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Silviculture of Pioneer Forest
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Webinar information
Pioneer Forest is a private working forest owned by the L-A-D Foundation. It was assembled by founder, Leo Drey beginning in 1951. The forest stretches across 6 Missouri Ozark counties and totals over 144,000 acres. The property is nearly all timberland dominated by oaks, hickories, and shortleaf pine. Since Leo's acquisition, the forest has been managed using uneven-aged single tree selection. This method has been successfully implemented on the forest for over 70 years. Beginning in 1952, a continuous forest inventory (CFI) was established on the forest. The CFI helps track long-term trends on the forest, including standing volume, growth per acre, and species composition. Join Brandon Kuhn, Chief Forester for Pioneer Forest, as he discusses the history and challenges of managing this uneven-aged forest.
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Is this webinar for you?
This webinar is intended for working foresters and researchers who are knowledgeable and interested about uneven-aged management, forest inventory practices, and large-scale private forestry. Students in forestry and natural resources and anyone interested in silvicultural practices will gain valuable insight on forestry practices in a multi-species uneven-aged forest.
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Webinar access
The webinar is scheduled for live viewing on May 29, 2024 at 2:00 pm ET. The Zoom Webinar platform will be used for the presentation. Be sure to connect to the webinar using a device approved to access Zoom.
The webinar is accessible within the Contents tab (to the right of the Overview information).
Webinar duration
This webinar is 1 hour.
Learning objectives
Upon successful completion of this webinar, you will be able to:
1. Outline the Pioneer Forest continuous forest inventory process.
2. Discuss the methods by which an uneven-aged forest is managed.
3. Summarize the history of Pioneer Forest and its management.
Successful completion of the webinar is measured by viewing the entire webinar and completing the evaluation.
Participant feedback is appreciated to help the Community of Interest and presenters continually improve webinars for future programming.
Upon successful completion of this webinar, you will earn 1.0 CFEs in Category 1. CFEs will automatically be added to your CFE record located on
Upon successful completion of this webinar and the evaluation, participants may download and print a certificate verifying completion of the webinar and earning CFEs. CFEs will be uploaded to participant CFE records by the end of the day (11:59 pm ET).
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Once you are registered for the webinar, access this webinar within your MY DASHBOARD. Prior to the start time, the webinar will be listed under "Upcoming Live Events." Following the end of the webinar, the webinar will be accessible within the general listing of registered items of YOUR DASHBOARD.
Webinar Resources
Additional resources are available within the Resources tab and within the Contents tab.
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For ForestEd questions, visit FAQs, email, or check out the registration quick tips in the Handouts tab. For questions about this Community of Interest, contact the Silviculture Community of Interest Chair Adam Polinko at For technical assistance and questions about this webinar, email
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Brandon Kuhn
Chief Forester
Pioneer Forest
Brandon Kuhn graduated from the University of Missouri in 2006 with Bachelor Degrees in both Forestry and Fisheries and Wildlife. He began work as a procurement forester for Current River Timber Company in Licking, Missouri later that year. In 2009, he began work as a forester for Pioneer Forest in Salem, Missouri. In 2014 he was promoted to Chief Forester. Today as Chief Forester, he oversees the forestry and timber management operations on Pioneer Forest. He lives in Licking with his wife and 5 children.

Adam Polinko (Moderator)
Silviculture Community of Interest Chair-elect
Mississippi State University

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