2023 Science Flash Bundle

Enjoy these curated Science Flash presentations from the 2023 SAF National Convention held in Sacramento, CA.


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Northwest Tribal Agroforestry and TEK Collaboration Uncomplicated - Donald Motanic, Self Employed

Boots on the Ground

Decision-Making Tool Combining the Science of Forest Management and the Methodology of Lean Six Sigma - Joseph Roush, Forest & Habitat Professionals LLC

Silvicultural Strategies to Meet Department of Defense Installation Land Management Objectives - Kevin Porteck, Forester - Tehama

Climate Change & Carbon

A Case For How Carbon Markets Are Failing Southern Tree Farmers - Matthew Pelkki, University of Arkansas at Monticello

Assessing the Impact of Hurricane Ivan on Aboveground Carbon in Trees in the Gulf Coast - Syed Asiful Alam, University of Georgia

Economic and Environmental Effects of Improved Forest Management and Improved Loblolly Pine Genotypes on Carbon Sequestration in the Southeast U.S. - Jacek Siry, University of Georgia

Forest Stewards Perceptions of Climate Adaptation Across Tribal Nations and State Agencies in Present-Day Maine - Rachel Swanwick, University of Vermont

How Do We Know the Carbon in Our Forest Soils? Measurement, Theory, and Management - Michael Culbertson, Yale Forest School, Yale School of the Environment

Managing Forest for Carbon in California - Current Trends, Risks and Opportunities - Lilli Kaarakka, California Polytechnic State University

Modeling Wood Product Carbon Flows in Southern US Pine Plantations: Implications for Carbon Storage - Sarah Puls, NC State University

Quantification and Allocation of Carbon Debts Based on Forests Harvest in the Southeastern United States - Laura Sims, Louisiana Tech University

Education, Extension & Communication

CR Nature Park: A Hub For Innovative Learning - Valerie Elder, College of the Redwoods

Creating A Successful Certification Prep Course - Rebecca Johnson, Arborholic, LLC

Mentoring our Natural Resource Leaders of Tomorrow - Allyson Henson, SUNY - ESF and Ryan Clarke, SUNY - ESF

Fire & Fuels Management

Conjuring the Phoenix: A Forester's Ride on the Pendulum of Destruction - William Keye, Communications Chair, Cal SAF

Modeling Seasonality in Wildfire Suppression Expenditures - Bruno Kanieski Da Silva, Mississippi State University

The Role of Fuels Treatments in Transforming Fire Management - John Bailey, Oregon State University

Harvesting & Utilization

Assessing Timber Procurement Practices and the Relationship Between Mills and Logging Businesses in the Southern US Wood Supply Chain - Joe Conrad, University of Georgia

Assessment of Soil Erosion Rate, Ground Cover Status, and Best Management Practices Implementation Rate in the Conventional and Integrated Biomass Harvest Sites in the Southeastern USA - Manisha Parajuli, Auburn University

Developing Flexible Systems of Taper, Volume, and Biomass Equations to Meet Diverse Management Objectives - Dehai Zhao, University of Georgia

Ecosystem Services Beyond Carbon - Thomas Kain, Forest Stewardship Council US

Evaluating the Economic Feasibility of Hybrid Poplar for Veneer Wood in North Carolina - Samuel Blumenfeld, NC State University

Improving Lumber Grade Recovery for the Tree that Built America - Eastern White Pine - Sara Dreibelbis, SUNY - ESF

Managing Appalachian Forests for Both Timber and Carbon Sequestration: Economic Concerns on Rotation Length and Products Output - Jareth Beeler, University of Tennessee Knoxville

Reviewing a Sustainable Biomass Value-added Product System in the Mid-Atlantic Region of the U.S. - Robert Burns, West Virginia University

Stakeholders' Attitudes and Perceptions Regarding the Viability of Hardwood CLT in Tennessee - Alexander Bremner, The University of Tennessee

User-Friendly Direct-Response Analysis: Coupling TPO Data with Public Databases to Estimate Forest Products Employment Ratios - Samuel Scott, BBER FIRP - UM

Human Dimensions & History of Forestry

Be an Upstander Not a Bystander - Cindy Schwab, The Davey Tree Expert Company and Natalie McNeill, The Davey Tree Expert Company

