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2021 Science Flash Bundle
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Enjoy these curated Science Flash presentations from the virtual 2021 SAF National Convention.
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Climate Change & Forest Carbon
Meeting Community Forestry Challenges from Climate Change, Tree Care, and Professional Capacity - Anne Fege, San Diego Regional Urban Forests Council
Urban and Rural Foresters' Perceptions of Global Change and Adaptive Management in the Northeastern US - Tessa McGann, University of Vermont
Education, Extension & Communication
Community Perceptions of Tree Risk and Management - Jason Gordon, University of Georgia
Community Perceptions of Wood-Based Energy Technology and Facilities in Michigan - Emily Huff, Michigan State University Department of Forestry
Comparing Three Protocols and Two Certification Schemes for Ascertaining the Trajectories of Global Forest Governance - Parag Kadam, Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources, University of Georgia
Quantifying Paradigm Shifts in Forest Management through Trending Topics in Forest Science - Adam Polinko, Mississippi State University
Visitors’ Characteristics and Economic Contribution for Wildlife Management Areas in Oklahoma - Madison Gore, Oklahoma State University
Harvesting & Utilization
Strategic Buffering of Streams to Minimize Effects from Timber Harvest Activities on Listed Species - Melissa Klungle, ICF
Tracking Logging Profitability for Contractors Working in the New York City Watershed - Kristopher Brown, Watershed Agricultural Council
Human Dimensions & History of Forestry
Human Health Effects of Particulate Matter Exposure from Wildfires on Vulnerable Populations - Peter Johnson, University of Alberta
Inventory & Biometrics
Impact of Biochar as Soil Amendment on Physiology of Live Oak ( Quercus virginiana ) - Zhu Ning, Southern University
Projecting Timber Supply in the U.S. South: Investigating Model Assumptions and Outcomes - Bruno Kanieski da Silva, Mississippi State University
Northern & Eastern Silviculture and Forest Ecology
Sustainable Timber Harvest and Wildlife Habitat: Case Study on State Lands in Minnesota - John Zobel, University of Minnesota
Private & Family Forestry
Comparison between First-generation and Multi-generation Maple Syrup Producers - Anusha Shrestha, Stephen F. Austin State University
Family Forest Owners’ Participation in Carbon Programs - Emma Sass, Family Forest Research Center
Remote Sensing & Geospatial Applications
Astrape: An Automated System to Map Severe Abiotic Forest Disturbances - Sarah Wegmueller, University of Wisconsin - Madison
Pioneering Operational Uses of a New Individual Tree Lidar Product on the University of Idaho Experimental Forest - Robert Keefe, University of Idaho Experimental Forest
Southern Silviculture and Forest Ecology
Ecological Forestry in a Longleaf Pine Woodland: Spatial Patterns and Dynamics - Jeffery Cannon, The Jones Center at Ichauway
Urban & Community Forestry
Developing a Certification System for Urban Forests in the United States - Parag Kadam, Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources, University of Georgia
Forests and Urban Green Spaces: Promoting Connections to Human Wellbeing in the United States - Kelechi Eleanya, Yale University
Western & Northwestern Silviculture and Forest Ecology
The Stand Development Legacies of Competing Vegetation Control and Planting Density in California Ponderosa Pine - Christopher Looney, USDA Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Research Station
CFEs are not available for viewing this collection of recorded presentations. Be sure to register for the current year’s convention to earn CFEs, build your skills, and expand your professional network connections.
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