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2019 Science Flash Bundle
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Enjoy this curated set of Science Flash presentations from the 2019 SAF National Convention in Louisville, Kentucky.
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Education, Extension, & Communication
Does Association Membership Differentiate Forest Landowners in the Southern United States? - Puskar Khanal, Clemson University
Engaging Citizen Scientists in Forest Health Research: Minnesota's Assessing Vegetation Impacts from Deer Program - Matthew Russell, University of Minnesota
Public Attitudes towards Longleaf Pine Ecosystem Restoration Using Prescribed Fire - Jason Gordon, University of Georgia
Public Attitudes towards Private Forest Management in the Southeastern United States - Damian Adams, University of Florida
Training Green Industry Professionals as Service Providers for Small Acreage Woodland Properties - Jonathan Kays, University of Maryland Extension
Fire & Fuels Management
Effects of Prescribed Burning and Thinning on Oak Regeneration in Northeast Kansas - Charles Barden, Kansas State University
How Prescribed Fire Heat Selects against Understory Hardwoods in Longleaf Pine Woodland - Seth Bigelow, The Jones Center at Ichauway
Short-Term Effects of Prescribed Fire on Sub-Surface Water Quality in a Managed Loblolly Pine Forest - Kipling Klimas, Clemson University
Harvesting & Utilization
Assessing Soil Compaction Following a Winter Timber Harvest in the Western Upper Peninsula of Michigan - Rafia Rahman, Michigan Technological University
Economic Contribution of Forest Products Industry in 20 Northeastern States - Jagdish Poudel, Michigan Department of Natural Resources
Typology of Forest Landowners: Implications for Their Understanding and Interest in Woody Biomass for Bioenergy - Binod Chapagain, Oklahoma State University
Human Dimensions & History of Forestry
An Exploration of Vegetation Ordinances across the Southern US - Kripa Neupane, Mississippi State University
Comparing State Forest Industry Economic Contributions - Matthew Pelkki, University of Arkansas at Monticello
Influence of Place Attachment and Motivation on Bass Fishing Demand in Oklahoma Streams - Binod Chapagain, Oklahoma State University
Inventory & Biometrics
Accuracy Assessment of Forested Wetland Maps from Aerial Photography - Stephen Prisley, NCASI
Optimizing Loblolly Pine Plantations under Reduced Throughfall with Single Tree Models and Data Envelopment Analysis - Noah Shephard, Oklahoma State University
Northern & Eastern Silviculture and Forest Ecology
Commercial Thinning in Lodgepole Pine Stands: 15 Year Results from Alberta, Canada - Brad Pinno, University of Alberta
Delimitation and Comparative Pathogenicity of Diplodia spp. on Quercus spp. throughout the Mid-Atlantic Region - Savannah Haines, West Virginia University
Productivity-Diversity Relationships in Mixed-Hardwood Plantations - Madeline Montague, Purdue University
Pests, Pathogens & Invasive Plants
Impacts of Asian Longhorned Beetle and Associated Eradication Efforts on the Current Composition of Forests - Olivia Box, University of Vermont
Nonnative Plant Invasion Severity and Risk in the Southern Timberlands - Sunil Nepal, Auburn University
Surface Mining and Harvest Disturbances Interact with Landform to Shape Spatial Distribution of Invasive Exotic Plant Species in a Central Appalachian Forest Landscape - Jian Yang, University of Kentucky
Private & Family Forestry
Financial Effects of the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act on Non-Industrial Private Forest Landowners - Srijana Baral, University of Georgia
The Smallholder Access Program: A Certification Model for Small Woodland Owners in Appalachia - Andrew Goldberg, Rainforest Alliance
Remote Sensing & Geospatial Applications
Assessing Influence of US Data Acquisition Parameters for Forest Photogrammetry and Assessing Influences of UAS Flight Parameters for Forest Structure Characterization - Matthew Creasy and Neal Swayze, Colorado State University
Documentation of the Impact of a Tornado on Caddo Mounds Historical Site Using an Unmanned Drone - David Kulhavy, Arthur Temple College of Forestry and Agriculture
Southern Silviculture and Forest Ecology
Autumn Flooding of Nuttall Oak Seedlings Reduces Nitrogen Reserves and Subsequent Spring Growth - Richard Sample, Purdue University
Evaluating a New Taper Equation for Planted Longleaf Pine: Applying Penalized Spline Regression - Thomas B. Harris; Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources, University of Georgia
Productivity and Growth Comparison of Loblolly Pine Grown under Forest Water Reuse Irrigation Management - Kyle Goeke Dee, North Carolina State University
Urban & Community Forestry
The Value of Canopy Cover: A Hedonic Pricing Study in West Tennessee - Lee Bridges, Mississippi State University
Urban Forest Research for Collaborative Urban Forest Management - Lee Bridges, Mississippi State University
Western & Northwestern Silviculture and Forest Ecology
Restoring Ponderosa Pine Age/Size Structure across Productivity Classes using Multi-Aged Group Selection Approaches - John Bailey, Oregon State University
CFEs are not available for viewing this collection of recorded presentations. Be sure to register for the current year’s convention to earn CFEs, build your skills, and expand your professional network connections.
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