Considerations for Outplanting Practices in the Western U.S.: Accounting its Past, Present, and Future - Gabriel Altieri, Mast Reforestation and Tiffani Manteuffel-Ross

Neurodiversity in Forestry: The Missing Conversation - Candra Burns, Appalachian SAF

Polyploidization and Other Future Directions of Silviculture - Conrad Young, Ouachita Getaways LLC

Inventory & Biometrics

Tree Species Identification from UAV RGB Images using Deep Learning Techniques - Yunmei Huang, Purdue University

Tree Species Shift and Climate Change Across Conus in the Past 20 Years - Jianmin Wang, Purdue University

Northern & Eastern Silviculture and Forest Ecology

Aboveground Carbon Comparisons Between Old-Growth and Second-Growth Maple-Basswood Stands in Southern Minnesota - Nick Partington, University of Minnesota

Habitat Suitability Modeling: A Tool for Restoring Butternut, Juglans cinerea L., in the Eastern US. - Segun Adeyemo, Mississippi State University

Hunting for Hemlocks: Locating and Restoring Eastern Hemlock in Minnesota - Kira Pollack, University of Minnesota

Pests, Pathogens & Invasive Plants

Impacts of Flooding Treatments on Potential Black Ash Replacement Species Along a Climate Gradient - Holly Francart, University of Minnesota Twin Cities

Invasive Plants of the Southern US: Use of FIA Data Forestry Attributes - Trisha Markus, Clemson University

Monitoring Planting Trials and Nucleated Seed Orchards For Restoration of Beech Bark Disease Impacted Forests - Tom Panella, Michigan Tech University

Private & Family Forestry

Family Forest Owner Behavior, in Theory - Emily Huff, Michigan State University

Remote Sensing & Geospatial Applications

Explaining AI and Remote Sensing to Non-Scientists Through Online Learning in Applied Forestry (OLAF) - Pete Bettinger, University of Georgia

Fast Tree Inventory with UAV LiDAR in the Plantation - Jinyuan Shao, Purdue University

Individual Bald Cypress Knee Modeling from Mobile LiDAR - Titilayo Tajudeen, North Carolina State University

Transitioning to Remotely-Sensed Forest Inventory: Approaches to Small Area Estimation on State Forests in Oregon - Sean McKenzie, Oregon Department of Forestry

Use of Unmanned Aircraft Systems and Multi-Temporal Imagery to Monitor the Effects of Prescribed Fire - Cameron Wingren, Purdue University

Southern Silviculture and Forest Ecology

Longleaf Pine Growth and Yield Over a Range of Site Conditions in the Southeastern US - Bronson Bullock, University of Georgia

Relation of Structure, Composition, and Disturbance in a Multi-Aged Longleaf Pine Woodland - David Phillips, University of Alabama

Status of Forest Growth to Removal Rate in Arkansas - Sagar Godar Chhetri, University of Arkansas At Monticello

Urban & Community Forestry

Sensible Spaces That Make Livable Urban & Community Forest Places - Richard Hauer, CNUC and University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point

Western & Northwestern Silviculture and Forest Ecology

Evolution of Redwood Forest Silviculture - Learning from Jackson Demonstration State Forest’s Decades of Work - Lynn Webb, CAL FIRE- Jackson Demonstation State Forest

Seedling Based Aspen Reforestation in Burned Areas Across the Southwest - Sarah Kapel, Utah State University


