About Us


The members of the Forestry Department’s faculty undertake nationally recognized program activities in the three areas of departmental responsibility: teaching, research, and service. These activities provide part-time employment opportunities in science-based research and extension programs for many forestry students. This employment is related directly to the chosen profession and career objectives of these students.

The undergraduate major in forestry is a science-based program leading to the Bachelor of Science degree accredited by the Society of American Foresters (SAF). The forestry major concentrations include Environmental Conservation, Forest Business, Forest Management, Forest Products, Urban Forestry, and Wildlife Management.

By combining a broad general education with specialized professional courses, the curriculum is designed to produce professionally competent graduates who have skills in interpersonal communications, written and oral communications, and cultural understanding. Graduates of all concentrations are fully qualified as entry-level professionals and prepared for career advancement into positions of increasing responsibility, while serving the current and future needs of society.

The undergraduate major in natural resource and environmental conservation is a science-based program leading to the Bachelor of Science degree. The natural resource and environmental conservation major offers concentrations in natural resource law and administration, natural resource technology, and resource conservation science that are accredited by the Society of American Foresters (SAF).

Graduates of the program can knowledgeably develop, apply, facilitate, and/or execute natural resource and environmental management plans that adequately address matters of ownership/public goals and objectives, ecosystem health and sustainability, and the legal and regulatory environment.

Graduate study is offered in the Department of Forestry leading to the degrees of Master of Science in Forestry and Doctor of Philosophy in Forest Resources. The department also offers an online Master of Science in Forestry Degree. Specialized areas of study include forest business, forest management and economics, forest genetics, forest hydrology and soils, silviculture, forest biometrics, forest photogrammetry and remote sensing, forest tree and seed physiology, forest harvesting and operations, and forest ecophysiology. The department has an extensive research program within the Mississippi Forest and Wildlife Research Center. This program provides the graduate student with a wide choice of problems for thesis or dissertation research supervised by an experienced faculty.

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The Department of Forestry
Box 9681
Mississippi State, MS 39762-9601


Room 105 Thompson Hall

Phone: 662-325-2949
Fax: 662-325-8726


Mississippi State University Campus
Thompson Hall

Educational and Professional Development Opportunities with Mississippi State University’s SAF Student Chapter

Academic Programs

  • Become a Forestry Professional at Mississippi State University
    The undergraduate major in forestry is a science-based program leading to the Bachelor of Science degree. The Forestry major provides a hands-on, experiential learning environmental, equipping students to manage renewable natural resources.
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Graduate Assistantship Opportunities

  • Apply for MS Graduate Research Assistantship in Forest Business
    The Department of Forestry in the College of Forest Resources and the Forest and Wildlife Research Center at Mississippi State University is seeking applicants for a funded M.S. assistantship. The successful candidate will work under the direction of Dr. Eric McConnell in the area of forest business, which includes topics related to timberland investment, timber procurement, forest operations, forest real estate management, and forest taxation.
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