SAF Learning
Agroforestry: A Viable Land Management Option?
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- Non-member - $54
- Member - $34
Microcourse information
Landowners may desire to manage for a diversity of products for personal or commercial use. Agroforestry practices may be both enjoyable and profitable for individuals that want to have a “hands on” approach in sustainable land management. This microcourse will give insight on utilizing land for multiple use purposes including row crop production, silvopasture, riparian zone protection, edible/medicinal plants, and mushroom production. A more in-depth coverage of silvopasture is also presented which includes site preparation methods, pros/cons of the silvopasture system, forage establishment, and other relative discussion points. This microcourse heavily focuses on the southeastern United States, but insights can be gained and applied across landscapes everywhere.
Is this microcourse for you?
This microcourse is intended for foresters, natural resource professionals, or landowners interested in learning about the multiple facets that can be contained within an agroforestry system. Individuals that desire to know methodology for installation and the economics of related agroforestry practices will find this microcourse useful as well. The information presented will provide some guidelines for establishment of an agroforestry system and may also provide some insight which has not already been revealed to the audience. Regardless of the current land use or forestland type, agroforestry may be a more rewarding endeavor for the more intensive landowners.
Open registration
Registration remains open unless otherwise posted. Registrants will be notified 90 days before course closes.
$34 for SAF Members
$54 for Non-members
Join SAF today to save $20 on your course registration and to take advantage of SAF's growing member benefits including here on ForestEd.
Course start date
Course content will be accessible starting July 21, 2023.
Course access
Course access will remain open unless notified otherwise. Registrants will be notified 90 days before course closes.
Course pace
This course is self-paced with an expected completion time of just over 1.5 hours. There are 4 sections, which are intended to be completed over the course of 4 weeks.
Learning Objectives
Upon successful completion of this short course, you will be able to:
1. Summarize multiple aspects of agroforestry including, but not limited to, silvopasture, mushroom production, alley cropping, edible/medicinal plants, and riparian forest buffers
2. Explain both pros and cons of silvopasture systems
3. Identify the relevant practices for agroforestry establishment in both existing forestland and non-forestland
Successful completion of the course is measured by your ability to complete each component and passing the quiz at the end of each section 1 and completing the guided worksheets in sections 2 and 3. The passing score for the quiz is 100%. You have unlimited attempts to pass the quiz.
Course Evaluation
Participant feedback is appreciated to help the course curators and subject matter experts continually improve the course for future participants.
Upon successful completion of this course, you will earn 1.5 CFEs in Category 1. CFEs will automatically be added to your CFE record located on
Upon successful completion of this course and course evaluation, participants may download and print a certificate verifying completion of the course and earning CFEs. CFEs will be uploaded to participant CFE records by the end of the day (11:59 pm ET).
Get Started or Return to Place in Course
Once you are registered for the course, access this course within your MY DASHBOARD. You can pause at any point during the course and you can return right where you last left off. Simply select where you last left off and then keep on working your way through the course.
Course Resources
Additional course resources are available within the Contents tab course sections.
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This is a non-refundable item. Please view FAQs for additional information.

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