon Works at the 2022 SAF National Convention in Baltimore, MD.
Opportunities and Barriers for Upscaling Ecosystem-based Adaptation: Experience from Pilot Projects in Nepal
Select the "View Video" button to begin.  |  21 minutes
Select the "View Video" button to begin.  |  21 minutes This paper identifies the challenges and barriers to upscale Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA) in Nepal. EbA helped to reduce the vulnerability against CC and restored the ecosytem but lack of understanding, low priority from the government, lack of budgeting created obstacles for upscaling EbA. Presented by Sushma Bhattarai, Mississippi State University at the 2022 SAF National Convention in Baltimore, MD.
Fire & Fuels Management
Assessing How Fuel Treatments Are Considered During Incident Response
Select the "View Video" button to begin.  |  18 minutes
Select the "View Video" button to begin.  |  18 minutes We are conducting ongoing research about how US Forest Service fuel treatments are considered and incorporated during wildfire incident response. We will present findings from two case studies of 2020 wildfires where existing treatments were considered in the incident management context: the Cameron Peak, Colorado and the Bighorn, Arizona. Presented by Michelle Greiner, Colorado State University at the 2022 SAF National Convention in Baltimore, MD.
Harvesting & Utilization
Opportunities, Constraints, and Attitudes of Forest Stakeholders in Harvesting and Supplying Woody Biomass in Southeastern US
Select the "View Video" button to begin.  |  23 minutes
Select the "View Video" button to begin.  |  23 minutes Woody biomass can be utilized as a feedstock for bioenergy. However, the harvest and transport of woody biomass remain a challenge to the overall economics of biomass supply chains. This research aims to gain insight into the current and future state of the woody biomass market in the southeastern US. Presented by Manisha Parajuli, Auburn University at the 2022 SAF National Convention in Baltimore, MD.
Timber Supply Availability to a Potential Forest Industry in Arkansas: A Case Study from Magnolia City, Arkansas
Select the "View Video" button to begin.  |  20 minutes
Select the "View Video" button to begin.  |  20 minutes A majority of forestlands are naturally regenerated in the study area. Pine is the dominant forest type. Net timber growth exceeds harvest by more than 50% annually. Forest growing stock is increasing. Presented by Sagar Godar Chhetri, University of Arkansas At Monticello at the 2022 SAF National Convention in Baltimore, MD.
Stability of northern hardwood communities by topographic position challenges assumptions about selection regeneration systems
Select the "View Video" button to begin.  |  21 minutes
Select the "View Video" button to begin.  |  21 minutes The contemporary Interpretation of silvicultural regimes appears to be invalidated by a lack of objective site measurements. Presented by Michael Premer, Rayonier, Inc. at the 2022 SAF National Convention in Baltimore, MD.
Pests, Pathogens & Invasive Plants
Species Preservation in the face of a Novel Threat: Cultural, Ecological, and Operational Considerations for Preserving Ash Species in Eastern Forests
Select the "View Video" button to begin.  |  16 minutes
Select the "View Video" button to begin.  |  16 minutes This presentation will discuss potential strategies for ash preservation to meet ecological, silvicultural, and cultural objectives. Although framed around the threat posed by emerald ash borer, the approaches discussed and their linkages with cultural, ecological, and silvicultural outcomes will be transferable to other current and future non-native insects and diseases. Presented by Anthony D'Amato, University of Vermont at the 2022 SAF National Convention in Baltimore, MD.
Building Stewardship Capacity: Protecting the Brown Ash of the Northern Forest - Stakeholder Perceptions
Select the "View Video" button to begin.  |  15 minutes
Select the "View Video" button to begin.  |  15 minutes An overview of an ongoing cross-cultural and inter-disciplinary project combining survey research and experimental management trials to better understand, inform, and strengthen ongoing and future efforts to preserve a culturally significant tree, the brown or black ash tree, in the path of a destructive invasive pest, the emerald ash borer. Presented by Tyler Everett, University of Maine at the 2022 SAF National Convention in Baltimore, MD.
Understanding Landowner Involvement and Behavior in the Management of Emerald Ash Borer
Select the "View Video" button to begin.  |  17 minutes
Select the "View Video" button to begin.  |  17 minutes The purpose of this study is to understand landowners’ attitudes and intentions regarding the emerald ash borer and the management approaches that can be used to address this forest health issue. Analysis of a survey on this topic will be presented and discussed. Presented by Emily Francis, University of Maine at the 2022 SAF National Convention in Baltimore, MD.
Remote Sensing & Geospatial Applications
Artificial Intelligence for Forest and Wildfire Monitoring
Select the "View Video" button to begin.  |  32 minutes
Select the "View Video" button to begin.  |  32 minutes AI-derived forest data can provide valuable information about stand attributes, wildfire risk, and forest carbon for management and ongoing monitoring. Partners Salo Sciences and Upstream Tech will share how teams are using high resolution remote sensing and AI to comprehensively track ecosystem change at a low cost over large areas. Presented by David Marvin, Salo Sciences Inc. at the 2022 SAF National Convention in Baltimore, MD.
Utilizing Next Generation Drones and Data in Forestry
Select the "View Video" button to begin.  |  24 minutes
Select the "View Video" button to begin.  |  24 minutes Next generation drones have really opened up the possibilities of utilizing technologies that were once too costly or too difficult to process. Sensor technologies like LiDAR, thermal, and hi-resolution RGB for photogrammetry are now much more cost effective and easier to use. Presented by Ben Lindner, Alynix, LLC at the 2022 SAF National Convention in Baltimore, MD.
Case Study: Individual Tree DBH measurement and Tree Form identification from Aerial LiDAR
Select the "View Video" button to begin.  |  24 minutes
Select the "View Video" button to begin.  |  24 minutes The study sought to test the ability to measure individual tree DBH as well as identify tree form in three different forests from high point density aerial LiDAR. Results varied with canopy penetration, stand type, and the point density. Presented by Cam Brown, Forsite Consultants Ltd at the 2022 SAF National Convention in Baltimore, MD.
Western & Northwestern Silviculture and Forest Ecology
Intensive Silviculture Impacts on Timber Supply from an Industrial Forest Landscape in Alberta
Select the "View Video" button to begin.  |  25 minutes
Select the "View Video" button to begin.  |  25 minutes There is a risk of conifer timber supply reductions on public forest lands in many areas of Alberta, Canada. Here we demonstrate the potential for intensive silviculture techniques, in particular density management in plantation forests, as an option to sustainably increase wood production at both the stand and landscape scale. Presented by Brad Pinno, University of Alberta at the 2022 SAF National Convention in Baltimore, MD.