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2023 Science Flash Bundle
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Enjoy these curated Science Flash presentations from the 2023 SAF National Convention held in Sacramento, CA.
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Northwest Tribal Agroforestry and TEK Collaboration Uncomplicated - Donald Motanic, Self Employed
Boots on the Ground
Decision-Making Tool Combining the Science of Forest Management and the Methodology of Lean Six Sigma - Joseph Roush, Forest & Habitat Professionals LLC
Silvicultural Strategies to Meet Department of Defense Installation Land Management Objectives - Kevin Porteck, Forester - Tehama
Climate Change & Carbon
A Case For How Carbon Markets Are Failing Southern Tree Farmers - Matthew Pelkki, University of Arkansas at Monticello
Assessing the Impact of Hurricane Ivan on Aboveground Carbon in Trees in the Gulf Coast - Syed Asiful Alam, University of Georgia
Economic and Environmental Effects of Improved Forest Management and Improved Loblolly Pine Genotypes on Carbon Sequestration in the Southeast U.S. - Jacek Siry, University of Georgia
Forest Stewards Perceptions of Climate Adaptation Across Tribal Nations and State Agencies in Present-Day Maine - Rachel Swanwick, University of Vermont
How Do We Know the Carbon in Our Forest Soils? Measurement, Theory, and Management - Michael Culbertson, Yale Forest School, Yale School of the Environment
Managing Forest for Carbon in California - Current Trends, Risks and Opportunities - Lilli Kaarakka, California Polytechnic State University
Modeling Wood Product Carbon Flows in Southern US Pine Plantations: Implications for Carbon Storage - Sarah Puls, NC State University
Quantification and Allocation of Carbon Debts Based on Forests Harvest in the Southeastern United States - Laura Sims, Louisiana Tech University
Education, Extension & Communication
CR Nature Park: A Hub For Innovative Learning - Valerie Elder, College of the Redwoods
Creating A Successful Certification Prep Course - Rebecca Johnson, Arborholic, LLC
Mentoring our Natural Resource Leaders of Tomorrow - Allyson Henson, SUNY - ESF and Ryan Clarke, SUNY - ESF
Fire & Fuels Management
Conjuring the Phoenix: A Forester's Ride on the Pendulum of Destruction - William Keye, Communications Chair, Cal SAF
Modeling Seasonality in Wildfire Suppression Expenditures - Bruno Kanieski Da Silva, Mississippi State University
The Role of Fuels Treatments in Transforming Fire Management - John Bailey, Oregon State University
Harvesting & Utilization
Assessing Timber Procurement Practices and the Relationship Between Mills and Logging Businesses in the Southern US Wood Supply Chain - Joe Conrad, University of Georgia
Assessment of Soil Erosion Rate, Ground Cover Status, and Best Management Practices Implementation Rate in the Conventional and Integrated Biomass Harvest Sites in the Southeastern USA - Manisha Parajuli, Auburn University
Developing Flexible Systems of Taper, Volume, and Biomass Equations to Meet Diverse Management Objectives - Dehai Zhao, University of Georgia
Ecosystem Services Beyond Carbon - Thomas Kain, Forest Stewardship Council US
Evaluating the Economic Feasibility of Hybrid Poplar for Veneer Wood in North Carolina - Samuel Blumenfeld, NC State University
Improving Lumber Grade Recovery for the Tree that Built America - Eastern White Pine - Sara Dreibelbis, SUNY - ESF
Managing Appalachian Forests for Both Timber and Carbon Sequestration: Economic Concerns on Rotation Length and Products Output - Jareth Beeler, University of Tennessee Knoxville
Reviewing a Sustainable Biomass Value-added Product System in the Mid-Atlantic Region of the U.S. - Robert Burns, West Virginia University
Stakeholders' Attitudes and Perceptions Regarding the Viability of Hardwood CLT in Tennessee - Alexander Bremner, The University of Tennessee
User-Friendly Direct-Response Analysis: Coupling TPO Data with Public Databases to Estimate Forest Products Employment Ratios - Samuel Scott, BBER FIRP - UM
Human Dimensions & History of Forestry
Be an Upstander Not a Bystander - Cindy Schwab, The Davey Tree Expert Company and Natalie McNeill, The Davey Tree Expert Company
Considerations for Outplanting Practices in the Western U.S.: Accounting its Past, Present, and Future - Gabriel Altieri, Mast Reforestation and Tiffani Manteuffel-Ross
Neurodiversity in Forestry: The Missing Conversation - Candra Burns, Appalachian SAF
Polyploidization and Other Future Directions of Silviculture - Conrad Young, Ouachita Getaways LLC
Inventory & Biometrics
Tree Species Identification from UAV RGB Images using Deep Learning Techniques - Yunmei Huang, Purdue University
Tree Species Shift and Climate Change Across Conus in the Past 20 Years - Jianmin Wang, Purdue University
Northern & Eastern Silviculture and Forest Ecology
Aboveground Carbon Comparisons Between Old-Growth and Second-Growth Maple-Basswood Stands in Southern Minnesota - Nick Partington, University of Minnesota
Habitat Suitability Modeling: A Tool for Restoring Butternut, Juglans cinerea L., in the Eastern US. - Segun Adeyemo, Mississippi State University
Hunting for Hemlocks: Locating and Restoring Eastern Hemlock in Minnesota - Kira Pollack, University of Minnesota
Pests, Pathogens & Invasive Plants
Impacts of Flooding Treatments on Potential Black Ash Replacement Species Along a Climate Gradient - Holly Francart, University of Minnesota Twin Cities
Invasive Plants of the Southern US: Use of FIA Data Forestry Attributes - Trisha Markus, Clemson University
Monitoring Planting Trials and Nucleated Seed Orchards For Restoration of Beech Bark Disease Impacted Forests - Tom Panella, Michigan Tech University
Private & Family Forestry
Family Forest Owner Behavior, in Theory - Emily Huff, Michigan State University
Remote Sensing & Geospatial Applications
Explaining AI and Remote Sensing to Non-Scientists Through Online Learning in Applied Forestry (OLAF) - Pete Bettinger, University of Georgia
Fast Tree Inventory with UAV LiDAR in the Plantation - Jinyuan Shao, Purdue University
Individual Bald Cypress Knee Modeling from Mobile LiDAR - Titilayo Tajudeen, North Carolina State University
Transitioning to Remotely-Sensed Forest Inventory: Approaches to Small Area Estimation on State Forests in Oregon - Sean McKenzie, Oregon Department of Forestry
Use of Unmanned Aircraft Systems and Multi-Temporal Imagery to Monitor the Effects of Prescribed Fire - Cameron Wingren, Purdue University
Southern Silviculture and Forest Ecology
Longleaf Pine Growth and Yield Over a Range of Site Conditions in the Southeastern US - Bronson Bullock, University of Georgia
Relation of Structure, Composition, and Disturbance in a Multi-Aged Longleaf Pine Woodland - David Phillips, University of Alabama
Status of Forest Growth to Removal Rate in Arkansas - Sagar Godar Chhetri, University of Arkansas At Monticello
Urban & Community Forestry
Sensible Spaces That Make Livable Urban & Community Forest Places - Richard Hauer, CNUC and University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
Western & Northwestern Silviculture and Forest Ecology
Evolution of Redwood Forest Silviculture - Learning from Jackson Demonstration State Forest’s Decades of Work - Lynn Webb, CAL FIRE- Jackson Demonstation State Forest
Seedling Based Aspen Reforestation in Burned Areas Across the Southwest - Sarah Kapel, Utah State University
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