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Bringing Forest Ecology to Bumble Bee Conservation
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Webinar information
The documented decline in bumble bee occurrence across continents has sparked global interest to understand the causes behind these declines and explore potential solutions to prevent further losses. Bumble bees, in many ways, have become indicators of broader trends affecting bee and pollinator populations worldwide. Although extensive research has focused on the relationship between bumble bees and open landscapes like grasslands, meadows, and wetlands, there's a growing acknowledgment of forests' critical role in the life cycle of numerous bumble bee species globally.
In this webinar, Dr. Mola will discuss how forests can support bumble bee populations through distinctly different interactions with this important pollinator's life history. This webinar will present recent and ongoing research from Dr. Mola’s group's projects on bumble bee overwintering, movement ecology, and population genetics. He will attempt to merge the broad interests of forest ecology with the narrower interests of pollinator conservation and ecology. Common ground between these fields and opportunities for research and management will be discussed.
John M. Mola, Assistant Professor, Colorado State University - Department of Forest and Rangeland Stewardship
Is this webinar for you?
This webinar is intended for anyone interested in pollinator conservation or non-tree species ecology within forest systems. The intended audience includes students, natural resource professionals, and anyone with an interest in forest ecology.
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This webinar is FREE ($0) for all attendees and was made possible by contributions from the following professional development partners:
USDA Forest Service
Manulife Investment Management
Oregon Department of Forestry
Oregon Forest Resources Institute
Oregon State University
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Webinar access
The webinar is scheduled for live viewing on Thursday, September 19, 2024 at 3 pm ET. The Zoom Webinar platform will be used for the presentation. Be sure to connect to the webinar using a device approved to access Zoom.
Access this webinar within the Contents tab (to the right of the Overview information).
Webinar duration
This webinar is 1 hour.
Learning objectives
Upon successful completion of this webinar, you will be able to:
1. Describe bumble bee life history and its interactions with forest ecology.
2. Identify key conservation issues faced by bumble bees and other pollinators.
3. Explain ongoing research and management actions surrounding bumble bee and forest interaction.
Successful completion of the webinar is measured by participating in the entire webinar and completing the evaluation.
Participant feedback is appreciated to help the working group and presenters continually improve webinars for future programming.
Upon successful completion of this webinar, you will earn 1.0 CFEs in Category 1. CFEs will automatically be added to your CFE record located on by the end of the day (11:59 pm ET).
Upon successful completion of this webinar and evaluation, participants may download and print a certificate verifying completion of the webinar and earning SAF CFEs. CFE certificates will only be available until September 20, 2025 at 12:00 am ET.
Return to Webinar
Once you are registered for the webinar, access this webinar within your MY DASHBOARD. Prior to the start time, the webinar will be listed under "Upcoming Live Events."
Following the day of the webinar, you can return to download your certificate accessing the webinar information within the general listing of YOUR DASHBOARD for 12 months following the webinar. The webinar product will become inaccessible on September 20, 2025 at 12:00 am ET.
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John Mola
Assistant Professor
Colorado State University - Department of Forest and Rangeland Stewardship
Dr. John Mola is an assistant professor at Colorado State University with an expertise in bumble bee ecology and conservation. Much of his work focuses on how landscape ecology, population genetics, and field experiments can inform pollinator conservation and recovery. In the Department of Forest and Rangeland Stewardship, Dr. Mola teaches a 300-level Forest Ecology course to a broad range of undergraduate students.

Jim Rivers (Moderator)
Associate Professor
Oregon State University
Jim is an animal ecologist with broad research interests, and the work that he undertakes with his lab group generally falls into two related areas. In the first, he investigates the behavioral, physiological, and ecological processes that influence animal populations. This work focuses largely on forest-dependent birds and examines how key vital rates are influenced by a range of land use activities. In the second, he examines how natural and anthropogenic disturbances influence native insect pollinators within managed forests. In both areas, his work includes basic and applied research with the ultimate goal of understanding how organisms respond adaptively to ongoing and future change in their environment.

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