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Northwest Tribal Agroforestry and TEK Collaboration Uncomplicated
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Select the "View Video" button to begin.  |  9 minutes The Northwest Tribal Agroforestry and TEK Collaboration Uncomplicated session will provide insight and resources on how to connect with tribes and tribal communities. The resources will include tribal programs utilized by the states of Washington, Oregon and Montana. Presented by Donald Motanic, Self Employed at the 2023 SAF National Convention in Sacramento, CA.
Boots on the Ground
Decision-Making Tool Combining the Science of Forest Management and the Methodology of Lean Six Sigma
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Select the "View Video" button to begin.  |  6 minutes This presentation will teach practicing foresters how to use a 2x2 decision matrix (i.e., PICK Chart) to help less-traditional forest landowners identify and prioritize their management objectives. The method demonstrated in this presentation is borrowed from the discipline of LEAN Six Sigma. Presented by Joseph Roush, Forest & Habitat Professionals LLC at the 2023 SAF National Convention in Sacramento, CA.
Silvicultural Strategies to Meet Department of Defense Installation Land Management Objectives
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Select the "View Video" button to begin.  |  8 minutes Lands administered by the Department of Defense (DoD) require some unique forest management practices. In this presentation, Mr. Kevin Porteck will identify some of the special land management requirements on DoD lands, and some common and uncommon silvicultural practices employed to meet these objectives. Presented by Kevin Porteck, Forester - Tehama at the 2023 SAF National Convention in Sacramento, CA.
Climate Change and Carbon
A Case For How Carbon Markets Are Failing Southern Tree Farmers
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Select the "View Video" button to begin.  |  8 minutes Carbon markets that exclude stored carbon in wood products may result in less atmospheric carbon removal by forests than if products are included. We compare carbon storage outcomes from rotations that maximize LEV, MAI, carbon storage in living trees, and carbon in stand plus products. Presented by Matthew Pelkki, University of Arkansas at Monticello at the 2023 SAF National Convention in Sacramento, CA.
Assessing the Impact of Hurricane Ivan on Aboveground Carbon in Trees in the Gulf Coast
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Select the "View Video" button to begin.  |  8 minutes Using log-linear regression with model selection approach, we quantified the impact of hurricane Ivan (September 2004) on aboveground carbon (tons/acre) in trees and foliage of Perdido Bay watershed in the Gulf Coast. Our model predicted that tree class (softwood/mixed/hardwood), height, physiographic class (deep sands/flatwoods/rolling uplands/small drains/swaps/bottomlands) along with hurricane-affected status of the FIA plots are statistically significant (p≤0.05). Presented by Syed Asiful Alam, University of Georgia at the 2023 SAF National Convention in Sacramento, CA.
Economic and Environmental Effects of Improved Forest Management and Improved Loblolly Pine Genotypes on Carbon Sequestration in the Southeast U.S.
Select the "View Video" button to begin.  |  7 minutes
Select the "View Video" button to begin.  |  7 minutes This study evaluated the profitability of joint timber-carbon production and estimated the value of carbon sequestration with improved forest management and improved loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) genotypes in the southeast U.S. using the American Carbon Registry’s methodology. Presented by Jacek Siry, University of Georgia at the 2023 SAF National Convention in Sacramento, CA.
Forest Stewards Perceptions of Climate Adaptation Across Tribal Nations and State Agencies in Present-Day Maine
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Select the "View Video" button to begin.  |  8 minutes This study furthers an understanding of perceived institutional barriers to climate change adaptation and diverse knowledge systems among state agencies and Tribal Nations in present-day Maine’s forestry community. Through semi-structured interviews, this study amplifies participant voices to support cross cultural dialogue around climate change adaptation and social justice. Presented by Rachel Swanwick, University of Vermont at the 2023 SAF National Convention in Sacramento, CA.
How Do We Know the Carbon in Our Forest Soils? Measurement, Theory, and Management
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Select the "View Video" button to begin.  |  4 minutes Carbon is crucial for many ecosystem services. However, it is difficult to determine the impact of forest management activities on forest soil organic carbon stocks and fluxes. This short presentation discusses interesting questions on sampling design, measurement, and analysis of the impact of management activities on forest soil organic carbon. Presented by Michael Culbertson, Yale Forest School, Yale School of the Environment at the 2023 SAF National Convention in Sacramento, CA.
Managing Forest for Carbon in California - Current Trends, Risks and Opportunities
