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2020 Science Flash Bundle
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Enjoy these curated Science Flash presentations from the virtual 2020 SAF National Convention.
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Nitrogen Mitigation by Short Rotation Woody Crops in Marginal Land of Lower Mississippi Alluvial Valley - Thu Ya Kyaw, Mississippi State University
Climate Change & Forest Carbon
Effects of Biochar on Survival and Photosynthetic Rates of Jack Pine Seedlings under Drought Conditions - Matthew Lochner, University of Minnesota
Education, Extension & Communication
Forestry of the Future: Improving Workforce Participation of Underrepresented Minority Populations in Forest Resources - Zakia Leggett, North Carolina State University
Germplasm Conservation for Species Restoration: Examples from Efforts to Restore the American Chestnut - Kendra Collins, The American Chestnut Foundation
Inventory & Biometrics
Overstory and Understory Woody Plant Characteristics of Reforested Sites in Lexington, Kentucky - Kiernan Comer, University of Kentucky
Quantifying Photosynthesis, Stomatal Conductance and Transpiration of Crepe Myrtle (Lagerstroemia indica) in Response to Flooding - Zhu Ning, Southern University
Northern & Eastern Silviculture and Forest Ecology
Adaptive Silviculture for Climate Change: Initial Structural and Compositional Outcomes in Northern Hardwood Forests - Jessica Wikle, University of Vermont
Structural and Compositional Outcomes of Adaptive Silvicultural Systems on Northern New England Forests - Jennifer Santoro, University of Vermont
Pests, Pathogens & Invasive Plants
Managing Cogongrass (Imperata cylindrica L), an Invasive Species on Forest Ecosystems in the Gulf Coast - Oghenekome Onokpise; Ovoland Associates, LLC
Southern Silviculture and Forest Ecology
Multi-faceted Interactions between Prescribed Fire and Bark Beetles in Loblolly and Longleaf Pine Ecosystems - Kamal Gandhi, University of Georgia
Post-Wind Disturbance Salvage Logging and Prescribed Fire Effects on Pinus palustris Stand Development - Jonathan Kleinman, University of Alabama
Urban & Community Forestry
Community Actions towards Reducing Urban Tree Risk - Abbie Judice, University of Georgia
Crafting SMART Goals in Urban and Community Forestry - Lee Mueller; Davey Resource Group, Inc.
Current Status of Designed Soils for the Integration of Pavement and Urban Tree Longevity - Jason Grabosky, Rutgers SEBS DEENR
Growth Rates of Street Trees in Urban Areas of Central New Jersey - Richard Leopold, Rutgers
Innovative Approaches in Urban Forestry to Enhance the Environmental and Community Health Around the World - Kamran Abdollahi, Southern University
Species and Nursery Production Method Affect Street Tree Growth and Economic Return - Tierney Bocsi, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Thirty-two Years of Change in an Old-growth Urban Forest - Lee Bridges, Mississippi State University
Urban Street Palms - A Story of Lack of Diversity and Risks from Introduced Pests - Mark Ambrose, NC State University
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