2022 Science Flash Bundle

Enjoy these curated Science Flash presentations from the 2022 SAF National Convention held in Baltimore, MD.


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Fire & Fuels Management

Predicting Burn Severity: Modeling Fire Effects in Intermountain West Forests, Utah, USA - Kipling Klimas, Utah State University

Regeneration Dynamics after Prescribed Fire and Femelschlag Harvests in Oak-Hickory Forests of Southern Indiana - Molly Barrett, Purdue University

Spatial Patterns of Stand Structure and Canopy Disturbance in a Fire-maintained Pinus palustris Woodland - David Phillips, University of Alabama

Inventory & Biometrics

How Shady is Too Shady? Relating Understory Light Availability, SDI, and Thresholds for Target Taxa - Bernard Isaacson, New Jersey Forest Service

Northern & Eastern Silviculture and Forest Ecology

Long-term Assessment of Sugar Maple Dieback in the Upper Great Lakes - Mattison Brady, Michigan Technological University

Pests, Pathogens & Invasive Plants

Adventures in Beetle Busting: Alternative Methods for the Control of Asian Longhorned Beetle in South Carolina - Abigail Ratcliff, North Carolina State University

Health Trends and Propagation of Green Ash in Emerald Ash Borer-Infested Stands in the North Carolina Piedmont - Jonathan Kressuk, North Carolina State University

Remote Sensing & Geospatial Applications

Gap Characteristics and Individual Tree Impacts Following Intermediate-Severity Disturbance in Mixed Oak-Pine Stands - J. Davis Goode, University of Alabama

Top Tips for Migrating from Esri's ArcMap to ArcGIS Pro - Mark Books, LandMark Spatial Solutions, LLC

Southern Silviculture and Forest Ecology

Assessing Riparian Buffer Data Availability and Application in East Tennessee Communities - Maddy Johnson, University of Tennessee

Black Cherry and Black Birch Population Dynamics Change over 30 years: the Alleghenies and Beyond - Lance Vickers, University of Missouri

Do Forest Health Issues in Oak Forests Accelerate Compositional Shifts to Non-oaks? - Lance Vickers, University of Missouri

Urban & Community Forestry

Urban Forests as Sources for Invasive Tree Species - Mark Ambrose, North Carolina State University