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Select the "View Video" button to begin.  |  10 minutes The last half-century has proven challenging for forests across California: large-scale, destructive disturbances have resulted in loss of 1 million acres of tree cover in the State. This session will focus on discussing recent and practical developments in the forest carbon offset market in across the state of California. Presented by Lilli Kaarakka, California Polytechnic State University at the 2023 SAF National Convention in Sacramento, CA.
Modeling Wood Product Carbon Flows in Southern US Pine Plantations: Implications for Carbon Storage
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Select the "View Video" button to begin.  |  8 minutes Understanding the flow of carbon in wood products is essential to develop effective land- and bioproduct-based mitigation strategies. We performed detailed modeling of carbon in harvested wood products from loblolly pine to understand how changes in forest management and product flow affect carbon storage and emissions over time. Presented by Sarah Puls, NC State University at the 2023 SAF National Convention in Sacramento, CA.
Quantification and Allocation of Carbon Debts Based on Forests Harvest in the Southeastern United States
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Select the "View Video" button to begin.  |  8 minutes This research mainly focuses on how to quantify and allocate carbon debt caused by forest harvest in the Southeastern United States. A Hierarchical Hybrid Compatible Model (HHCM) is developed to estimate the carbon debt and emission related to forest harvest and production of forest products. Presented by Laura Sims, Louisiana Tech University at the 2023 SAF National Convention in Sacramento, CA.
Education, Extension & Communication
Mentoring our Natural Resource Leaders of Tomorrow
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Select the "View Video" button to begin.  |  8 minutes NYSAF mentoring, our journey, our basic principles, contacts and next steps to collaborate with other states. Problem Statement: How do we develop a process for students to connect with mentors in regions out of their home state or the state they attend school? Presented by Allyson Henson, SUNY - ESF and Ryan Clarke, SUNY - ESF at the 2023 SAF National Convention in Sacramento, CA.
CR Nature Park: A Hub For Innovative Learning
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Select the "View Video" button to begin.  |  9 minutes College of the Redwoods Forestry, and Construction students collaborate with campus gardeners collaborate to create a functional outdoor classroom. This new hub for innovate learning connects the forest to campus and serve as a model for collaborative process and innovative learning. Presented by Valerie Elder, College of the Redwoods at the 2023 SAF National Convention in Sacramento, CA.
Creating A Successful Certification Prep Course
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Select the "View Video" button to begin.  |  8 minutes Certifications are key to career advancement, however many employees in the green industry struggle to prepare for certification exams. The Texas A&M Forest Service developed a model for a IISA Certified Arborist exam prep class which we have expanded and made affordable to arborists in the Central Texas Region. Presented by Rebecca Johnson, Arborholic, LLC at the 2023 SAF National Convention in Sacramento, CA.
Fire & Fuels Management
Modeling Seasonality in Wildfire Suppression Expenditures
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Select the "View Video" button to begin.  |  9 minutes We investigate the drivers and long-term behavior of suppression expenditures of the Forest Service and the Department of the Interior. Our study emphasizes the importance of seasonality in monthly expenditures and the need for different modeling approaches to better understand the relationship between climate variables and suppression costs. Presented by Bruno Kanieski Da Silva, Mississippi State University at the 2023 SAF National Convention in Sacramento, CA.
Conjuring the Phoenix: A Forester's Ride on the Pendulum of Destruction
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Select the "View Video" button to begin.  |  9 minutes California's national forests blanket 20% of the Golden State and contain approximately half of its productive timberland. Their ecological condition is deteriorating due to unnaturally hot wildfires and subsequent type conversions. The author will share his unique perspective on why this is happening and how foresters can reclaim social license. Presented by William Keye, Communications Chair, Cal SAF at the 2023 SAF National Convention in Sacramento, CA.
The Role of Fuels Treatments in Transforming Fire Management
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Select the "View Video" button to begin.  |  8 minutes This presentation will address the emerging crisis around large wildfires. To break the cycle of continued attempts at suppression that deepens the crisis will require fundamental changes in our willingness to retreat from the status quo, invest in proactive fuels management, and move forward sustainably rather than defiantly. Presented by John Bailey, Oregon State University at the 2023 SAF National Convention in Sacramento, CA.
Harvesting & Utilization
