SAF Learning
Our Mission

The mission of the Society of American Foresters is to advance sustainable management of forest resources through science, education, and technology; to enhance the competency of its members; to establish professional excellence; and to use our knowledge, skills, and conservation ethic to ensure the continued health, integrity, and use of forests to benefit society in perpetuity.
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Learn More About SAF
2019 SAF Annual ReportThis was a year of transition, accomplishment, and change for SAF. Under the leadership of Terry Baker, and with the hard work of your dedicated Board of Directors and staff, the national office gained a solid footing, positioning itself for the future.You must log in to access content.
2020 SAF College GuideYour Guide to SAF Accredited Forestry and Natural Resources Degree Programs.You must log in to access content.
Community: State Societies, Student Chapters, Working Groups, & More
At its core, SAF is a community. The personal relationships, professional networks, and spirit of collaboration members experience enrich their lives and expand their careers. Join us and, regardless of your area of forestry expertise or interest or personal background, you’ll have an unparalleled opportunity to benefit from a host of new personal and professional connections, as well as a chance to benefit others. From this page you can connect with foresters from across the country, nominate a colleague for an award, or bring forestry to your community via a Foresters' Fund grant.
Advocacy & Outreach
SAF's Government Affairs and External Relations Team works with policymakers, partner organizations, and key coalitions to provide a unified voice for sustainable forest management and forestry and natural resources professionals. From collaborating with legislative and administrative leaders to creating new partnership and engagement opportunities, our team works every day to keep forests and those who manage, study, and care for them in the conversation as part of the solution to society’s most pressing economic, environmental, and social issues. To learn more about our advocacy and outreach work, click here.
Career Center
SAF Career Center, the ultimate Forestry career resource, contains the largest source of Forestry and related natural resources jobs in the nation. It’s where forestry professionals go to find the right jobs and where employers go to find the highest quality talent in the country. Your job search, made personal.
Continuing Education
You need professional development whether you’re an experienced forester meeting new challenges or in your first job keeping up with changes in the field. SAF provides numerous professional development opportunities and also recognizes your commitment to continuing education. Continuing education credits can be earned through the Continuing Forestry Education, or CFE program, through educational workshops, seminars, conferences, field trips, video or phone conferences or even self-study. For more information on our continuing education programs, click here.
More Resources
View our full catalog of e-learning products and resources on ForestEd.
From this page, you can get access to our suite of publications—The Forestry Source, Forest Science, Journal of Forestry, The E-Forester, and Issues & Advocacy Now—as well as other reference materials.
Book Store
Shop for books, apparel, accessories, and more on our online book store.
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Our members represent the entire spectrum of the forestry profession - nonprofit organizations, forest products industry, public lands, universities, and independent contractors. SAF is the collective voice and community for consultants, researchers, managers, field foresters, business owners, specialists, technicians, and more. Join our community today!
Join or Renew TodaySAF Staff
Looking to connect with SAF Staff once the National Convention is over?