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Fire & Fuels Management
Predicting Burn Severity: Modeling Fire Effects in Intermountain West Forests, Utah, USA
Select the "View Video" button to begin.  |  9 minutes
Select the "View Video" button to begin.  |  9 minutes This projects is focused on modeling and predicting the ecological impact of wildland fires in forests. We developed statistical models to predict and describe a continuous measure of burn severity in Utah. Results will inform fuel treatment planning in western forests. Presented by Kipling Klimas, Utah State University at the 2022 SAF National Convention in Baltimore, MD.
Regeneration Dynamics after Prescribed Fire and Femelschlag Harvests in Oak-Hickory Forests of Southern Indiana
Select the "View Video" button to begin.  |  7 minutes
Select the "View Video" button to begin.  |  7 minutes Early results of a long term research study designed to give oaks a competitive advantage. Oaks are an essential ecosystem component and white oaks are the second most commercially valuable tree in the region. The study uses a femelschlag harvest design and prescribed burns to create ideal conditions for oaks. Presented by Molly Barrett, Purdue University at the 2022 SAF National Convention in Baltimore, MD.
Spatial Patterns of Stand Structure and Canopy Disturbance in a Fire-maintained Pinus palustris Woodland
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Select the "View Video" button to begin.  |  8 minutes We characterized spatial patterns in a 1-ha Pinus palustris woodland using global point pattern analysis and a local spatial classification method. Pinus palustris saplings exhibited no significant spatial relationship with canopy Pinus palustris, but were clustered around Quercus trees. Half of the trees occurred in clumps of ≥ 10 trees. Presented by David Phillips, University of Alabama at the 2022 SAF National Convention in Baltimore, MD.
Inventory & Biometrics
Do Forest Health Issues in Oak Forests Accelerate Compositional Shifts to Non-oaks?
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Select the "View Video" button to begin.  |  8 minutes Recruiting understory oaks into canopies is tedious in most cases and forest health effects may increase management uncertainty. We use FIA data to examine the influence of forest health events in oak forests and evaluate if oak understory demographics differ among plots with and without canopy affliction. Presented by Lance Vickers, University of Missouri at the 2022 SAF National Convention in Baltimore, MD.
How Shady Is Too Shady? Relating Understory Light Availability, SDI, And Thresholds For Target Taxa
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Select the "View Video" button to begin.  |  7 minutes Open canopy habitats are the loci for meaningful biodiversity in pine barrens. We sought to define ‘open canopy’ by determining upper limits of Stand Density Index for shade intolerant taxa. Management for desirable plants associated with these taxa should aim to keep stands below these thresholds or risk extirpation. Presented by Bernard Isaacson, New Jersey Forest Service at the 2022 SAF National Convention in Baltimore, MD.
Northern & Eastern Silviculture and Forest Ecology
Long-term Assessment of Sugar Maple Dieback in the Upper Great Lakes
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Select the "View Video" button to begin.  |  9 minutes From sweet syrup to hard lumber, the sugar maple is a heavy-hitter in our Northern Hardwoods. Research in the Upper Great Lakes, however, has linked the gardener’s beloved ally, the earthworm, to the sugar maple’s observed decline. New study findings explore this relationship and highlight potential management implications. Presented by Mattison Brady, Michigan Technological University at the 2022 SAF National Convention in Baltimore, MD.
Pests, Pathogens & Invasive Plants
Adventures In Beetle Busting: Alternative Methods for the Control of Asian Longhorned Beetle in South Carolina
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Select the "View Video" button to begin.  |  10 minutes The final results of a study looking for alternative methods of eradicating Asian longhorned beetle- an invasive woodborer of 12 genera of hardwoods- from inaccessible bottomland sites in the South Carolina federal quarantine. Presented by Abigail Ratcliff, North Carolina State University at the 2022 SAF National Convention in Baltimore, MD.
Health Trends and Propagation of Green Ash in Emerald Ash Borer Infested Stands in the North Carolina Piedmont
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Select the "View Video" button to begin.  |  7 minutes Yearly canopy health assessments conducted in the North Carolina Piedmont show the potential for possible lingering ash trees even as mortality rates exceed 90%. Cuttings from these healthy trees present a possible method of genetic material conservation. Presented by Jonathan Kressuk, North Carolina State University at the 2022 SAF National Convention in Baltimore, MD.
Remote Sensing & Geospatial Applications
Gap Characteristics and Individual Tree Impacts Following Intermediate-Severity Disturbance in Mixed Oak-Pine Stands
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Select the "View Video" button to begin.  |  8 minutes We analyzed the impacts of intermediate-severity wind disturbance on mixed oak-shortleaf pine stands at the individual tree and stand scale. Larger canopy trees exhibited reduced survival probability. Remote sensing analysis detected a high frequency of small canopy openings (50–250 m2) and few large openings (> 250 m2). Presented by J. Davis Goode, University of Alabama at the 2022 SAF National Convention in Baltimore, MD.
Top Tips for Migrating from Esri's ArcMap to ArcGIS Pro
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Select the "View Video" button to begin.  |  8 minutes It’s been a good run for ArcMap. Like change that occurs in the forest, a change has come to Esri’s premier desktop software as ArcGIS Pro is replacing ArcMap. Change is difficult. The tips presented will help make the migration from ArcMap to ArcGIS Pro easier. Presented by Mark Books, Landmark Spatial Solutions, LLC at the 2022 SAF National Convention in Baltimore, MD.
Southern Silviculture and Forest Ecology
Assessing Riparian Buffer Data Availability and Application in East Tennessee Communities
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Select the "View Video" button to begin.  |  8 minutes University of Tennessee Departments of Forestry, Wildlife & Fisheries, Biosystems Engineering & Soil Science, Agriculture Leadership, Education and Communication and Civil and Environmental Engineering in partnership with Tennessee Department of Agriculture, Division of Forestry to provide students research experiences and opportunities to implement an educational program in Community Riparian Restoration. Presented by Maddy Johnson, University of Tennessee at the 2022 SAF National Convention in Baltimore, MD.
Black Cherry and Black Birch Population Dynamics Change over 30 years: the Alleghenies and Beyond
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Select the "View Video" button to begin.  |  8 minutes Over the past three decades, black cherry in the Alleghenies has shown declines in health, productivity, and reproductive capacity. Simultaneously black birch, a common but formerly less vigorous competitor has increased in understories and young, regenerating forests. We examine the breadth and magnitude of these changes across the species' ranges. Presented by Lance Vickers, University of Missouri at the 2022 SAF National Convention in Baltimore, MD.
Urban & Community Forestry
Urban Forests as Sources for Invasive Tree Species
Select the "View Video" button to begin.  |  11 minutes
Select the "View Video" button to begin.  |  11 minutes Street tree inventory, Urban Forest Inventory & Analysis (FIA) and traditional FIA data were used to compare relative abundance and relative dominance of invasive species in street tree, urban forest, and peri-urban forest populations in and around Austin and Houston, TX and Kansas City, Springfield, and St. Louis, MO. Presented by Mark Ambrose, North Carolina State University at the 2022 SAF National Convention in Baltimore, MD.