Assessment of Soil Erosion Rate, Ground Cover Status, and Best Management Practices Implementation Rate in the Conventional and Integrated Biomass Harvest Sites in the Southeastern USA
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Select the "View Video" button to begin.  |  7 minutes This study evaluated the impact of biomass harvests on soil erosion and BMP implementation rates in the Coastal Plains of Alabama, Florida, and Georgia. Results showed no significant differences in erosion rates between biomass and conventional harvest sites, indicating that proper implementation of BMPs is critical for all harvest types. Presented by Manisha Parajuli, Auburn University at the 2023 SAF National Convention in Sacramento, CA.
Assessing Timber Procurement Practices and the Relationship Between Mills and Logging Businesses in the Southern US Wood Supply Chain
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Select the "View Video" button to begin.  |  9 minutes The number of logging businesses in the US has been declining. Forest products mills in the US South reported having positive relationships with the independent logging businesses but a loss of logging businesses and lack of recruitment of new businesses is a long term concern for the forest products industry. Presented by Joe Conrad, University of Georgia at the 2023 SAF National Convention in Sacramento, CA.
Developing Flexible Systems of Taper, Volume, and Biomass Equations to Meet Diverse Management Objectives
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Select the "View Video" button to begin.  |  8 minutes This presentation will provide modeling strategies for developing flexible systems of tree taper, volume, and weight equations to meet diverse needs, focusing on model structures to ensure complete compatiblity of taper and volume equations and additivity of biomass equaltions and model estimation methods associated with different model structures. Presented by Dehai Zhao, University of Georgia at the 2023 SAF National Convention in Sacramento, CA.
Ecosystem Services Beyond Carbon
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Select the "View Video" button to begin.  |  6 minutes The Ecosystem Service Procedure is a new area for Forest Stewardship Council Forest Management Certificate Holders to potentially generate revenue. In the presentation, we will define what is a claim, and what types of claims can be made, and briefly examine two claims that have been successfully made. Presented by Tom Kain, Forest Stewardship Council US at the 2023 SAF National Convention in Sacramento, CA.
Evaluating the Economic Feasibility of Hybrid Poplar for Veneer Wood in North Carolina
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Select the "View Video" button to begin.  |  9 minutes Fast-growing, veneer-quality hybrid poplar is evaluated as an emergent market in western North Carolina where knowledge of short-rotation silviculture already exists. Accessible productivity and profitability models are needed to support decision-making for hybrid poplar’s cultivation for landowners, mills, and Christmas tree producers. Presented by Samuel Blumenfeld, NC State University at the 2023 SAF National Convention in Sacramento, CA.
Improving Lumber Grade Recovery for the Tree that Built America - Eastern White Pine
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Select the "View Video" button to begin.  |  8 minutes Eastern white pine is the dominant softwood species of the Northeast U.S., however the majority of the region’s harvest produces low grade lumber. Through a log-based sawmill study, we aim to identify factors contributing to lumber grades of eastern white pine and to develop management recommendations to improve grade recovery. Presented by Sara Dreibelbis, SUNY - ESF at the 2023 SAF National Convention in Sacramento, CA.
Managing Appalachian Forests for Both Timber and Carbon Sequestration: Economic Concerns on Rotation Length and Products Output
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Select the "View Video" button to begin.  |  8 minutes The dual management of forests for both timber and carbon sequestrations adds dynamic to the economic assessment of forested land. The present value of timber must be compared against the future value of timber and carbon combined. This presentation addresses the timber and carbon trade off dynamic for Appalachian forests. Presented by Jareth Beeler, University of Tennessee Knoxville at the 2023 SAF National Convention in Sacramento, CA.
Reviewing a Sustainable Biomass Value-added Product System in the Mid-Atlantic Region of the U.S.
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Select the "View Video" button to begin.  |  7 minutes This project delivers a sustainable and economically feasible biomass for value-added product system in the Mid-Atlantic region of the U.S. through implementation of the Mid-Atlantic Sustainable Biomass Consortium (MASBio). This integrated and transdisciplinary research, extension project will facilitate and foster development of the bioeconomy and rural prosperity in the region. Presented by Robert Burns, West Virginia University at the 2023 SAF National Convention in Sacramento, CA.
Stakeholders' Attitudes and Perceptions Regarding the Viability of Hardwood CLT in Tennessee
