SAF Learning
Agroforestry Bundle
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- Member - $40
Enjoy this curated set of on-demand presentations that focus on agroforestry. This bundle will be updated as new content becomes available.
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PA Agroforestry: Learning, Connecting, Getting it Done - Rachel Reyna, PA DCNR Bureau of Forestry
Agroforestry Nutrient Credit Trading in Virginia’s Chesapeake Bay Region - John Munsell, Virginia Tech
Use of Livestock As a Form of Site Preparation during Silvopasture Establishment from Woodland - Joseph Orefice, Yale University
Biometrics and Silvopasture: Analyzing the Growth and Yield of Agroforestry Systems In Response to Tree Density - Kenneth Dunn, NCSU
Management Inputs and Outcomes from Forest Grazing, Silvopasture, and Just Turning Cattle into the Woods - Sid Brantly, Three-Cross Farms
New Agroforestry Working Group in the American Southwest - Andrew Mason, USDA Forest Service and National Agroforestry Center (retired)
Specialty Crop Development for Midwest Agroforestry - Gregory Ormsby Mori, University of Missouri
Developing Farmer Typologies to Inform Conservation Outreach in Agricultural Landscapes - Suraj Upadhaya, Iowa State University
Modeling Growth and Establishment of Plantation and Converted Agroforestry Silvopasture Systems in the Missouri Ozarks - Bailee Suedmeyer, Missouri State University
Household Incentives to Establish Tree Cover on Agricultural Lands in Andhra Pradesh, India - Stella Schons, Virginia Tech
Three years of the Northeast Forest Farmers Coalition: Building a Community of Practice - Walker Cammack, Smokey House Center and Karam Sheban, Yale School of the Environment
Under the Canopy: Exploring Woodland Silvopasture Establishment as a Land Management Option for Forested Landowners With Livestock - Ashley Conway-Anderson, Center for Agroforestry, University of Missouri
Under the Canopy: Perceptions and Practices of Woodland Silvopasture among Missouri Livestock Producers and Landowners - Kendra Esparza-Harris, Center for Agroforestry, University of Missouri
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