Best of 2020 SAF National Convention Bundle

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Enjoy this curated selection of plenaries and highest-attended technical sessions from the 2020 SAF National Convention.


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The Big Stage: Plenary Session and Friday Focus-On (2)

Climate Change and Carbon (3)

Remote Sensing & Geospatial Applications (2)

Human Dimensions and History of Forestry (2)

Private and Family Forestry (2)


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Big Stage Presentations
Closing Plenary: Today's Challenges, Tomorrow's Leaders: Empowering the Next Generation of Forestry Professionals
Open to view video.  |  62 minutes
Open to view video.  |  62 minutes Empowering the Next Generation of Forestry Professionals: Students and young professionals are future leaders who face unprecedented challenges that extend beyond traditional natural resource sciences, including climate change, social values, and calls to diversify the fields. Acquiring, practicing, and implementing leadership skills are necessary for overcoming these challenges. In this session, panelists representing universities, the private sector, nonprofit organizations, and students will focus on how to prepare leaders for 21st Century challenges. The discussion will encompass a wide range of topics, including communication, cultural immersion, conflict resolution, adaptability, resilience, maintaining balance, and effective leadership styles. This session is designed to foster discussion and reflection, and the participants can expect to leave with practical strategies for enhancing leadership skills. Presented by Kathy Abuso, Sustainable Forestry Initiative, Inc.; Terry Baker, Society of American Foresters; Jasmine K. Brown, Michigan State University; Renita Marshall, Southern University; Greg Ina, Davey Tree Expert Company; Zhu Hua Ning, Southern University at the 2020 SAF Virtual National Convention.
Friday Focus-On 3: Science, Trees, and Quality of Life: Humanity Needs Foresters!
Open to view video.  |  94 minutes
Open to view video.  |  94 minutes Trees provide a wealth of environmental services. Research shows that they also encourage a wide range of human health and wellness co-benefits. Physical, mental, and social benefits are proven outcomes of having trees and forests in our communities. But not everyone has access to leafy green! How might communities plan and manage the urban forest to make better health happen for everyone? Dr. Wolf will share the latest research about the links between nearby nature and human health and propose how tree canopy makes lives better for all. Having trees in cities? It doesn't just happen! Urban forest systems must be planned, planted, and maintained to produce the rich ecosystem services we need and desire. The questions at the heart of urban forest management are: what activities and practices will yield the results we want, and which are red herrings that distract managers? Based on data obtained through survey work with northern Ohio communities, Alan will share results that are being used to strengthen and focus urban forestry programs across Ohio. Presented by Alan Siewert, Ohio Division of Forestry and Kathleen Wolf, University of Washington at the 2020 SAF Virtual National Convention.
Climate Change and Carbon
Designing an Effective Program to Both Store More Carbon in the Forest and Maintain Harvest
Open to view video.  |  29 minutes
Open to view video.  |  29 minutes In response to the Maine Climate Council’s request for ideas on how to mitigate Maine’s greenhouse gas emissions over the next few decades, the New England Forestry Foundation has developed an innovative proposal for a program to pay landowners to increase in-forest carbon storage while addressing leakage by maintaining harvest. Presented by Robert Alec Giffen, New England Forestry Foundation at the 2020 SAF Virtual National Convention.
In Great Lakes Region Mesic Forests, Southerly Stands Are Most Vulnerable to Climate Change
Open to view video.  |  29 minutes
Open to view video.  |  29 minutes Due to climate change, a better understanding of how climate affects tree growth is needed. We correlated climate with tree-ring width in nine species across Indiana and Michigan. Species at all sites were limited by excessive heat and insufficient precipitation in summer, but the signature was strongest in the south. Presented by Scott Warner, Michigan State University at the 2020 SAF Virtual National Convention.
Using a Climate Adaptation Lens to Identify Trade-offs and Opportunities for Biodiversity Protection and Carbon
Open to view video.  |  29 minutes
Open to view video.  |  29 minutes In the forests of the northeast, strategies for keeping carbon on the ground may not always align with specific habitat provisioning objectives. Applying the lens of climate change adaptation on a landscape scale may help uncover these trade-offs and illuminate paths forward that jointly support carbon storage and biodiversity. Presented by Caitlin Littlefield, University of Vermont at the 2020 SAF Virtual National Convention.
Forest Technology: Remote Sensing & Geospatial Applications
Monitoring from Above: UAS for Describing Vegetation Structure, Function, and Condition
Open to view video.  |  29 minutes
Open to view video.  |  29 minutes Resource managers are increasingly turning to technology to improve data collection, processing, and interpretation. This presentation will explore a range of Unmanned Aerial System monitoring strategies for tracking vegetation structure, function, and condition. Specific examples will be reviewed for plot- and tree-level forest inventory and prescribed fire monitoring. Presented by Wade Tinkham, Colorado State University at the 2020 SAF Virtual National Convention.
Quantifying Loss of Vegetation from Surface Mining in the Eastern Kentucky Area
Open to view video.  |  22 minutes
Open to view video.  |  22 minutes In the forests of the northeast, strategies for keeping carbon on the ground may not always align with specific habitat provisioning objectives. Applying the lens of climate change adaptation on a landscape scale may help uncover these trade-offs and illuminate paths forward that jointly support carbon storage and biodiversity. Presented by Bishwa Acharya, Earth Mapping International Inc. at the 2020 SAF Virtual National Convention
Human Dimensions and History of Forestry
Analyzing the Media Coverage of Forest Certification in the United States
Open to view video.  |  13 minutes
Open to view video.  |  13 minutes This study analyzed American newspaper articles to determine disparities in media coverage of forest certification standards (Sustainable Forestry Initiative, Forest Stewardship Council, American Tree Farm System), specifically focusing on themes (economic, environmental, sociocultural) across national and regional levels. We found coverage was not homogenous, with different regions and levels favoring different standards and themes. Presented by Caroline Karnatz, University of Georgia, Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources, Dwivedi Forest Sustainability Lab at the 2020 SAF Virtual National Convention.
Trillion Trees Initiative: Needs beyond "Plant 'Em Green Side Up"
Open to view video.  |  31 minutes
Open to view video.  |  31 minutes The Trillion Trees Initiative, launched in January at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, calls for planting 1 trillion trees around the globe by 2030. For the U.S. to achieve its contribution, reforestation and afforestation rates need to triple. The fresh policies and investments needed will be explored. Presented by Richard Guldin, Winner of the Sir William Schlich Memorial Award at the 2020 SAF Virtual National Convention.
Private and Family Forestry
Women Owning Woodlands: Empowering Women in Forest Stewardship
Open to view video.  |  30 minutes
Open to view video.  |  30 minutes The national Women Owning Woodlands (WOW) program supports women-focused programming and a network of professionals who empower women landowners to steward their forestland. This presentation will explore the role of women woodland owners in private forest stewardship and offer case studies of approaches to effective outreach across the country. Presented by Amanda Mahaffey, Forest Stewards Guild and Leonora Pepper, Yale University at the 2020 SAF Virtual National Convention.
Factors Driving Spatial Density of Longleaf Pine Plantations under Conservation Reserve Programs in Georgia, USA
Open to view video.  |  27 minutes
Open to view video.  |  27 minutes The objective of this study was to understand how landowner’s decision to enroll in conservation practice is shaped by a range of socio-economic, topographic and other characteristics over space for prioritizing areas to support longleaf pine restoration in the US South. Presented by Puneet Dwivedi, University of Georgia at the 2020 SAF Virtual National Convention.