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Select the "View Video" button to begin.  |  8 minutes Mass timber products such as cross-laminated timber (CLT) are continuing to establish across the United States. However, CLT constructed of hardwood lumber is still in its infancy. This presentation will discuss the attitudes and perceptions of key stakeholders in the wood and construction industry on the feasibility of hardwood CLT. Presented by Alexander Bremner, The University of Tennessee at the 2023 SAF National Convention in Sacramento, CA.
User-Friendly Direct-Response Analysis: Coupling TPO Data with Public Databases to Estimate Forest Products Employment Ratios
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Select the "View Video" button to begin.  |  7 minutes The economic condition of the forest products industry is a key component in forest planning and management. Using novel methods, we build a series of regional and national coefficients that express the relationship between changes in forest output and changes in employment and wages across several forest products industry sectors. Presented by Samuel Scott, BBER FIRP - UM at the 2023 SAF National Convention in Sacramento, CA.
Human Dimensions & History of Forestry
Be an Upstander Not a Bystander
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Select the "View Video" button to begin.  |  6 minutes Research has shown that a more diverse workplace leads to increased productivity and profitability. How can we as leaders in our space contribute to fostering a diverse workforce, lead with empathy and improve psychological safety. Presented by Cindy Schwab, The Davey Tree Expert Company and Natalie McNeill, The Davey Tree Expert Company at the 2023 SAF National Convention in Sacramento, CA.
Considerations for Outplanting Practices in the Western U.S.: Accounting its Past, Present, and Future
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Select the "View Video" button to begin.  |  8 minutes To meet current goals for reforestation, improvements in equipment innovation, infrastructure, and incentives for outplanting labor pools are required. We examined historical and existing outplanting practices using literature reviews, on-site interviews with foresters and planters, and field observations during planting events throughout the Pacific Northwest. Presented by Gabriel Altieri, Mast Reforestation and Tiffani Manteuffel-Ross, Mast Reforestation at the 2023 SAF National Convention in Sacramento, CA.
Neurodiversity in Forestry: The Missing Conversation
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Select the "View Video" button to begin.  |  5 minutes What is neurodiversity? In the forest, there are different types of trees. All trees fall under the same definition, those types of trees do things differently from other types, called varieties. Every tree is individual, when you bring them all together, they represent biodiversity. Now consider our diverse neurological systems. Presented by Candra Burns, Appalachian SAF at the 2023 SAF National Convention in Sacramento, CA.
Polyploidization and Other Future Directions of Silviculture
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Select the "View Video" button to begin.  |  9 minutes Managing unmanaged forest and developing unmanaged land for eco-tourism, while focusing on creating a tree breeding program looking at disease resistance and food production, particularly induced polyploidization for parthenocarpic fruit production. Presented by Conrad Young, Ouachita Getaways LLC at the 2023 SAF National Convention in Sacramento, CA.
Tree Species Identification from UAV RGB Images using Deep Learning Techniques
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Select the "View Video" button to begin.  |  7 minutes This research aims to classify tree species using UAV RGB images and evaluate the performance of state-of-the-art models. Five deep-learning models are trained with datasets collected from three seasons. All models perform the best on summer images. The model trained in one season can't transfer well to another. Presented by Yunmei Huang, Purdue University at the 2023 SAF National Convention in Sacramento, CA.
Tree Species Shift and Climate Change Across Conus in the Past 20 Years
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Select the "View Video" button to begin.  |  8 minutes Trees have moved in vertical direction in western US and in horizontal direction in eastern US. Saplings have shifted faster than trees. Obligate wetland plants tended to shift downward, eastward, and southward likely due to changes in moisture availability. Presented by Jianmin Wang, Purdue University at the 2023 SAF National Convention in Sacramento, CA.
Northern & Eastern Silviculture and Forest Ecology
Aboveground Carbon Comparisons Between Old-Growth and Second-Growth Maple-Basswood Stands in Southern Minnesota
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Select the "View Video" button to begin.  |  7 minutes This study compared aboveground carbon storage between old-growth and second-growth maple-basswood stands in southern Minnesota and found no significant difference between the old-growth and second-growth stands studied. Besides being informative for management, results highlight the importance of clearly defining old-growth forest. Presented by Nick Partington, University of Minnesota at the 2023 SAF National Convention in Sacramento, CA.
Habitat Suitability Modeling: A Tool for Restoring Butternut, Juglans cinerea L., in the Eastern US.
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Select the "View Video" button to begin.  |  10 minutes This study developed a robust and improved model using ensemble modeling techniques to identify suitable habitats, potential restoration sites, range shift rates, and the need for conservation for butternut, Juglans cinerea L., a valued hardwood in the eastern US and Southeast Canada hampered by habitat decline and fungal pathogen attacks. Presented by Segun Adeyemo, Mississippi State University at the 2023 SAF National Convention in Sacramento, CA.
Hunting for Hemlocks: Locating and Restoring Eastern Hemlock in Minnesota
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Select the "View Video" button to begin.  |  6 minutes Eastern hemlock (Tsuga canadensis (L.) Carrière) is endangered in Minnesota due to low regeneration, human-facilitated destruction, and subsidence in key locations. However, hundreds of planted eastern hemlock exist in Minnesota. Combining survey data and a planting experiment, we aim to give land managers practical information for eastern hemlock restoration. Presented by Kira Pollack, University of Minnesota at the 2023 SAF National Convention in Sacramento, CA.
Pests, Pathogens & Invasive Plants
Impacts of Flooding Treatments on Potential Black Ash Replacement Species Along a Climate Gradient
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Select the "View Video" button to begin.  |  7 minutes Black ash wetlands are threatened by Emerald ash borer ((EAB) Agrilus planipennis), resulting in overstory mortality and limited regeneration of other species. Replacement species are being considered, but climate change should be considered. This study evaluates effects of flooding on growth and survival of replacement species along a climate gradient. Presented by Holly Francart, University of Minnesota Twin Cities at the 2023 SAF National Convention in Sacramento, CA.
Invasive Plants of the Southern US: Use of FIA Data Forestry Attributes
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Select the "View Video" button to begin.  |  7 minutes The use of forest health variables from the USDA Forest Service Forest Inventory Analysis is an informational tool to determine the invasion extent of the southern region forests. It allows land managers and landowners to better predict the susceptibility and monitor for invasive plants that could impact their forests. Presented by Trisha Markus, Clemson University at the 2023 SAF National Convention in Sacramento, CA.
Monitoring Planting Trials and Nucleated Seed Orchards For Restoration of Beech Bark Disease Impacted Forests
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Select the "View Video" button to begin.  |  8 minutes Beech bark disease has caused pronounced mortality of American beech at two National Lakeshores in Michigan. A restoration plan utilizing grafts from local resistant trees planted in nucleated understory orchards was devised. The results of trial outplantings will inform best practices to increase resistance genetics at both properties. Presented by Tom Panella, Michigan Tech University at the 2023 SAF National Convention in Sacramento, CA.
Private & Family Forestry
Family Forest Owner Behavior, in Theory
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Select the "View Video" button to begin.  |  9 minutes Millions of forested acres are owned by private individuals and families, or Family Forest Owners (FFO). This presentation will share results on a systematic review of what behavioral theories may help us predict, understand, and influence FFO decision-making and actions that impact forest ecosystem services nationwide. Presented by Emily Huff, Michigan State University at the 2023 SAF National Convention in Sacramento, CA.
Remote Sensing & Geospatial Solutions
Explaining AI and Remote Sensing to Non-Scientists Through Online Learning in Applied Forestry (OLAF)
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Select the "View Video" button to begin.  |  7 minutes This presentation provides details on the narratives and tactics employed to describe key components of artificial intelligence and remote sensing systems, in a succinct and comprehensible fashion, in the Online Learning in Applied Forestry (OLAF) system. We focus on the application of these advanced systems to forest measurement and management. Presented by Pete Bettinger, University of Georgia at the 2023 SAF National Convention in Sacramento, CA.
Fast Tree Inventory with UAV LiDAR in the Plantation
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Select the "View Video" button to begin.  |  7 minutes This flash talk will present a novel method for fast tree inventory in the plantation based on a UAV LiDAR system. Presented by Jinyuan Shao, Purdue University at the 2023 SAF National Convention in Sacramento, CA.
Individual Bald Cypress Knee Modeling from Mobile LiDAR
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Select the "View Video" button to begin.  |  7 minutes Accurate forest structural parameters are crucial to forest inventory, and modeling of the carbon cycle and wildlife habitat. Lidar is particularly suitable for the measurement of forest structural parameters. This study proposes a low-cost method for obtaining knee attributes, estimating knee volume, and subsequently the aboveground biomass. Presented by Titilayo Tajudeen, North Carolina State University at the 2023 SAF National Convention in Sacramento, CA.
Transitioning to Remotely-Sensed Forest Inventory: Approaches to Small Area Estimation on State Forests in Oregon
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Select the "View Video" button to begin.  |  7 minutes The Oregon Department of Forestry's State Forest Division has been transitioning its programmatic inventory from a traditional double-sampling approach "Stand-Level Inventory" to a remotely-sensed "Enhanced Forest inventory." Here, we describe our methodology for the new inventory, its comparison to the previous stand-level inventory, and our approach to small-area estimation. Presented by Sean McKenzie, Oregon Department of Forestry at the 2023 SAF National Convention in Sacramento, CA.
Use of Unmanned Aircraft Systems and Multi-Temporal Imagery to Monitor the Effects of Prescribed Fire
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Select the "View Video" button to begin.  |  8 minutes Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS), or drones, have become more affordable and easier to use than ever before, leading to an increase in their use by land managers. This project details the use of UAS to monitor prescribed fire and outlines recommendations for those looking to incorporate UAS into their work. Presented by Cameron Wingren, Purdue University at the 2023 SAF National Convention in Sacramento, CA.
Southern Silviculture and Forest Ecology
Longleaf Pine Growth and Yield Over a Range of Site Conditions in the Southeastern US
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Select the "View Video" button to begin.  |  8 minutes A new growth and yield model system for longleaf pine using plots in planted unthinned stands is presented. The model is formulated as a system of simultaneous equations allowing for stand-level predictions and projections for basal area, mortality, dominant height, volume and weight and accounts for soil and site characteristics. Presented by Bronson Bullock, University of Georgia at the 2023 SAF National Convention in Sacramento, CA.
Relation of Structure, Composition, and Disturbance in a Multi-Aged Longleaf Pine Woodland
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Select the "View Video" button to begin.  |  8 minutes We quantified and related stand structure and composition to historical and contemporary disturbance in a reference 1-ha Pinus palustris woodland. We detected three stand-wide release events. Following a prescribed fire, longleaf pine trees had a mortality rate of 1%, compared to 11% for non-longleaf pine trees. Presented by David Phillips, University of Alabama at the 2023 SAF National Convention in Sacramento, CA.
Status of Forest Growth to Removal Rate in Arkansas
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Select the "View Video" button to begin.  |  8 minutes The proposal aims to provide the status of the current timber supply condition to forest industries in Arkansas. The preliminary results found that the annual growth rate was 1.6 times higher than the removal rate and is significantly different among species types (Pine vs Hardwood) and ecoregions. Presented by Sagar Godar Chhetri, University of Arkansas At Monticello at the 2023 SAF National Convention in Sacramento, CA.
Urban & Community Forestry
Sensible Spaces That Make Livable Urban & Community Forest Places
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Select the "View Video" button to begin.  |  8 minutes Creating ideal urban greenspaces as perfect places starts with sensible designs. You will explore how our eight senses (yes not five) and three spaces (home-work-away) are vital to understand when creating an urban forest utopia. We will explore the multitude of research related to creating a better built environment. Presented by Richard Hauer, CNUC and University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point at the 2023 SAF National Convention in Sacramento, CA.
Western & Northwestern Silviculture and Forest Ecology
Evolution of Redwood Forest Silviculture - Learning from Jackson Demonstration State Forest’s Decades of Work
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Select the "View Video" button to begin.  |  7 minutes The presentation will survey the results of a century’s changing management on coastal redwood forests at Jackson Demonstration State Forest. It will draw on the forest’s research and demonstrations to illustrate redwood silviculture. Now the expanded forest management goals reflect knowledge of ecosystem complexity as well as societal expectations. Presented by Lynn Webb, CAL FIRE- Jackson Demonstation State Forest at the 2023 SAF National Convention in Sacramento, CA.
Seedling Based Aspen Reforestation in Burned Areas Across the Southwest
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Select the "View Video" button to begin.  |  8 minutes Aspen are foundational forest species, but populations are declining in the West due to climate change, herbivory, and altered disturbance regimes. One opportunity for restoration of the species is planting seedlings in fire footprints. This project investigates the feasibility of planting aspen in burned areas using biological legacies as treatments. Presented by Sarah Kapel, Utah State University at the 2023 SAF National Convention in Sacramento, CA.